Look out

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~ Tony's POV ~
I looked down the long corridor y/n had just strutted down but she was gone. Aw I wanted to say well done. That may be bad parenting but I don't care that was amazing. I turned back around to see Steve and Wanda stood with slumped shoulders and embarrassed red faces. I couldn't help but smile, Steve looked towards me so I quickly turned around so he couldn't see my grin. Everyone else was also smiling, except Peter, Peter looked scared.
"And that's why shes my bestfriend" Bucky says, clearly he is also proud. We shared a glance and we were both smiling, I didn't like Bucky when we first met or when I found out he and my daughter knew each other, but he loves her so I guess it's alright. I looked away from him back to Steve, he stood up straight.
"You have terrible taste in friends" he said, well someone's angry. I would be as well if a 21 year old absolutely destroyed me. He stood there with his arms crossed acting like nothing had happened. No Rogers we are never letting you forget this.
"But he's friends with you" Clint says sarcastically. We all laughed, even Peter. Thor was laughing a bit to loud. Ok pointbreak it wasn't that funny.
"HAHAHAH good one my small friend!" He bellowed. Ok bit loud, I covered my ears with my hands and moved away. Steve didn't look so confident anymore.
"Hilarious, she's was just being pathetic!" At his words all the laughter died down. What did he just say about my daughter?! I was ready to throw hands, but I'm going to keep my cool. Bucky was about to shoot up from his seat but I put a hand on his shoulder, he sat back down.
"Was she though?" I said raising an eyebrow. Steve whirled around to face me, oops I made him angry again.
"YOUR ENCOURAGING THIS! DID YOU HEAR WHAT SHE JUST SAID TO ME?!" Excuse you? Who do you think you are raising your voice at me, keep it cool Tony, keep it cool, keep it cool like an ice pop, wait no that's Steve don't do that.
"Yes I did, I think everyone did". I motioned around to everyone, they all nodded there head in agreement with me.
"And your ok with it?" Wanda questioned, I flinched, not because I was scared but because I completely forgot she was there.
"Well she didn't lie". I said, Nat and Clint snickered from behind me. Everyone else just kept smiling. I'm proud of y/n I don't care what she just said, I'm glad she said it. Wanda and Steve both scoffed before turning around and walking off. Well then, they don't seem to happy. Steve walked across to Wanda's room, shield in hand, shit the mission, with everything that just went on I completely forgot about the mission, Fury's going to kill me. I motioned for Nat to get ready and to tell y/n the same. She nodded and walked to y/n room before knocking on the door, I watched to see if she answered, she opened the door and tugged on Nat's shirt, well I wish I didn't see that, James also saw this and started to smile.

~your POV ~
After Nat and I had gotten ready we made are way outside to the quinjet, luckily Wanda and Steve were already on bored so we didn't have to see them just yet, just before we could climb on my dad came running out to me. What's up with him? Before I could say anything he flung his arms over my shoulders, ok this isn't normal. I go on missions all the time, he's never don't this before. I looked at Nat over his shoulder and she just smiled and shrugged, I hugged him back, I'm so confused. He pulled away and gave me a large smile.
"Just wanted to say well done for earlier". He said, before I could answer he was already walking back to the compound. Okkkk that just happened, I knew he would be proud! Natasha and I laughed and climbed inside, when we saw Wanda and Steve glaring at us we quickly stopped. I walked over to the far side of the jet so that I could sit as far away from Wanda and Steve as possible, Nat followed, we could still them but it wasn't that bad.
We had been flying for what felt like ages, Nat and I spoke, Wanda and Steve spoke, but every so often an awkward silence would fall. We were currently sat in one of these awkward silences. I kept noticing Wanda looking at me so I decided I would do the same. As I was staring Nat looked at me, she followed me eye line and saw Wanda, she didn't look mad, just upset.
"You alright?" She questioned. I didn't hear her so I didn't answer, I just kept staring. Wanda kept peeking at me trying to to make it obvious.
"y/n?" Nat said. I snapped out of  it when I heard her voice, I still didn't hear what she had said.
"Hm?" I looked down at her and saw her face, my heart sank, she looked sad but also concerned. No no, have I hurt her as well?
"I said are you alright" she repeated. She knew I was wasn't, but I don't want to burden her with all of my problems. I can't get away with lying to her, but I'm going to do it anyway.
"I'm fine" I said, my voice cracked slightly. Nat's face fell even more. She picked up my hand and took it in hers. I looked down at are interlocked fingers and smiled.
"You can talk to me, you know that right" she softly says. I know I can, I just don't want her to worry about me, it's stupid. She probably has so many things to worry about already, I just don't want to get in her way. She slightly squeezed my hand urging me to talk. I looked back up at her with glassy eyes.
"I don't have anything to tell you". I weakly said. She sighed next to me and put her head on my shoulder. She wanted me to open up to her but I'm scared I will hurt her the way I hurt Wanda. I kissed the top of her head but as I did I saw Wanda watching us, she was sad. When she saw me she quickly looked away. Great.

