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~ Your POV ~
I started to stir awake on a Monday afternoon, yes afternoon I need my sleep, this is very normal. I slowly started to open my eyes letting them adjust to the light that filled my room. I lay there rubbing my eyes debating if I should get up or not, I decided that I would stay in bed a while longer, I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my phone.
Shit shit shit
I had SEVEN missed calls from my dad and a few from Happy. I quickly checked the time and saw that it was 2:36, shittt my dads gonna kill me I thought to myself. I had to be at the avengers tower at 3:00. I practically jumped out of my bed and ran towards my walk in wardrobe, thanks dad. I grabbed the first outfit I saw, a pair of black leggings, a denim jacket, white tank top and a pair of shoes. I ran into the bathroom thinking of what to do with my hair until i finally decided to leave it down, I would normally have done something to it but I didn't have the time, I picked up the phone and saw that it was 2:43. I slide into the kitchen and grabbed an apple, and that's when my phone rang. My stomach dropped to my feet. Oh god if that's my dad he's gonna kill me, I looked at the scream and let out a sigh of relief, it was only Happy. I happily answered knowing I would be living another day.
'Heyyyyy Happppyyyy' I said between bites of my apple.
'WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!' he shouted angrily back down the phone at me, maybe I wouldn't live after all.
'What's wrong with you?' I said trying my best to sound confused but I know exactly why he was mad. I was late, but that was normal for me, I was rarely ever on time and it drove my parents insane.
'Yeah, yeah whatever I'll be down in a min' I replied before hanging up the phone. He was going to kill me.
I finished my apple making sure I got as much as I could, before throwing it onto the bin and making my way out the door. I walked out letting myself bask in the sun, I breathed in the fresh summer air before slowly walking over to the car. I swung open the door and dived into the back seat. Happy did not look impressed but I didn't care it was fun.
'What's up big H' I shouted at Happy, that was my nickname for him and he hated it but I didn't care. He rolled his eyes clearly annoyed and started driving off to the avengers tower, it was a long drive so I fell asleep.

~ Avengers POV ~
All the avengers had been called into a meeting room, no one knew why apart from Tony. They all sat around a table talking until Tony made his way to stand in front of the group. They all turned around in their seats to face him.
'I have a surprise for you all today' he said with full confidence, and a large smile.
'What is it?' Steve questioned clearly intrigued by what Tony had to say.
'Not what is it, who is it' Tony said, this made the whole team look around confused until Clint  finally turned back to look at Tony.
'Well who is it?' he asked, expecting Tony to answer his question straight away.
'Come on guys have a bit of patience-'
'I don't know about you Tony but I actually have better things to be doing' Nat said clearly annoyed, it was painfully obvious that she didn't want to be there.
'Me too actually' Bruce chimed in.
'Fine spoil all my fun, y/n come in' He said hesitantly not knowing if you were there or not.

~ Your POV ~
I had just arrived at the avengers tower at 3:43 which wasn't that bad all things considered, one time I showed up to a family meal nearly 3 hours late, my dad would have killed me if there were no cameras there. I quickly said bye to Happy and ran up to where I was supposed to be. 'This place is huge, how is anyone supposed to find their way around this place!'

~ Avengers POV ~
Tony had just asked for y/n to come in, which made all the avengers apart from Nat look over to the door with confusion and suspicion. Nothing happened.
'I waited all this time for that?' Nat complained while crossing her arms looking even more annoyed than she did before. Steve noticed and tried to lighten the mood a little.
'Wow Tony great surprise' he said while looking over to Nat who half smiled back at him. But Tony just rolled his eyes, he was not very happy that you were late but he knew you would be, so he wasn't to annoyed. 'COME IN Y/N WE DONT HAVE ALL DAY!'

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