Truth or dare

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~your POV ~
Wanda ran up to me and pulled me over the middle of the room where most of the avengers were already sat. I tuned my head to see where Nat was, she was with Steve, of course. She gave him a quick kiss before walking over to us all. She looked at me and saw me staring, she rolled her eyes and took a seat. I immediately regretted turning my head. I also sat down, in between Bucky and Wanda. Her head was rested on my shoulder, so I put my arm around her to make us both more comfortable. I looked down and smiled at her, she was beautiful.
I looked back up to see if everyone was here, Nat and I made eye contact, she smirked and put her arms over Steve's shoulders and started to kiss his neck, still staring at me. Was she trying to make me jealous? Because it was working. I didn't want to see them so I put my head down and waited for the game to start.

"I'll go first" Nat said while sitting up, she looked around at everyone in the group, Tony, Wanda then her eyes swiftly moved past me.
Thank god, I thought to myself thinking she wasn't going to ask me,
"Hey y/n truth or dare". Great. I wasn't ready to do a dare straight away, and I think that's what she wanted me to pick so I chose "truth".
She thought for a second before deciding on what to ask me
"Are you a virgin?" She said, she smirked at the startled expression on my face. I wasn't sure how to answer the question, especially because my dad was there. Bucky sat up in seat and jumped to my defence
"Nat don't" he firmly said, she didn't listen, or even take her eyes off me. She knew I wasn't going to answer the question so she decided to speak for me.
"Oh duh I already know the answer to that cuz James fucked you". I was taken back by her comment not expecting her to say that. And so was Bucky, he looked at me with an angry expression, then I smirked deciding to play along "yes he did" I smugly said. Bucky smirked at me knowing what was about to go down. Wanda lifted her head of my shoulder so I could sit up.
"My turn, Natasha truth or dare?" I said not taking my eyes off her.
"Hmm truth" she's going for the safe option. Or so she thought. A large smile grew across my face. Bucky laughed next to me. Steve looked between the three of us noticing the atmosphere was very tense. "Careful what you say here y/n" I wasn't carful at all.
"Is it true that your a whore?" I said still smiling, Bucky started to laugh again.
"Oh shittt" I heard a few people say from besides me. Nat's calm expression quickly changed into anger, this only made me more happy with myself. I continued to stare at her waiting for an answer, nobody dared to speak.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" She said standing up from her seat and jabbing her finger in my direction. I didn't flinch. I found it quite amusing. Steve quickly jumped up from his seat and pulled her back down, he looked at me as if asking me to stop. Sorry not today.
"I didn't call you anything, I just asked you a question. Are you a whore?" I repeated myself still smiling. Tony had had enough so he stood up and shouted
We didn't listen.
"You are" Bucky whispered from next to me. I laughed. He always had my back and tonight was no different. I couldn't leave it at that so I carried on "you have to answer honestly cuz it's called truth for a reason". I could tell Steve was getting angry with me. But I didn't care, this is her fault not mine.

We all sat there in silence trying to process the dramatic events that had just taken place. Tony, yet again, was the first person to say something "can someone take y/n to her room, she's to drunk" he was looking at me, he was angry, but again I didn't care. Bucky stood up next to me "I can" he said while helping me up.
"No not you!" He said almost instantly. Bucky looked at him confused, Tony couldn't even look him in the eyes "Wanda, can you please?" He said while trying to look anywhere that wasn't in mine and Bucky's direction. I didn't do anything, everything that had just happened was Nat's fault. "Of course, come on y/n" Wanda spoke softly to me. I was lay across the coach, unable to move. I wanted to get up and follow her but my legs wouldn't allow it.
"If I spill coffee on a T-shirt, is it still a T-shirt?" I actually wanted someone to answer me. Loki burst out laughing next me, he was also very drunk. His laugh made me laugh so we were both rolling around on the coach laughing uncontrollably.
"Ok bedtime for you two!" Ugh it was Steve. I couldn't even look at him without getting angry. I stopped laughing almost instantly. I sat up and looked at him. He knew I was mad.
"Don't you fucking DARE tell me what to do!" I half shouted at him. I was so angry I could hit him.
"Come on y/n your just drunk" a soft voice said to me. Wanda, that had to be Wanda. Everyone's voices started to sound the same, she was right, I was very drunk. But because I was drunk I couldn't let it go.
"NO! HE THINKS HE CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO! ME!" I shouted at the top of my lugs, trying to stand up, I fell almost instantly, Wanda had to catch me. From the corner of my eye I could see Natasha shaking her head at me. She must have some nerve.
"Oh don't you start, your even worse than him" Natasha had really annoyed me tonight, everything she did annoyed me. Wanda was still stood trying to help me balance.
"Just leave it y/n, she's not worth it". Her words stung me as she said them. Maybe she was right. No, she can't be right I like Natasha. Maybe not a this very second but I do. I stood their leaning on her, processing her words.
"You know what, your right!" I finally said, looking down at her. I removed my arm from her and started to walk off. I tripped a few times but no ones perfect. She followed close behind me making sure I didn't fall. She's cute.

