You took her

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~your POV ~
She looked devastated. Oh no, what have I done? She wasn't supposed to see this. Tears started to build up in her eyes but she wiped them away quickly and put on a brave face. Natasha and I were frozen, she was still on my lap which only made things worse, we couldn't move. Nat's face was in pure shock, I don't think she wanted Wanda to see this either and I'm starting to think Wanda didn't wanna see this. She cleared her throat after a few seconds of startled silence.
"Am I interrupting?" Her question made me feel even more bad than I already did. I didn't know what to say, there is no excuse. Yeah maybe I like Nat but I'm with Wanda. I shouldn't have done anything, I hurt her again.
"Wanda..." I quietly say. I couldn't  bring myself to say anything more, mainly because I can't. There was so much that I wanted to say to her right now but I couldn't put the words together. And I didn't want to say the wrong thing, I'm good at that. The flood of tears  quickly came back, she shook her head and turned to walk away. Nat climbed down off my lap, she looked uncomfortable.
"You should go after her..." she said. I weakly smiled at her. She's right,  I know Wanda probably wants to kill me right now but she shouldn't be alone.
"I know, Wanda wait!" I shouted as I jumped up from my seat and chased after her. In the process I was trying to wipe away the red marks of lipstick Natasha and left over my face, I only made it worse. She turned around to face me. She wiped her eyes again but this time the tears didn't stop, it was an endless stream. I could feel my eyes start to swell so I wiped them and acted like nothing happened.
"What?" She said angrily. Her tone of voice made me feel sick. There was no way I could come back from this, I kissed another girl while I'm in a relationship. I looked down and started to fiddle with my hands.
"Please just listen..." I don't know what I wanted her to listen to, i have no excuses, I messed up, I messed everything up. Just by the look on her face I knew what the answer was going to be.
"Why should I? Go back to your girlfriend" she said. She turned around again and started to wonder off. I ran up behind her and pulled her around to face me. Are faces were inches apart.
"Just listen..." I said. She looked deep into my eyes. I can't do this. I let go of her arm and took a step back. Her shoulders slumped. Was she relieved? Disappointed? Both?
She took a deep breath, her ocean blue eyes were now drowning.
"I see the way you look at her..." sad. She was definitely sad. I made her sad because I'm selfish, I'm stupid, I don't understand what I have until it's gone.
"I've never seen you look at me like that." My body started to fail its self. I was numb I had a hard time processing what she was saying, but I could think of one thing, she's right. I hated that she's right, I've always felt something for Nat, I know I shouldn't but I just couldn't help myself I don't know what it was but since I first laid eyes on her I knew she was the one i wanted to be with. But I don't need Wanda to find that out right now.
"Wanda, I told you how I felt" I said, my eyes were still facing the floor. If I saw her face, if I saw her pain, I would break down here and now.
"It doesn't matter what I've heard" she says. Her sniffles continued. I'm a terrible person, and I'm about to become an even more terrible person. I was about to say some thing to Wanda that I may regret for the rest of my life.
"I like her..." I said. My voices hitched, there I said it. I said how I truly felt, I can't keep lying to myself, I can't keep lying to her. I wanted to see her reaction so I looked back up to see her. Her eyes were filled with the most tears I have ever seen, she didn't bother to wipe them away, there were to many.
"No one has to tell me twice, I can see it in your eyes..." her voiced cracked making me tear up. 
What have I done? She took one finally glance at my inflated body and walked off. As soon as she was gone I burst out crying. I've lost her. She's gone. For good this time. I backed up against a near by tree and slid my back down it, sobbing.

I had been crying for a few minutes, still under the tree. Natasha hadn't come to find me which I'm happy about because I don't want her to see me like this. She's probably gone back to the compound, so I should do the same. I dejectedly got up and walked back to the compound, I was freezing because I gave Natasha my hoodie. After a while of walking I made it back. I didn't want to go in and see everyone. But I knew I had to. I inhaled deeply before pushing by the door open, I was greeted by every avenger staring at me. Well this isn't awkward. I didn't want to talk to anyone so I ignored them all and walked toward me room. But on my way my dad came in front of me.
"Thank god your ok!" He said.  Clearly he was worried about me. It looked like he had been crying. Great, so I made my dad cry as well. He held out his arms. No.
"I'm not but whatever". I shrugged past him and continued on to my room. I kinda felt bad that I did that but I really wasn't in the mood. I got to my room and locked the door behind me, before falling down onto my bed crying.

