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~ your POV ~
My eyes started to open slightly, adjusting to the bright light that filled the room I was in. I have never seen this room before. It was large and glamorous. Did Natasha bring me here? Where is Natasha? I looked around the room trying to figure out the location, I was still sat on the floor. I had no idea where I was, I've never seen a room as beautiful as this. I tried to stand up.
"Where am - owww!" I winced as a sharp pain shot up through my body, I fell back down, I clutched my leg as that's where the pain had come from, when I removed my hands they were covered in blood, I looked down and saw a huge bullet hole. I completely forgot Natasha had shot me. Luckily it was only my leg so now where vital. It still hurt though! What a bitch!
"Son of a bitch!" I said loudly still holding onto my leg.
Suddenly the door swung open, I whipped my head around, Natasha? It wasn't Natasha, but Loki. What?
"Ah ah ah what would the captain say if he were here?" He paused for a second placing his hand on his chin "language?" Was he being serious? Wait, why is he here? And for fuck sake, where's Nat? I looked over at Loki, he was stood with his back against the wall and had a smug smirk on his face.
"Now is a perfectly good time to swear don't ya think". I said as I clung onto my leg. He stood there staring at me. So I focused on him and realised that where there was a barrier around me separating us.
"I suppose your right". He murmured, moving himself away from the wall. Was he going to let me out? Or come over to me? Nope, he just stood there watching me. I looked down and saw that he had his sceptre, I've never seen it in person before but he's told me about it. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, a pit in my stomach.
"Great, now let me out." I said trying to stand up, this time I was a bit more successful. He walked towards the force field and tapped it with his knuckle.
"I can't do that". He replied, looking deep into my eyes. Why was I here? Where is here? Normally I would like having him as company, but not today, today I wanted to go home and see Wanda...or find Natasha. That's where my mind was, Natasha. I should have stopped thinking about her the day I told her how I felt, but I couldn't, I couldn't stop myself. No y/n you can think about Natasha another time, right now you need to figure out how to escape, which won't be easy. I thought back to what Loki had just said.
"Well you can you just don't want to". I said, crossing my arms.
"Nows not the time to be sarcastic y/n". He said, moving closer towards me, he stood at the edge of the cell, I decided to call it a cell because I was trapped in here.

It had been about half an hour since I last spoke to Loki. I was getting bored. I had nothing to do. The only thing I could do was think, and I think I'm hungry.
"Loki just let me out, I'm bored".
He rolled his eyes and sighed. I had asked him this 7 times already. And he always had the same answer.
"For the last time y/n, no".
"Ugh fine can I have something to eat then". I looked at him with my best puppy eyes. Please work.
"NO!" He shouted as he stood up. That didn't work I just made him angry. I rolled my eyes.
"Your so boring" he wasn't usually boring. But I guess when u kidnap someone their not supposed to be happy.
"Is that why you chose Wanda?" He said quietly, so I could barley hear him. What was he talking about? I gave him a confused look.
"What?" I questioned. What has Wanda got to do with anything?
"It should have been me y/n. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!" He shouted, slamming his hand into the barrier. I didn't flinch. I wasn't scared. I was angry.
"WELL IT WASN'T YOU SO GET OVER IT!" I shouted back, I pause before continuing "NOW LET ME OUT!"
He started to laugh, this infuriated me. When I get out of here, which I will, I'm going to end him. He shook his head while laughing.
"Your not going anywhere, if I can't have you no one can". He walked up to the invisible wall, I didn't move. He can't get me. I'm safe in here. That's when he walked starlight through it. How did he do that? Was he going to kill me? I looked at him in astonishment. I moved back as far as I could until my back connected with the opposite side of the wall. I looked over to Loki who was stalking towards me, his sceptre clutched in his right hand, he finally reached me. He looked into my eyes with a wicked smile on his face, if he's going to kill me then he should just get it over with. It was like he read my mind, he lifted the sceptre and pointed it at my chest.
"Loki...". I fell to the floor.

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