He found out

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~ your POV ~
I woke up the next morning to find Wanda sleeping peacefully with her head on my chest. I stated to play with her hair. Shes cute.
"Thank you y/n". I looked down to see a sleepy smiling Wanda looking up at me. She heard my thoughts.
"I always forget you can read minds". I smiled at her while pulling her into a kiss.
"One of my many talents". She whispered at me, smirking. Last night really showed me how many talents she had, and I loved every single one of them. She sat up rubbing her eyes before climbing off the bed. She turned around to face me.
"Are you getting up?" She asked while picking up some cloths. Was I getting up?
"Nope". I answer as I lay back down in bed. She rolled her eyes at me. And walked over to the widow. I was watching what she was doing, oh no. She turned to face me with a smirk before she pulled the curtains back letting sunlight fill the room. I groaned and put her pillow over my face. I was not getting up. I heard her laugh, I think she's given up already. She went into her bathroom to get ready for the day. I fell back asleep. Classic.
After she was ready she came back into the room to find me fast asleep on her bed.
"She's so lazy". She said walking over to the my side of the bed. She lightly shook me but I didn't move.
"I'm getting you up if it's the last thing I do". Again she tried to wake me up. I slowly started to stir awake, I didn't want Wanda to see that I was awake, I wanted to see what she was going to do to get me up, so I lay there pretending to be asleep. She shook me a few more times before she realised it wasn't going to work. She sat there staring at my limp body trying to figure out the best way to wake me up. That's when she smiled, oh no what was she going to do. She lent down and started to kiss my neck. Oh my god I can't do this anymore, she knew this would wake me up. I groaned making her smile.
"Good morning". She said while still smiling down at me.
"That's a nice way to wake up". I said smiling up at her.
"We'll don't get used to it" she said standing up and walking across the room. She bent down in front of me. Fuck I want to get used to this. She smirk throwing some cloths at me. "Get ready" she said as she walked out the room. I smiled to myself and did as I was told.

~ Wanda's POV ~
I walked into the kitchen to find everyone smiling at me. Except Nat and Peter. Nat looked pissed and Peter was nearly in tears. What was wrong with Peter?
"Why are you crying?" Bucky asked Peter. It looked as though he was trying his hardest not to laugh.
"You would be dead right now if you heard it". Peter whined. I was confused, what did he hear?
"What did you hear?" Loki asked, he was also trying not to laugh. What is going on?
"Nothing" Peter replied, he twitched nervously in his seat, he kept looking at me with a horrified expression. What have I done?
"What's the problem?" Bucky asked him, at this point Bucky couldn't stop smiling.
"Nothing, there no problem" he said looking down into his bowl of cereal.
"Are you sure you did t hear y/n and Wanda having sex?" Loki asked him. Oh god, everyone heard us. We're we really that loud?
"THREE TIMES!" Peter shouted looking up at me. Oops.
"Poor kid" Bucky said. He and Loki both burst into a fit of laughter, so everyone heard me having sex, what a great way to start the day. I made myself some toast and sat opposite nat, she stared at me with her arms crossed and with an annoyed and or jealous expression, I couldn't tell which one. I think she was annoyed, why would she be jealous?

~ your POV ~
After I was ready I walked out of Wanda's room and made my way to the kitchen. In there was Wanda, Nat, Thor, Clint, Loki, Peter and Bucky. As I walked in everyone apart from Nat smirked at me. Nat just stared at me. Oh god what have I done now I've only just got up. Peter also wasn't smirking, had he been crying?oh god what's happened. I started to make myself a bowl of cereal, everyone's eyes were on me, I was so confused, it was like they all knew something I didn't. I took my bowl to sit at the table with everyone. I took the space between Wanda and Loki which was also across from Natasha. She was mad. But why?
"Did you to have fun last night?" I turned to my left to see Bucky sat there with a smirk on his face. I knew that look, it was all to familiar. I played it off like I didn't know what he was talking about.
"Doing what?" I questioned, I was trying my hardest not to smile but his smirk made it almost impossible.
"What are you guys talking about?" Wanda asked. She knew what I was doing and decided to go along with it. Loki started to laugh, this made me smile even more, I couldn't keep a straight face.
"Come on guys what?" I asked again. I wanted to hear their side of the story because my side was very good. Loki sat up in his chair before looking around at everyone at the table.
"Where to start..."
"Take it slow"
"Put it down on me"
"Jump on it"
"Ride like a pony"
All the boys joined in saying a line each. First Bucky then Loki, to Clint and Thor. Shit they heard us. I didn't think we were that loud but clearly I was wrong. Wait, if they heard, does that mean my dad did too! God I hope not, that's a convocation I would like to avoid if possible,
"Ohhh thatttt" Wanda said while placing her hand on my thigh. I looked up at her, my eyes swept past Natasha, her eyes where locked onto me an Wanda's hand.
"You guys heard that?" I asked. I was so scared that my dad did too.
"Kind of hard not too..." petter said from the side of me. I completely forgot he was here. I looked over at him and he just looked down. Great we scared the kid.