~Nat's POV ~
Y/n had just stormed off to her room. She was hurting and it's all my fault. I've ruined her relationship. I don't know if she saw me because she didn't really look around, it was clear she just wanted to be left alone, but I want to see her, I need to see her. Just as I was about to get up Peter spoke.
"Is she ok?" He asked nervously. Normally y/n isn't like this so I could tell everyone was a bit confused. Only Wanda and I knew what had happened.
"Ask Nat". Wanda says from the other side of the room. I glared over at her, she was stood with Steve, he didn't look very happy either, I'm guessing Wanda told him what happened. I felt all eyes turn to me, I hated the attention. I didn't move my eyes from where Wanda was stood.
"Don't do that" I sternly said. My gaze never once shifted from Wanda, but I could tell everyone else was very confused. Wanda started to step forward, an angry expression crawled onto her face. I didn't want to make Wanda angry because she could kill me here and now.
"Why? You took her from me!" She shouted jabbing her finger in my direction. I didn't flinch but I wanted to. This is it she's going to kill me. That's when she stopped walking, phew, maybe I'll live for another few hours. From besides her Steve started to walk, oh here we go again.
"And she took you from me!" That's it. I've had enough. I wanted to be with y/n this whole time, but I never said anything, because I didn't know what to say to her so i just acted like a hated her, I tried to forget about my feelings, and I used Steve to do it. I shot up from my seat, anger burned inside of me. I wanted to shout but I knew that would only make things worse. I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists trying to calm down.
"Your both pathetic" I angrily say. I can't be here. I can't be in the same room as these two for another minute. I turned on my heels and strutted down the hallway towards y/n room. Let's just hope she's not angry as well.

~Tony's POV~
Ok so Natasha and my daughter y/n have both just stormed out. Wanda and Steve were the only ones left standing. They were seething. It's quite funny to see ice pop getting all angry, he makes this weird scrunched up face. He was doing it right now. I wanted to make a joke or laugh at him, but because of what just happened I figured now isn't the time. I want to know what's happened, my daughter is angry or sad, I have no idea which one, but I would prefer it if she wasn't either. I sat up in my chair and looked directly at Wanda, if I looked at cap I'd start laughing.
"Is anyone going to tell me what just happened?" I said demandingly. I need to know, I need to know why my daughter is like that, and why Nat followed her. They hate each other. Wanda looked at me, it was clear she was trying to calm her nerves before she spoke, she sighed.
"Your daughter and Natasha were kissing". She said gritting her teeth. Wow. I was not expecting that. I fell back into my chair, I was stunned. Y/n Stark and Natasha Romanoff kissing. I couldn't imagine it. I stood up from my chair.
"WHAT!" I blurted out. I still couldn't believe what I had heard. I guess they don't hate each other after all. Normally I can tell when y/n does and doesn't like someone, but not this time, this time I got it all wrong. No one spoke.
"About time!" Clint said laughing. Really? He was enjoying this? Everyone in the room turned to face him. Thor and Bucky were smiling, Peter just looked like a kid, I gave him a disgusted look and Wanda and Steve were about to murder him. He took in everyone's faces and slumped down.
After that it was pretty hard to think of something to say. Come on Tony think, your good at that. I thought of the perfect thing to change the subject but then my phone pinged. Everyone turned to face me as I reached for my pocket and read the message. My hands began to sweat. As I continued to read my eyes went wide. Everyone was watching. When I was done I switched off my phone and looked at everyone with a worried expression. They all looked back with concern and confusion. I cleared my throat and stood up.
"Well this is going to be awkward" I said. Everyone's face grew even more confused. Steve was the most confused as he is usually the one who gets the message, unless he's going. He stepped forward.
"What is?" He asked, he was nervous, as he should be. I didn't know how to put this simply so I'm just going to say it.
"You two" I pointed my finger and Steve and Wanda "have a mission" they looked at each other smiling thinking I was done. This is where it gets awkward.

"With Nat and y/n"

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