Im fine

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~ Nat's POV ~
I saw y/n lay unconscious on the floor. I ran over to her as quickly as my legs would take me, please be ok, please be alive. I sat down on the cold marble floor next to her, checking for a pulse, it was there but it was weak, I didn't know if she was going to make it. I lifted her up slightly and placed her in my lap, cradeling her.
"Y/n wake up please, I can't loose you". I couldn't loose her, especially because she doesn't know how I truly feel. She doesn't respond to me. Tears filled my eyes, she can't leave me, I need her. I checked her pulse again, it had gotten weaker. My hands started to shake, tears were now falling freely down my face and I didn't care.
"No no no please y/n, I need you...". She couldn't hear me, but I didn't care, she had to wake up. If she didn't it would destroy me, I've been such a dick to her, she probably thinks I hate her, but I don't I could ever hate her. Her laugh, her smile just everything about her made me happy. Being near her made me nervous, I don't get nervous, only when y/n is around. I don't think she feels the same way, she has Wanda, she doesn't need me. I had just about given up hope, when I felt some slight movement on my lap.
"Y/N?!" I spoke, my voice hopeful. I looked down at her, her eyes were slowly starting to open. She's alive! She came back to me! She squinted her eyes at me.
"Nat?" She tiredly spoke. Well it's pretty clear she wasn't expecting to see me here. I was so happy. I couldn't contain it. I quickly wrapped  my arms around her, still sobbing.

~ your POV ~
I had just woken up to find Natasha looking down at me. Was I in heaven? Her eyes were red and puffy, had she been crying? Why would she be crying? Was it for me? No, Natasha wouldn't cry for me, as far as I'm concerned she doesn't even like me. Then she wrapped her arms tightly around me. Yep I'm definitely in heaven, this had only ever happened on my dreams. I am so confused. I hesitated before wrapping my arms around her as well. I could feel her. Her touch, it lit my skin on fire. I wasn't in heaven. This is real. This is very real. Natasha muttered  under her breath.
"I thought I lost you...". Would she be sad if she lost me? After last week I didn't think she would be to bothered by my disappearance. I guess I was wrong, it seems to have hit her pretty hard. I was still locked in her embrace, I felt safe, I felt like I was always meant to be here. I didn't want to move. I didn't want to loose the contact I had with her. That's when someone behind us cleared their throat. I quickly let go of Natasha and spun my head around, trying to look like I wasn't doing anything, I was still lay on her lap though so it didn't really matter what I did. It was my girlfriend. She was stood there with a heart broken expression, her eyes travelled between Natasha and I. What no, did she think? I wasn't doing anything I was just hugging a friend. Well I think she's a friend I don't really know what she is.
"Wanda?" I was relived to see her, she but she didn't look relived to see me.
"Looks like I'm intimidating something". She said with an angry tone. No no no. Don't do this please not now, not ever. Tears lined the bottom of her eyes, she knew how I felt about Natasha, I told her she had nothing to worry about, guess she thinks I'm a liar now. She looked at us both for a few more seconds before wiping her eyes and storming off. I had to go after her. I got off Natasha and forced myself onto my feet. I stumbled a little, Nat went to catch me. I shooed her away with my hand I don't need her help, I got this. I limped out of the room, trying to catch up to Wanda. When I got there I saw her walking away. There was no way I could catch up the her so I decided to shout.
"WANDA WAIT!" She stopped dead in her tracks, but she didn't turn around to face me. I could hear her sniffle. She was crying and she didn't want me to know it, this is my fault I made her cry, I was stupid. I had always told Wanda that Natasha was just a friend, but the truth is I don't know what she is.
"You say your just friends but I'm catching you across the room...". Wanda speaks with a croaky voice. She still had her back towards me. Please just turn around, I need to see her, I need to wipe away her pain, the pain that I had caused her.
"Please Wanda, she's just my friend" I say trying to defend myself. I have no idea if this is true, I just wanted to make Wanda feel better, then I can figure out how I feel. She slowly turned around to come face to face with me. Her eyes red and watery, I started to tear up just by looking at her. I felt sorrow, not just for her but for me too. She studied my face closely with her dreary eyes, before they wondered down to my wound. Her eyes went slightly wide as she saw what had happened.
"Please...Wanda." Wanda had always questioned are relationship, I never knew why but i guess it's hard, being in a relationship with someone who you know had a huge crush on the person living in the room next to you, and she doesn't know if I still like Nat or if I don't. And if I'm honest I don't know either.
"There's no way that I'll end up being with you, friends don't look at friend that way...". She was hurt. The one thing I didn't want to do when I got in this relationship was hurt her, and look what I've done. I've hurt her.
"She's just a friend Wanda I wouldn't lie to you about that". I hated lying to Wanda, she is an amazing person, I don't deserve her. Her eyes travelled up to meet mine. Both are eyes were filled to the brim with tears.  I have no idea if she believes me, I just need her to trust me, I know I haven't given her many reasons to, but that's all I need. A long stream of tears ran down her cheeks. Does she trust me?
"Friends don't look at friends that's way...". She repeated herself. I don't think she does. No, not today, please not today. Today had been the shittyst day of my life, and I've had a LOT of shitty days. I don't want another reason to feel bad. I just need her.
"Please...". I said tears were now free falling down my face. We looked at each other for a few seconds, I wanted to hug her, but my legs wouldn't allow me to move, I was frozen to the spot. By the look on her face I could tell that she didn't know what to do, it was like she wants to hug me but at the same time she knows she shouldn't. But she couldn't help herself. She ran towards me and flung her arms  over my shoulders pulling me close into her body, I winced as she knocked my leg, but I didn't care, all I could think about was her. We stayed there for a few minutes, both of us were crying.

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