The end

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~your POV ~
I frantically sprint over to when my farther is hovering, I couldn't keep the joyful smile of my face, he's still alive, I raise my hand for a high five.
"Nice shot" I laughed as he connected his metal hand with mine.
"Thanks" I couldn't see his face but I knew he would be smiling back at me. From behind me I could hear the mumbles of some very frightened people but also the quick and agile movements from my fellow avengers. I whirled around to see what was happening, Clint and a few others were helping people down to safety, where ever that is, and Steve and the rest of the team were gearing up for what looked like the fight if there lives, he grasped his shield a looked towards Tony and I.
"Are you just going to stand there or fight" he asked tensely, as much as I would love to just stand here I know I can't, I need to help.
"As much as I hate you, your right" I huffed earning a small smile from Steve. Ok that's not weird at all, he hasn't even looked me in the eye since the whole Nat thing let alone smiled at me, I'll let it slide. I ran over to my locker and hurriedly grabbed everything I might need, to both of my sides my friends were also gearing up, arrows and guns were put into holsters, suits were readying up, banner was getting angry, oh god I love the big green rage monster. When everyone was ready we made are way out into the busy city, even though there was a alien invasion people were still walking out and about, what are you doing get inside! We all stood back to back watching in horror as many different beings jumped down out of the black void. I shared a look of determination with my girlfriend and bestfriend before slightly nodding my head at the captain.
"Avengers" Steve shouted load enough so that we could all hear him.
As the words slipped out of his mouth the whole team broke formation and began to dismantle and destroy as many aliens as possible. We had a few close calls but nothing to major, I was quite enjoying myself, like come on aliens, this is never going to happen again, it'll make a good story to tell at party's.

After a while of fighting and trying to knock down the numbers Thor's voice roared into the coms.
"I've got Loki" he told the rest of us, a fire started to burn inside of me, with all this fighting and protecting I completely forgot about Loki, and about how much I wanted to make him pay for what he's done.
"Kill him!" Bucky yelled back to Thor as he shot an alien, what no!
"NO! I want to" I screamed back, Bucky turned to me with a look of confusion and shock, yes buck you heard me right.
"Then hurry!" The god bellowed. I turned towards James who gave me a slight nod signalling he could hold of the rest of them, I took this as my chance to fly up to where the god brothers had been quarrelling. Rocks and rubble where covering the surface of what once used to be a very nice balcony. I snapped my attention back to the limp man lay before me, his expression was cloudy and a little scared, I can't blame him if I were about to die I would be scared to. I stalked towards him as though he was my prey.
"Ready to die? For good this time" his eyes darted down towards my hands that were now sparking with my powers trying to break free. Small sparks danced around each finger bouncing to one another. He glanced back up to meet my eye, a large smirk began to form as I saw him begin to panic. He shuffled backwards trying to get away from me, every time he moved away, I would move forwards. He looked around the city before turning back to me, he began to smirk. Oh no, what is he planning?
"Nope" he muttered, my face fell into a confused state, what is he planning? Before I could say anything else he rolled his body off the balcony. Thor and I ran to the shattered glass railing thinking we would see Loki falling to his death, but he wasn't. He had hitched a ride from one of his alien friends, great he got away, Thor hadn't noticed this.
"Where did he go!" Thor's voice unexpectedly boomed making me flinch, he noticed this but I acted like nothing had happened, I was angry with myself for letting Loki get away, I could have ended it there and then.
"YOU LOST HIM?!" An angry Steve shouted. From his side of the coms I could hear the roars of aliens, the screams of mortals, his metal frisbee connecting with everything. He sounded out of breath, I need to help, I scanned the lower city to try and find the super soldier, but instead I found the god who just escaped from the clutches of death.
"Not exactly" I mumbled back not taking my eyes of the prize. It was as though my girlfriend knew exactly what I had seen.
"I see him, Clint!" She practically shouted, I know she's no where near me but wow this ear piece is loud.
"Got him" Clint calmly stated. I watch and I waited as I saw Clint pull back an arrow he had lodged into his bow. Loki came speeded around a corner leaving my girl in his trail. Come on what's taking so long?! At that thought Clint realised his arrow sending it straight for Loki. Me heart began to pound against my ribs excitedly, there no way that's going to miss! I watched in suspense as the arrow wizzed towards Loki, I held my breath as it was about to connect but Loki caught it one handed. Ok how is that even possible?! I slouched in disappointment, but that's when the arrow exploded sending Loki crashing down through one of the windows behind me. This time your not getting away! I began to walk back inside when banner or hulk came crashing through the next window, Loki began speaking but hulk wasn't having any of it. He began to throw Loki around like a rag doll, I stood there in stitches laughing uncontrollably.
"That was AMAZING!" I squealed looking down at Loki's motionless body lay helplessly before me.
"I can close the portal!" Natasha shouted. What? Already? How long have I been occupied with Loki for? I thought it would take a lot longer to close a giant riff in the sky. Hm guess not.
"DO IT!" Steve raged into the coms. Okkk no need to shout your loud and annoying voice is literally in my ear I can hear you from anywhere.
"No wait, I've got a nuke coming in, it's gonna blow in less than a minute, and I know just where to put it" Tony's tiresome voice called out. A NUKE!? Who the hell sent out a nuke?! But what did he mean when he said he knew where to put it? It was silent for a few moments clearly everyone else was trying to figure out what he meant or trying to process what he said.
"Stark you know that's a one way trip..." Steve sadly spoke. One way trip to where? I threw my head back in confusion, my eyes were met by the striking black void above my head. Wait! No no no he can't go in there!
"WHAT? NO!" I screamed as I put two and two together. He's going to get himself killed! I can't loose my dad, not today.
"I love you kid" he sniffled heartily, no please don't go, I need him, I need him here. Before I could respond he disappeared from view.
"Close it" Steve dejectedly ordered.

