First kiss

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~Natasha's POV ~
I was stood in the medical room with Tony and Wanda, y/n had just stormed out, there was something wrong with her, she kept touching her neck and she turned Wanda down, she doesn't do that. I needed to make sure she was alright, so I walked out of the room without saying anything. On my way out I bumped into Steve. Well this is awkward. He moved me out of the way and entered to room I had just left.
I carried on walking towards y/n's room, well I wasn't waking it was more like jogging, she wasn't ok and I needed to know why. She probably doesn't want to see me, but I want to see her so I don't care.
I got to her room, I took a deep breath before knocking. There was no answer. I knocked again. No answer. There's no way shes asleep already, well it wouldn't surprise me with how lazy she is. I reached for the handle expecting it to be locked, I pushed it down and the door swung wide open. Well that was easy. I stepped into her room, she wasn't there. Where is she? My heart started to beat like a drum in my chest. Why wasn't she here?
I ran out of her room and into the main room. Everyone was sat around a table talking, when I entered everyone turned around to look at me, I had a worried and panicked expression. Everyone looked concerned. They sat staring at me expectingly. I took a shaky breath.
"Y/n isn't in her room!" I said. Everyone perked up in there seats, except Steve. Wanda gave me a dirty look. What the fuck was she looking at? She stood up from where she was sat and folded her arms.
"Why were you in y/n's room?" She asked. I can't tell her the truth so I need to come up with a lie, lucky for me that was easy. I had my story in my head ready to answer her but Tony spoke up before I could.
"That doesn't matter we need to find her!" He jumped up from his seat and started to pace the room, he thought something had had happened. I turned my attention back to Wanda, she firmly placed her hands on her hips. Clearly she was annoyed. Christ Wanda just because your jealous doesn't mean you should hate me.
"Well I think it does". She said still staring at me. Ok calm down, no need to get angry. From besides her Steve also sat up straight.
"Me too" he said. Wow ok so Steve is also jealous. I guess me and y/n being together was a big no. But I've made bad decisions my whole life so why should I stop now, I know she's with Wanda but I could easily change that. I mean she has had a crush on me since we first met, Wanda is just a distraction. I started to smirk at my own thoughts, I glanced over to Wanda, she desperately wanted to read my mind, I could tell, but I don't think she will like what she sees. She looked into my eyes and doesn't look away, oh so she wants a staring composition, let's go.
"You guys can sort out your personal problems later, right now we need to find y/n" Clint says. He's right, I need to find y/n, I need to make sure she's ok. Wanda broke are eyes contact first, I win. Thor stood up making the whole room shake, he walked over to the table and picked up his hammer.
"Well said my friend" his voice boomed as he walked over to the fridge. Really? Is now a good time for a snake? My girl is missing...well she's not my girl, yet. I turned back around to face everyone as Thor started to eat. Peter was now walking up and down the room, he looked the most scared.
"What is Loki has her again?" He said nervously, as he still paced. Tony walked over to him and firmly placed a hand on his shoulder.
"He won't kid, Thor took care of that." Peter turned around to look at Thor. He had a handful of chocolate, but he had even more in his mouth. He tried to smile at Peter but instead all we could see was a mouth full of food. Gross. I was staring to get impatient, it's been 5 minutes and we're all just stood here.
"Are we going to look for her or" i questioned. After I said this everyone jumped up out of their seats and began to look around. I was a bit confused Bucky didn't look to worried, he is y/n bestfriend surly he's scared for her. And thats when I noticed him looking around the room, he was seeing if anyone was watching him. He looked in my direction but I looked away and pretended to do something else. I waited a few seconds before turning back around. When I turned back he was gone.

~ your POV ~
After i ran out of the compound I went to a park. This park was quite big so if someone wanted to find me they would have a hard time. I didn't really want to be found because something was happening to me and I didn't know what. I felt scared but I was also angry. I felt like I was dangerous, and I don't want to hurt anyone. What if I hurt Wanda or Nat? I couldn't live with myself. Whenever I'm sad, angry or scared I usually come here. It's nice. It's peaceful. It made me feel like i could just be myself and it wouldn't judge me.
I walked around for a little while before I found my usual spot. A bench underneath some trees over looking a large lake. I sat down and took a deep breath. This is exactly what I need. Quite. I sat there watching happy couples walk past, or siting having a picnic. That's what I want, I want a normal and happy relationship. I know I have Wanda but I've always felt like something was missing.
"I knew you'd be here" my thoughts got snapped away from me. I turned my head to see Bucky walking over to me. If anyone was going to find me it would be him. We used to come here all the time, to escape, to be are selves. He came over and sat down next to me. "Well you do know me the best" I said as I weakly smiled at him. He could tell something was wrong even if I tried to hide it. But he didn't say anything, we just sat there in silence looking out onto the lake.
"What's wrong?" He said. He wasn't facing me but I knew he was worried. Everyone was.
"What makes you think somethings wrong". This made Bucky turn around to face me. He looked at me with a knowing expression, I turned my body around so I was now facing him. Why do I even lie to him?
"Y/n I just know" he sternly says while smiling at me. I know I know. I'm a good lier, just not when it comes to Nat or James. Must be an assassins thing. Should I tell him the truth? Yes he deserve to know. I took a shaky breath before bringing my eyes to his.
"It's something Loki said". The soft expression on his face quickly twisted into anger, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. But even if I didn't he would have found out one way or another.
"Don't believe a word he told you!" He yelled. He right, I shouldn't believe anything Loki says but some part of me believed him, some part of me wanted to believe him. I couldn't help but think, was he right?
"I know but what if he was right?" I looked at Bucky with a sad expression. The corners of his eyes softened. He just wanted me to be ok, and I don't know if I am.
"Right about what?" He questioned. Clearly he wanted to know, but he didn't want to know for himself, he wanted to know how I felt about it. I need to tell him. But only him. Wanda can never find out about this.
"He-he said I have powers...". I looked down at the ground not wanting to look at James. Would he still think of me the same? Am I still his best friend? He looked even more confused than I did.

