Party time

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~ your POV ~
I was walking down a long corridor while being steered in the right direction by Loki, he had a huge smile on his face but didn't look at me, he didn't even speak. It was so quite. I hated it. I needed to break the silence.
'How many rooms does this place have?!' I said, hoping Loki would answer me.
'Too many' he bluntly said. His tone of voice made me question myself. Had I done something wrong? I was about to say something back but before I could we came to a sudden stop. 'We're here' he said letting go of my arm. He had stopped me in front of a door, that was in between two other doors. He reached for the handle and pushed the door open, he held it open for me as I walked in, he shortly followed after me. I quickly scanned the room checking everything out with my eyes, it was amazing, my dad knew me so well.
'This place is amazing!' I sad before turning around to face Loki, he was also looking around my new room.
'Not as amazing as you' he said smiling at me. Really! Again! By the look smug look on his face he knew exactly what I was going to say.
'Still. Not. Interested.' I sassed him, while crossing my arms.
'I know I know, third time is usually the charm'. He held up his hands defensively.
'Well not this time' I said while going over to sit on my new bed. He laughed, I laughed, I felt at ease.

We had been talking and laughing for about and hour, he was surprisingly funny and I enjoyed having him as company. The laughter died down after a while and he turned to face me. 'So y/n as your friend can I ask you a question?'. My friend? Was he my friend, I mean I guess so.
'Yeah sure' I said sceptically, I was afraid of what he was going to ask me.
'What's going on between you and Natasha?' He asked. My face started to burn, just the mention of her name made me nervous. I started to play with my hands thinking how to answer his question.
'What do you mean?' I asked him, I couldn't look at him so I put my head down.
'Ohh come onnn I saw the way you were looking at each other!' He said. Why was he so happy? My mind started to race, if he noticed does that mean everyone else did as well? I wasn't sure how to answer, normally I have an answer to everything. I stayed quite for a few moments, until I decided I was going to play it cool.
'I don't know what you think you saw, but I don't even like her' obviously that was a lie, I liked her way more than I should and I think Loki could tell.
'Hmm you say that now' he said while smirking at me.
'I don't I swear' I said, I was lying my ass off here, I liked her so much and I've only said two words to her, I'm screwed.
'If you say so' he smirked, he didn't believe me, and I don't blame him.

A few moments later there was a knock on my door and Tony pocked his head around the corner 'hey kid, start getting ready for the party now, Loki out' he said while pointing at him.
'Ok dad, bye Loki'. Tony walked off assuming Loki had left.
'I could stay' he said, still lay on my bed. I stood up and pulled him to his feet. 'BYE LOKIII' I shouted while pushing him out my door.
'Ok ok bye, I'll come get you later' he said before walking off down the corridor towards his room. I shut my door and ran to my dresser, I needed to find the perfect outfit, it was my first party as an avenger, and maybe I could impress a certain someone.

After an hour I was nearly ready, I was putting the finishing touches on my makeup making sure it was perfect. There was knock at my door. That must be Loki 'come in' I called out from my bathroom.
'y/n you ready? Tony asked me to come and get you' It wasn't Loki. But none other than Natasha Romanoff. My stomach filled with butterflies and I hadn't even seen her yet, I called from the bathroom 'yeah I will be out in a sec' I waited to see if the door was going to close, but it never did. Great she's still here. I took a deep breath before walking out into my room. And there she was. The most beautiful woman I had ever seen standing before me. She stared at me, looking me up and down I suddenly became very self aware. I stared back for a brief moment before turning away, my cheeks started to turn pink.
'You look nice' she said, even though I had my back turned I could feel her gaze still on me. I wanted to say something back but couldn't bring myself to do it.
'Yeah whatever, have you seen Loki?' I asked before turning back to her. She looked a little shocked, but she quickly regained her composure. Classic Natasha. 'No i haven't seen him, why?' She asked suspiciously, I opened my mouth answer but then,
'Sorry I'm late!' Loki burst into my room, making me jump a little, Natasha didn't move. 'Oh hello Natasha' he smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes. He also looked me up and down 'you look nice' he said, still smirking. Natasha's eyes darted between the two of us. Was she jealous? I hope she is.
'You look ok, now come on we're missing my party!' I ran over to him and grabbed his hand, pulling him from my room to where that party was, Nat was left standing alone in my room.

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