After a few hours we finally arrived at the location, I have no idea where we are, I don't even know what the mission is about. Steve and Wanda are the only ones who know and I'm not asking either of them. I didn't know what to do so I stood there awkwardly waiting for someone to say something.
"We need to stick together" Steve said. Ha nope. I'm not going anywhere with him, I'm not listening to him and I'm not doing what he tell me to do. Nat come up besides me.
"Great" she muttered. She clearly didn't want to either. Well I don't want to and neither does Nat.
"Yeahhhh no" I said shaking my head. Nat smiled at me, she knew I was going to say something like that. Wanda looked at me amazed, what I don't need you.
"What do you mean no" she says shocked. What do I mean no? What does she think I mean. Nat smirked waiting for me to say something.
"I mean no wanna hear it in Spanish nō" I said sarcastically. Wanda and Steve rolled there eyes, Nat couldn't help but laugh. God I love making her laugh.
"Now not the time for this!" Steve stated. Believe it or not I know that and I just don't care. I don't want to be here if you can't tell. I rolled my eyes and started to walk in the opposite direction.
"Whatever I don't need you" I waved my hand and continued to walk. I could feel all three of them staring at me. Before I could get any further Nat shouted.
"y/n maybe we should-" she wants to stay, why am I not surprised, I know I should stay but I can't. I turned around to face her, I looked over her shoulder and what I saw made my eyes go wide. Everyone noticed my panicked expression and turned around. They all took a few steps back as they realised a huge army of robots were running straight at us.
"Well maybe I need you for this".

We all started to fight of the robots the best we could, red wisps were dancing around, bouncing off all the metal men crashing against everything. Steve threw his frisbee around hitting everything in sight, it narrowly missed me a few times I'm starting to think he's trying to hit me. Natasha and I fought side by side, guns lifted in the air. We didn't have powers or any superhuman gifts so this was a lot harder for us. It became to much, there were to many of them, my gun ran out of bullets so I picked one up off the ground that a robot had dropped, Nat did the same. I can't do this anymore we need help.
"Theres to many of em!" I shouted over the ruckus of noice, I thought my words were drowned out because no one answered me, ok guys I know we all hate each each other but that's the least of my concerns right now.
"Someone call Stark!" Steve shouted back, I was kinda glad to hear his voice, which is kinda wired since I hate him opening his mouth, I guess I'm just glad he's not dead yet. I patted my pockets and realised I don't have my phone with me, the one time I don't have my phone I actually need it.
"On it" Wanda called out, the red disappeared from view and it seemed like there were more robots than before, come on Wanda we need you. She quickly pulls out her phone and starts to dial my dads phone number, she shouted frantically down the phone asking for help. I tried my best to cover her but there were to many, from the corner of my eyes I saw a robot aim a gun directly at Wanda. NO! I started to run towards Wanda.
"WANDA LOOK OUT!" I screamed. She frantically swirled around to face the robot, her reaction was delayed, she froze. When they heard my scream Nat and Steve spun to look toward Wanda and I. I knew what I had to do.
"Y/N NOOOO!" Nat's piercing cry cut through me, I'm so sorry Nat. Even after hearing her words I still carried on. The robot pulled the trigger.

I dived forward, not today. I saw the bullets leave the barrel, no! I jumped forwards shielding Wanda from the bullets. The bullets shot straight through me.

I didn't feel a thing. I looked down, there was no wound. I was completely fine. I put a shaky hand on my stomach, nothing. I looked up at Wanda, she stared at me with shock. Was this because I jumped in front of bullets or because they didn't leave a mark on me? Or both? I just saved Wanda's life. Nat came running over to me and wrapped me in a tight hug. Uhh Nat I can't breath. She let go and shot a robot that came rushing forward. I felt a sudden surge of power shoot through my veins. What is going on? My vision went dark, my mind went blank, what happening to me? My eyes fell shut, Nat screamed bringing me back to myself. What just happened? Not long after I blacked out all of the avengers had arrived at the battle grounds. We all continued to fight, Wanda Steve and Nat all kept very close eyes on me. Why were they all watching me? I can handle a few robots this is easy work.

I had a new strength. I felt powerful.

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