No one said anything, he was still trying to process what I had told him, and if i was right. I don't think he believes it and frankly neither did I. I mean it would be super cool to have powers but I'm just y/n, a human. After a few minutes of stunned silence he turned to face me again.
"You have powers?" He asked. He didn't sound annoyed he just sounded worried. Why does everyone worry about me! I'm fine. I can take care of myself, sometimes.
"No, well I don't think I do" I say. If I had powers I'm pretty sure I would know about it. I've gone my whole life without them so why would they decide to show up now. He just nodded his head and looked away, he was thinking something, I can tell. I know what he's thinking and the answer is no.
"You need to tell someone" he said as he turned his body to face me. I knew he was going to say that. Tell someone, was he mad?! What would they all think? What would Wanda think? Oh god, what would Natasha think? My stomach dropped, I can't tell anyone and if he tells anyone, I swear.
"WHAT NO, I can't do that!" I shouted. There's no way I'm telling anyone, no one needs to know so no one will know. He shook his head and scoffed.
"Y/n you need to". Maybe he was right, but I can't bring myself to do it, and I don't want him to be the one to tell everyone. If people were going to know I want to be the one to tell them. But maybe it's best kept secrete. After all they don't need another reason to worry about me.
"I don't need to do anything" I sassed him, crossing my arms. He leaned back on the bench, his eyes wide, he lightly laughed. When he stopped laughing he sighed and looked down at me.
"Tell someone". This time he was less tense, probably because he knew what I was thinking.
"Tell someone what?"
We both quickly turned around in are seat to see Natasha stood behind us. Shit. How long was she there for? Did she hear what we were talking about? The pace of my heart began to beat quicker, me and Bucky shared worried glances, none of us knew what to say. I started to shift uncomfortably in my seat, I'm not telling her, as much as I want to I can't.
"N-nothing" I stuttered, that's the best I could do. She folded her arms and raised her eyebrows, why do I even try? Bucky and I shared a glance.
"Your a terrible liar". She says while smiling at me. Was she feeling alright? Maybe Bruce should have done some tests on her instead.
"Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so" Bucky said from besides me. How dare he.
"HEY!" I slapped his arm playfully, and he clutched it like I had just punched him. He held his hands up defensively.
"I'm joking, kind of" he pause and looked over to Natasha, who was still staring at me with a wide smile. "I'm gonna go" I gave him a panicked look and he just smirked at me, was he being serious? He gave me a quick hug before walking off towards the compound. Nat stepped forward and filled in the space he had left. She looked at me, her smile still wide. There was definitely something wrong with her.
"So are you going to tell me orrr" she really wanted to know what Bucky and I had been speaking about. But I'm not going to tell anyone.
"Nope" I simply said. She signed and nodded.
"Fair enough"

Half an hour had passed and we hadn't really said anything to one another. I wanted to speak to her but I didn't know what to say, when I'm around her I just seem to embarrass myself, so it's probably best to stay quite. She slightly started to shiver besides me. Aw shes cold.
"You cold?" I questioned. Obviously she's cold she's shivering. She looked towards me with a warm expression, she was holding her goosebump arms in her hands. She forgot her jacket, luckily I had one.
"A little" she said, still shivering, I wanted to do something but I didn't  know how Wanda would feel about it. Actually Wanda doesn't have to know. She's not going to find us, right? I took off my hoodie and threw it at her. She was caught a bit off guard. She gave me a puzzled look, I slightly nodded my head. She lifted my hoodie over her head and pulled it down. Wow. The hoodie was way to big for her as it was an oversized one. She still looked cold.
"Come here". I say opening up my arms. She hesitated a little before scooting up to me. When she was in a comfortable position I closed my arms around her. She nuzzles into my chest, oh no, could she feel how fast my heart was beating? Because it was beating the quickest it has ever beat before. She shifted her head, and was now looking up at me. Are faces were only a breath away.

I couldn't help myself I was being pulled towards her like a magnet to metal. I should stop myself. But I don't want to. We both continue to lean in, she stopped as she reached my lips, so she wants me to go first. Alright then. I pushed myself forward forcing are lips to lock. Her lips were soft and sent a warm feeling through my body. The kisses grew more intense, I placed my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her closer to me. She shifted and got onto my lap. Wow ok, I've dreamt of this moment so many times, and I never thought it would happen like this. Her lips continued to work on mine, I wanted this moment to last forever.
But that's when we heard a twig snap behind us. Natasha quickly looked up, her face turned white and her cheeks red, her lipstick was smudged all across her face. Who was it? I swirled my head around to come face to face with the other red head.

My girlfriend Wanda...

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