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~ your POV ~
My stomach filled with butterflies as he gaze burned into me. Come on y/n get yourself together she's just another person I thought, except she wasn't, I don't know what it was about her but she was different. 'Erm y/n' I said while slightly smiling at her, wow y/n that was great. I turned back around to face my dad, not because i didn't want to look at Natasha but because she made me feel a way I didn't want to feel. 'Now that introductions are out of the way does anyone have any questions?' Tony asked, and to no ones surprise everyone raised their hand into the air, all except Natasha, which annoyed me a little because I wanted her to ask about me. Tony was clearly annoyed, he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms 'fine one question each, Rogers?'
'Why have we never met y/n before?' He said
It was a good question, a bit boring but he was like 100years old so I didn't expect a lot.
'Because I said so, next question' he said, he was clearly trying to avoid the question, I knew why so I wanted to speak up but before I could I saw Tony staring at me as if he was going to kill me, I decided it was best to stay quite. No one noticed this, except Natasha, what a surprise.
'But why?' Robin Hood spoke up clearly wanting to know the answer as well, at his words everyone at the table sat up a little more looking at Tony expectingly and waited for him to answer 'that's your question gone Clint' he finally said, everyone groaned annoyed that he didn't give them an answer.
'But why Tony?' Bruce said looking a bit less nervous than he had earlier. I was glad I didn't scare him off.
'For her protection, next' he quickly said trying to move things along, he didn't want to give anyone enough time to ask further into it.
'Protection from what?' Cap spoke up again. At this Nat slightly sat up in her chair, so she did want to know things about me. I couldn't help but smile to myself, she noticed this and slouched back down, I rolled my eyes trying to make it obvious I was annoyed and saw her.
'I said one question each you've had your turn' Tony exclaimed making Steve go silent and fall back in his seat.
'Protection from what?' Thor's harsh voice questioned. Tony was getting increasingly angry, he didn't want to answer these questions, and I could tell he regretted asking if they had any, he should have known what the answer was going to be.
'FROM US, from are life' he practically shouted back, this made everyone fall silent, even me.
'Is she single?' Loki spoke up breaking the silence. What is his deal, I've already told him I'm not interested what more could I say. I rolled my eyes and looked over to my dad 'no dating my daughter' he spoke with a serious tone. I wasn't very happy with his answer, I'm a grown woman I can date whoever I want to date, and if you have a problem with that then leave. My eyes darted over to Natasha to see what her reaction was, nothing, her expression numb and unbothered, for fuck sake Natasha give me something.

Tony quickly changed the subject not wanting to give people time to process what they have just been told. 'I have another surprise for you all' he said happily. What is it with him and surprises, but based of his facial expression alone I could tell what he was going to say.
'Another daughter?' Loki questioned. He was starting to get on my nerves at this point, but I couldn't help to smile, he seems like the kind of person me and my best friend would get along with.
'If you don't shut up I will blast you' Tony spoke again angrily, everyone looked at him concerned, but not me and Loki, we looked at him with smiles plastered across are faces, Loki looked over to me still smiling, I slightly nodded my head and he spoke again 'so not another daughter?' He questioned again, my smile grew even larger, everyone was looking at us, Nat looked angry but I couldn't figure out why, I didn't care I was having fun with the god of mischief. Suddenly the arm part of Tony's suit came flying through the window, this caused mine and Loki's twin smiles to fall. Tony readied up his suit and aimed it at Loki, he was no longer smiling but still didn't seem fazed, 'ok ok not another daughter' he said sarcastically making me smile once again.
'Where having a partyyyy' he shouted as he was taking his suit off, I knew it. Any reason to have a party my dad would take it. I wasn't complaining I did quite enjoy a little party.
'Why?' Steve said confused, wow is he really that old like come on why do you think.
'A welcoming party for y/n obviously' Bruce had spoke my exact thoughts out loud. Thanks Bruce good to know we're on the same page.
'Yeah Rogers get your head in the game' Natasha said while smirking at him, he smirked back and I couldn't help myself from getting a little jealous. I've only spoke the the woman once, why was I getting jealous? I quickly looked away not wanting to see what they were doing, Loki saw me, why was everyone watching me!

I sat there for a few minutes drowning in my own thoughts, was something going on between Nat and Steve? Is she even single? I wanted to know more about her but didn't know how to ask without seeming pushy, it didn't take long before Tony spoke again 'can someone show y/n to her room please' oh yeah I forgot I would be living at the tower now that I am an avenger.
'Loki should' Steve said way to quickly. Why did he want Loki to show me to my room? I didn't mind Loki showing me to my room because I wanted to talk to him, but why did Steve want him to? Loki looked happy at the suggestion, I stood up from my chair ready to go with Loki until-
'No he shouldn't I will, come on y/n' I turned around to see Natasha getting up from where she was sitting. Loki fell back down into his seat thinking I was going with Natasha.
'No Steve's right, come on Loki' Steven wasn't right but i didn't feel like going anywhere with Nat just yet, Loki jumped up out of his chair once again 'yesss let's go' he happily said as he pulled me out of the room before I could say anything else. But I stoped to grab my jacked that I had taken off earlier, before I turned back toward the door I glanced over at Nat before leaving  and saw that she was staring daggers at Steve. Why was she so angry? And why did Steve look proud of himself? I didn't know, so I just walked off towards Loki without saying anything. He took me by my arm and steered me down one of the long corridors towards the rooms. I dont think Nat had seen this but it wouldn't surprise me if she did.

~ Avengers POV ~
After y/n and Loki had left Natasha was still seething, she stared at Steve with her jaw clenched. Clint noticed this and motioned for Bruce and Thor to come outside with him. However Tony was oblivious 'I'm going yo pretend like that didn't happen' he said before leaving the room leaving Nat and Steve alone.
'Why did you do that?' Nat questioned
'Do what?' Steve responded trying to play it off like he hadn't done anything. He was proud of himself and Natasha could tell, this only made her even more angry.
'You know what I was about to show y/n to her room' she said bluntly, folding her arms back across her chest. She was ready to throw him out of the window.
'So?' He said, he wasn't intimidated by her  so he didn't care what he said. She didn't answer him, she just stood there not taking her eyes of him. Steve thought for a moment trying to figure out what to say, he expected Nat to snap back with a comment but she didn't.
'Ohhh I get it now' he laughed 'you have a crush on y/n' he was still laughing to himself.
'What no, I don't even like her' Nat said, going a bit red faced, Steve knew when she was lying, he could tell she was lying right now.
'Yeah right' he smuggling said while leaning back in his chair,
'I don't, but even if I did why would you care' Nat was clearly angry at this point and Steve knew better than to push her, he raised up from his chair and made his way closer to her before placing a hand on her shoulder 'remember Tony's rule Nat, I don't want you to get in trouble' he said just before removing his hand from her body. She looked up and stared him in the eyes, trying to calculate if he was telling the truth but before she came to a decision of what to say Steve had already started to leave the room, leaving her completely alone with her thoughts.

'How could I forget it' she muttered while rubbing the back of her neck.

That's the second chapter done, sorry this one isn't as long as the first, I'll try to make the next part a bit longer :p

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