Gun shot

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~ your POV ~
I sat there in stunned silence, did the stubborn Natasha Romanoff just talk to me? Why was she talking to me, not that I'm complaining but I've been trying for a week and she wasn't having any of it. The room fell silent, clearly everyone was just as shocked as me. I tried to say something but failed, that's when Clint spoke up.
"Hey Nat. You hungry? Saved you a seat". He tapped the chair that was next to him. She didn't move. Had she not heard him? Clearly not as she didn't answer but looked into my eyes, normally I would love this but I felt a little uncomfortable.
"y/n come with me". She said in a demanding tone. Was she ready to speak to me? I was so confused, why is she here, she could have come over to me earlier.
"Why?" I questioned. I wanted to know why but I had a feeling she wanted to talk, she just didn't want the rest of the team knowing.
"I need a training partner". She bluntly said. Ok I was not expecting her to say that. Why me? Normally she trains with Steve because their kind of a thing now. This made me a little jealous, but I can't get jealous I'm with Wanda now.
"Ask Steve I'm eating" I wasn't eating I had just finished, she gave me a puzzled look, she knew I wasn't. I reached for some more toast and put it on my plate. I wasn't hungry but I didn't want to train with Natasha.
"I don't want to, and I don't care, now hurry up" she ordered folding her arms across her chest. Why doesn't she want to ask Steve? Had something happened? I hope somethings happened, that may sound mean but I hated seeing them together.
"Fine whatever" I rolled my eyes, she always gets her own way with me, I just can't say no to her, no matter how hard i try I'm always saying yes.
"Don't be long because I will drag you there myself". Thanks Nat that's nice to know. I slightly nodded my head at her, she turned on her heals and walked out. After she had left the whole team let out a collective breath, that was...different.
Bucky looked over at me, he seemed a little scared. "Well she's in a good mood" he said with wide eyes. He was clearly thinking the same things as me. Thor on the other hand thought all of that was completely normal.
"I told you she'd come around" he said patting my shoulder with his gigantic hands. They were literally the same size as puppy's.
"Doesn't sound like she has" Clint said, looking over at me with worry in his face. He was also thinking the same thing as me.
I finished eating the extra pieces of toast I had collected,and stood up from my chair.
"Well I'm gonna go before she kills me". I said sarcastically. I don't know why I said it sarcastically because from the way she was looking at me, she was probably going to kill me. I said goodbye to everyone and walked out of the kitchen.

I started making my way towards the training room hoping I wasn't going to be to late because Natasha would go insane if I took ages. She is a very impatient person, it's a problem. I turned to go down a narrow corner when I bumped into someone.
"Woah sorry" I said looking up at who it was. It was Wanda. She must have just gotten back from her mission. Wow great timing now she's going to ask me where I'm going and if I'm honest I would prefer not to say.
"It's ok, where are you off to in such a rush?" She asked. Great now I've got to tell her I'm going to train with Nat, she is not going to handle this well.
"Training room" I quickly said. I didn't want to tell her who with because she might try and stop me from going, she wasn't to fond of Natasha because I told her everything that had happened between the two of us, which wasn't much but it was still enough to annoy Wanda.
"Need a partner?" She seductively asked while running her hand up and down my arm making me shiver.
"As fun as that sounds I already have one" I blurted out, well done y/n now she's going to find out.
"Oh who?" She asked me with an innocent smile. Oh no her smile is making it harder for me to tell her truth.
"Ermmm Nat" I said putting my face to the floor, I didn't want to see her reaction because it would only make me feel bad.
"As in the Nat who's been avoiding you?" She asked with a slight pang of annoyance in her voice. Great if Nat doesn't kill me then Wanda definitely will.
"Erm yeah she asked me this morning" I said trying to defends myself. I looked back up at Wanda, oh god she was definitely gong to kill me before Nat even gets the chance.
"Why not ask Steve?"she questioned, that was my exact thought but I knew she asked for me for a reason, I just didn't know what the reason was yet.
"Not sure" I responded. Wanda looked up into my eyes, she thinks something is wrong, she has nothing to worry about.
"Oh well erm, be carful" she said looking up at me. This really pleased me, she was worried about me, it's so cute when she gets all worried.
"Always" I said smiling at her, she slightly smiled back I could tell she was a little worried. "Your so cute when you worry about me" I said still smiling, the small smile on her face grew. She stood up onto her tiptoes and planted a long kiss to my lips. I didn't want her to go away but I knew I had to get to the training room. Wanda and I said are byes and I carried on to go find Natasha.

I got to the training room as fast as I could, but that wouldn't be enough for Natasha would it. I pushed open the door and walked in, Natasha was stood there in her training gear. She looked so hot. No y/n you can't say that your in a relationship as so is she. But I couldn't help myself I stood there staring at her as she wrapped her hands. After she was finished she turned around to see me staring. She smirked to herself. I quickly shook myself back into reality, I wanted to know why I was really there.
"So what do you want Natasha" I asked her. I presumed she didn't actually want to train because she was so much better than me it would be easy for her. She scoffed and looked at me.
"To train how stupid are you?" Classic Natasha always being mean to everyone and anyone. I didn't believe her, there's no was she just wanted to train, she wants something else but I don't know what.
"I'm serious, you avoid me all week then you just want to train?" I was going to get truth out of her, no matter what it is.
"Yes y/n, I want to train, now shut up" I roll my eyes but I do as she says.

We've been training for a hour and I'm starting to get tired, I'm also getting angry because Nat keeps pinning me down to the ground. Which is kinda hot, but I still wanted to win.
"Ive had enough" I say as I stand back up dusting myself off. I'm definitely going to have a few bruises in the morning.
"Come on in just getting stated" Nat says as she jumps up off the floor. How is she just getting started? I'm ready for bed and it only 12:14 in the morning.
"I don't care I'm done." I start to gather all of my things and make my way over to the door ready to leave. Just as I'm about to grab the handle Nat steps in front of me blocking the door. What was she doing?
"Nat move". I just wanted to go and see Wanda or go anywhere that wasn't in this room. I thought Nat wanted to speak to me but clearly she just wanted to beat me up, which she succeeded in.
"No" she sternly says. There's no point trying to argue with her when she like this because she won't listen. But I'm stupid.
"Nat I said get out the way". I try to push past her but she's a lot stronger than I am so I fail. She looks at me straight in the eye, not this again. She leans closer towards me and seductively whispers in my ear.
"Make me"
This turned me on so much and think she knew it. Before I even had the time to process what she said I found myself pushing her up against the closest wall, I pinned her hands to either side of her head. I was so horny right now it was unbelievable. I can't go there with her and it annoyed me so much because I wanted her, I needed her.
"Don't fucking start" i whispered in an angry tone. Are faces were so close we were breathing the same air. She smirked up at me.
"Ooo your hot when your angry" she said as she raised one of her legs to place in on my hip, tempting me to go further with her.Did she want me too? Why is she flirting with me? My mind wandered to Wanda. I quickly let go of Natasha and turned around.
"Don't" I sternly said, I couldn't go there. As much as it killed me I couldn't. I had my back to her, I was scared of the things I might do if I saw that smirk one more time.
"Aw why not, things were just getting good". She said with sultry tone. Fuckk I can't do this. I kept my back to her. She placed her hand on my shoulder and ran it up towards my neck. I have a girlfriend.
"I SAID DONT" I shouted as I swirled myself back around to face her. she was pointing a gun at me.
"Sorry baby" she said with a wink. When suddenly.

She pulled the trigger...

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