I stood paralysed in position my eyes had not moved away from the hole that my dad had just been sucked into, silent tears raced down my face falling to my mouth, every time I licked my lips the salty taste would hug my tongue. Come on dad, just come back to me. Steve had told nat to close the portal but she hadn't done it yet, she knows I can't loose my dad, she knows how much I need him. Then it happened. A blue ray shot into the sky making the portal disappear into its self.
"NOOOO DAD!" I screamed as I thought he was gone for good. I've just lost my dad for the second time today. I fell onto my knees in full blown sobs. I was screaming. I couldn't see anything as my vision was covered by a layer of glassy water. Bucky ran up to the side of me and got onto the floor cradling me like a baby in his arms. He began soothing his hands up and down on my back trying to comfort me.
"Hey hey it's ok" he softly whispered as he knew I would be to sensitive to talk. How is any of this ok?!
"HES GONE!" I yelped in pain, my throat was so dry that my words had to claw themselves out. I buried my head into James chest and he held me close, protecting me, I felt safe.
"LOOK!" Peter frantically shouted, I turned my head towards his voice, I could barley see him due to my teary eyes, I wiped them on the sleeve of my suit, he was pointing upwards into the sky. I rotated my numb body in the direction he was pointing, and what I saw was out of this world, literally. A small coke can was flailing and falling from out of the sky. No way!
"DAD?!" I got up from Bucky's hold, he was hesitant to letting me go but he finally did.
"He's not slowing down" Thor's brash voice stated. I can see that. He began to swing his hammer at an exceptional speed getting ready to fly into the air and grab my farther. Before Thor could take off a big green figure jumped into view grabbing Tony before he could hit the floor.
"DAD!" I shouted as I began running towards the hulk, he placed him down of the ground in front of me, not lightly but lightly enough. I kneeled down besides him before pulling of his mask and throwing it across the street to reveal a battered and bruised man.
"Dad..?" He was lay unconscious before me, silent tears ran down my rosy cheeks at the thought of loosing him.
"Wake please..." there was no answer, my shaky hands fell down to my sides as I gave up hope. A cold hand clasped it's self around one of mine and squeezed.
"I love you 3000" a croaky voice whispered from below me. My head snapped to look at my broken farther who struggled to keep his eyes open, so he let them fall. His hand fell out of mine hitting the rough floor he was lay on.
"No dad don't leave me..." I struggled to say, my sobs becoming louder by the second. The rest of the avengers had finally made there way over to me and the lifeless body of my farther.
"Y/n..." I heard Wanda's soft voice break the silence.
"Please don't leave me, I-I need you..." I lifted his hand again and held it tightly in between my hands hoping, waiting for a sign that my dad wasn't truly gone. There was no answer, the silence was deafening, the city was quite, no one could bring themselves to say anything so they all stood there listening to my gut wrenching screams.
"NOOOOO!" I chocked out going down a full spiral of emotions, as my screams reached the ears of my fellow avengers they all began to cry. Where's Natasha? I need her, I need someone who loves me. As if on cue she came running at full speed towards me before skidding onto the floor and holding me as close as she could, I sobbed into her chest as the pain of loosing my farther was to much to bare. I listened to the beating pattern of her heart to try and calm myself. But I couldn't, I have never felt so much pain, loss, grief. She began rocking back and forth, cradling me like a child. That's it,

I've lost my farther...

That's the story finished! Sorry bout the ending I need a little angst, I really enjoyed writing this and I'm planning on making another one, is there anything you guys want me to write? I was thinking a maximoff sibling thing.
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This will be made into povs on there! xx

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