I got to my door and leaned on the wall next to it trying to keep myself up straight. Wanda opened the door for me and helped me over to my bed. I sat down onto the plush mattress, it felt like heaven. I felt the bed dip slightly as she sat down next to me.
"Well that was fun" she said, slightly laughing and looking at me.
"I don't see what was so fun about that, I messed everything up" I said sounding defeated. I fell back on the bed facing the ceiling.
"What no you didn't" she said trying to comfort me. She wasn't doing a very good job. But at least she was trying.
"Don't lie to me, I know I did" I didn't take my eyes off the ceiling above, but I could tell she was watching me.
"Well maybe a little..." she finally said in a soft tone, she didn't want to hurt my feelings, but I agreed with her.
"Ughhh I'm so stupid" I whined while covering my face with my hands.
"Don't say that! It's not true" Wanda said quickly. She sounded genuine but I didn't trust what my head was telling me.
"Oh yeah?" I said without talking my hands away from my face. "Yeah" she said, I wanted to believe her but I just didn't.
"I don't believe you" i moved my hands away from my face to find her giving me a calculating look. What was she thinking?
"Well if you did mess everything up, why am I still here?" I didn't know how to answer that question,  she was right, maybe I didn't mess everything up. But I still messed a lot up. I looked at her for a moment longer "I-I don't know" I finally said. I looked away from her for the first time, I could feel my cheeks burning. I think she noticed as well, as she smirked at me.
"Exactly" she whispered. I turned my head to face her again. She was closer than before. She stared into my eyes making me nervous. I wanted to kiss her more than anything. I slightly lifted my head up towards her, she slowly leaned down towards me and connected her soft lips to mine in a slow kiss. It felt like I was floating. I pulled away for a brief moment to catch my breath, she was breathtaking, literally. I lay back down on my bed and pulled her on top me, she giggled lightly as I pulled her into another kiss. Things were getting pretty heated, I never wanted her to stop, but she did. I looked up at her confused. "Not tonight, you won't remember this in the morning" she whispered, I wanted her. But I knew she was right. I nodded my head and she got of me. She lay down next to me and snuggled up to the side of me. What a way to end a terrible night. The sound of her breathing was comforting, I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. I went to sit up but quickly realised Wanda was lay with her head on my chest. Why was she here? I tried to remember the events of last night, nothing I couldn't remember anything. I could already tell that today wasn't going to be a good day. "What happened last night?" I quietly said to myself trying not to wake Wanda up.
"You got very drunk" a sleepy voice said. Wanda started to move around.
"Sorry did I wake you?" I asked feeling bad.
"No I've been awake for ages I just didn't want to wake you up" she smiled, oh that's a relief. My head was spinning. I wanted to know what happened last night, but I was afraid I wouldn't like what people would tell me. Nothing ever ends well when I mix with alcohol, I'm always so honest, which is what I was scared about. I needed to know, I turned to look at Wanda
"Was I bad last night?" I said trying to get straight to the point. She looked at me with a confused expression "what do you mean, like bad or like...naughty" she looked into my eyes once again and smirked. What was that supposed to mean?
"I mean was I a mess" I said looking over at her still confused. She looked at me with a slight bit of disappointment. What did I do?! She covered it up quickly.
"I don't want to say yes but..." her words made me feel sick. I did something I know I did, but what?
"Oh god what did I do?" She looked at me with a sad expression "you don't remember..."she said looking down and playing with her hands.
What did I do!? What don't I remember?! Before I could ask Bucky burst through my door. "Well where to start, we played an awful game of truth or dare" oh no "then we did a few other things but most importantly you completely blew up at Nat and Steve". Nat and Steve. I remember that now. My stomach fell through the floor, as some of the memories from last night came back to me, flooding my head. I was drowning in worry. How could I face anyone today? I shook my head, lay down and covered my face with my pillow.
"Well done buck, you've broke y/n" Wanda said while placing her hand on my arm. Her touch. I remember it. Wow, how could I forget something like that.
"What it's true, and now I'm not allowed to be anywhere near y/n".
I shot you and looked at him with a confused and angry expression. "WHAT! WHY?" When I looked at him his face fell. Oh god, what have I done now?
"Tony said so, and it's because of what Nat said when we were playing truth or dare" I thought back to when we were playing truth or dare trying to remember what was said. *bucky fucked you*. And there it was. The memory. Why would she say that? *yes he did* And why would I say that? I fell back into my pillow again.



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