⚠️i really like you⚠️

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~your POV ~
I slowly made my way back towards the kitchen, because that's where Nat disappeared off to. For the first time since I met her I didn't want to see her. Any other day I would be so happy to see her but right now I wanted to keep my distance. I walked into the kitchen, there were a lot more people in here now. There was Nat, Loki, Wanda, Thor and Clint. I walked over to where Natasha was standing. Before I even had the chance to open my mouth...
"What?" My stomach dropped, she was angry with me.
"Ok rude, I'm gonna go". I can't do this. I turned around ready to walk off but before I could she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. I quickly turned my head to face her. I looked between her face and her hand on my wrist.
"What?" I said. Everyone in the room was now looking at us, including Wanda.
"Now look who being rude". Nat smirked at me. Her hand still on my wrist. I could feel my cheeks heat up so I pulled my wrist out of her grasp.
"Come on Nat, what do you want?". I asked. She was still smirking at me, I was afraid of what she was going to say next. I held my breath waiting for an answer. Her cheeky smirk remained on her face. She looked amazing. She lent in closer and whispered in my ear.
"Same thing as you" her breath on my neck sent a shiver down my spine. I forgot how to breath, all my air was trapped in my throat. I don't know what she was referring to but I had a few guesses. None of them seemed appropriate so it can't be the same thing as me. She pulled away still smirking at the panicked look on my face. She was teasing me and I loved it. No y/n you can't go there.
"W-what I don't kn-". I stuttered out tying to think of a reasonable response.
"A chat, now come on". Did she really just do that? All of that just to say she wanted a chat? She really knew how to play with someone's feelings.
"Oh right, of course". I dejectedly said. I was a little disappointed. She walked past me, her hand knocking it's self on my leg. She did that on purpose! I turned around to follow her out of the room. I walked past Wanda who had been watching us the whole time. She looked sad and I don't blame her. But it's not like I was trying to flirt with Nat it just kind of happened. I looked at her and slightly smiled, she didn't smile back instead she turned around to sit at the table with Loki, Clint and Thor. Who were also watching me.
Great so now she's mad at me as well.

I walked out of the kitchen and Natasha had already gone. Where did she go? I thought of where she could have gone before I decided the training room was my best option. I made my way around the tower to the training room, and there she was, stood in the middle of the room with her back towards me. I pushed open the door and closed it behind me. I shuffled over to where she was standing, she still didn't turn around. Great, she wanted me to start.
"I messed it up with you...". I said quietly, I was going to be completely honest with her even if it messed everything up. At this she turned around.
"What?" She was confused, oh god this isn't going to end well. I put my head down, I couldn't look at her.
"There was this moment last night where I thought you liked me...and I liked you back." She stood there stunned, unsure of what to say. I was only just getting started. I looked at her.
"Um and I got scared so I didn't tell you, how I felt... but now your with Steve" I said putting my head down again. "It's really hard seeing you with him...".
I didn't get an answer. She was still trying to process the words that had just come out of my mouth. I wasn't expecting her to answer me, but she did.
"Why are you telling me this now?" She questioned. That's not what I wanted her to say but at least she said something.
"Because it's true" I whispered, my head still facing the ground. I needed to look at her. To see her face. I lifted my head to look at her, she had an angry expression. I'm dead.
"Why do you look angry?" I started to panic.
""Because y/n you can't- that's not fair" she whined, her words hit me like a truck. Tears started to build up in my eyes so I looked away.
"I liked you, I really liked you, I fucking turned myself inside out liking you...". She liked me? Well she definitely doesn't now.
"You did like me?" I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I needed her to say it again.
"Yes of course I did, and now your telling me you felt the same!" There it was again, she liked me.
"Yeah it's just...I was confused" that was a lie, since I first saw her I liked her. No one else made me feel the way she did, but then I met Wanda. That's when everything changed. That's when I got confused.
"I-Im with Steve, I made myself get over you, and now everything fine...it's great" I did not want to hear her say that. I ruined it, I ruined everything.
"I've gotta go" Natasha said, I looked at her my vision blurred because of the tears, she looked at me but not in the eye, then she turned around and walked off. Leaving me stood alone. Fuck.

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