It was silent for a few moments before I cleared my throat.
"Guess we're not a secret anymore" I said facing Wanda. She just smiled back at me.
"I'm ok with it" she winked, her hand lightly squeezed my thigh. My stomach filled with butterflies, she knew exactly how to turn me on.
"Ok with what?". Tony said. Me and Wanda quickly turned around to face him, Wanda lifted he hand off my leg. Shit did he hear us? Play it cool y/n.
"Heyyyy dadddd w-what's upppp". I smiled innocently at him. Wow y/n very cool. He looked at me for a long time before looking at everyone else sat at the table.
"I know that look, what did you do?" He asked. Fuck he knew me way to well.
"Nothing..." I said trying not to smile.
"Wanda". Loki said. REALLY LOKI! Tony's eyes go wide with shock, mine do the same. He was going to kill me, I knew it, I still need to pick my funeral song first though.
"Excuse me?!" He blurted out clearly he was still in shock. Was he angry? Probably.
"LOKI!" Wanda shouted standing up from the table. Loki flinched making Bucky laugh.
"You should start running" Bucky said, before anyone could say anything else Loki stood up and ran as fast as he could out the door, Wanda chased after him. I started to smile but then I looked at my dad, my smile quickly faded, he looked at me expectingly, what should I say?
"Surprise..." I utter. He looked at me for a long moment without saying anything. The silence was deafening. Come on dad if your going to kill me just do it. He started to open his mouth, I prepared myself for what he was going to say.
"I'm not mad" What? He's not mad? Why isn't he mad? I mean I'm happy he's not mad but really, I thought he was going to kill me. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.
"Thanks god" I raised my hand to my chest feeling how fast my heart was beating, it was about to jump out of my chest. Suddenly the table shifted behind me, Nat had stood up and stormed out. We all looked after her in a silence shock.
"What's her problem" Tony asked. There's no way she was jealous! I told her how I felt and she said she didn't feel the same way. Well she didn't say that but she implied it. A knot formed in my throat preventing me from saying anything, I was glued to the spot.

~~ time jump a week ~~
It's been a whole week since Nat last spoke to me. I still didn't know what her problem was and I couldn't find out because every time I tried talking to her she would just walk off. She was really starting to get in my nerves but I couldn't show her that because then she would be winning. I just wanted to talk to her, but she won't even be in the same room as me.

I was sat in mine and Wanda's now shared bedroom thinking about what I should do. Wanda was out on a mission so I was bored with nothing to do. Then my stomach rumbled. Time for breakfast. I got up and made my way to the kitchen, everyone was in there expect Nat. Not surprised.
"Ahhh y/n good morning come sit" Thor bellowed as he pulled out my chair for me. Thor and I had became good friends since I moved into the tower. As I was taking my seat I looked around the table to notice one familiar face was missing.
"Where's Loki?" I asked the guys. Bucky, who was sat in front of me scoffed.
"Who cares?"  He snickered. I knew he liked Loki they had became inseparable since the party on the first night. I knew they would be good friends.
"Me?" I responded. Loki and I had had also because very good friends, me Loki and Bucky were the trouble makers out of the group. We were always pulling pranks on the rest of the avengers, I'm surprised we haven't been asked to move out yet. One of my favourite pranks is one we did on Stark, we messed with his suit so when he was testing it he flew staring up into the roof. We got it on video, he didn't find it funny but we thought it was hilarious.
"Said he had to go somewhere" Clint answered my question since no one else did. Had something happened? He never misses breakfast.
"Oh ok than" I hesitantly replied while pulling my plate of toast towards me. We had all been sat talking about anything and everything until Nat walked into the room. Great the one person who hated me most. Everyone went silent, I looked up at her sympathetically, she knew I wanted to talk to her, but she turned around and walked off. I slouched down in my chair, I'm never gonna get the chance to talk to her.
"Still not spoke to her?" Clint questioned looking over at me. Was it that obvious?
"Nope". I really wanted to talk to her but i didn't want to come of as desperate so I acted like I didn't care, but I cared so much.
"She'll come around soon". Thor's muffled voice said. He was chomping down on a packet of pop tarts. He rather liked the sweet mundane snack.
"I'm not holding my breath" I said as I rested my head in my hands and continued to eat my toast.
Not long had passed until Natasha came back into the room. She seemed different, mainly because she looked at me and didn't move her eyes. She hasn't looked at me like this for over a week. Her gaze made my stomach feel empty although I had just finished two pieces of toast. She slowly walked towards the table, with purpose. Not breaking eye contact, this made me feel nervous, but the good kind of nervous. I didn't expect her to speak to me because if she wanted to surly she would have done it already...

"Hey y/n"

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