I said leave

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~your POV ~
I woke up the next morning to see a beautiful redhead staring down at me, her sleepy green orbs met mine. I squinted my eyes to try and get a better look at the Russian. I took in all her features and began to smile, her mouth twisted upwards as she looked down at me. How long has she been looking at me?
"Good morning" she whispered, fuck her morning voice is sexy.
"Morning" I replied with a croaky voice, I'm not usually a morning person but I think Natasha is, I glanced over at the clock on my cluttered bedside table and saw that it was 5:42 , I ground since it's wayyy to early. I was about to let my heavy eye lids fall when Nat pulled me into a soft kiss. After a few seconds she pulled away with a smirk.
"What was that for?" I asked her, I'm a lot more awake now, my brain is actually functioning, not properly but still functioning. She dropped her head and rested it comfortably on my chest.
"I've waited so long to do that" she finally answered. I'm glad I'm not the only one, when I first met her this is what I wanted, it took a while but now I finally have her and I couldn't be happier, she's mine.
"Same you have no idea" I lightly chuckled as i played with her hair. She lifted up her head and leant closer.
"I might have some idea" she husked, wow I wasn't expecting that. She sat up once again and sat on my lap, I looked up at her on awe for a few seconds before pulling her into a deep kiss. We held this position for a few minutes before there was a knock at my door. Thinking that the door was locked we didn't stop. We were so in the moment that we didn't hear the door creek open.
"Hello lady y/n I nee-" At the sound of Thor's voice Natasha and I quickly pulled apart, Nat grabbed the sheets and used them to cover are body's. Thor stood there, he didn't know what was going on but then he realised. His confused expression quickly changed into panic. He threw his large hands over his eyes.
"AHHH MY EYES" he shouted before running out of my room. Nat and I sat in surprised silence before breaking out into a fit of laughter, that's now how I expected my day to start.
"Maybe we should go see if he's ok" I said in between giggles. Natasha grazed her thumbs across my rosy cheeks before planting a soft kiss to my forehead. Without saying anything she climbed down off me and went into my bathroom, before closing the door she slowly turned around and smirked at me. My stomach filled with butterflies and my palms began to sweat, she still makes me nervous! She's teasing me. She closed to door, I jumped up off the bed and ran to the door, I reached for the handle but it was locked. Clever bitch. She knew this would get me up. I took the time away from her to get ready for the day, I'm feeling basic today, so just a casual look. Not long after Natasha emerged from my bathroom looking even more beautiful than before. I felt my self smiling uncontrollably, god I feel like an idiot, she strutted over to me and took my hand in hers. We left my room and made are way to the main room.

As we entered the room we were greeting by a few familiar faces, one of them being Thor. When he saw Natasha and I his face burned red, he quickly looked away and continued to eat his breakfast. I smirked to myself and went to sit next to him, Natasha followed closely behind. I sat on the right side of him and Nat took the seat to the left, he tried to ignore us, oh no Thor you can't ignore us.
"Heyyy Thorrrr" I said innocently, he looked up slightly, I just gave him a pure look. His eyes danced between Natasha and I, clearly he was uncomfortable, good that is the plan.
"H-hello lady y/n" he said awkwardly not meeting my eye, I glanced over at Natasha to signal that it was her turn.
"What's wrong with you Thor" she said with a sarcastic tone, we knew exactly what was wrong with him but it's just fun to annoy him about it plus its even funnier to see his reactions.
"N-nothing wrong" he said sitting up straight and clearing his throat. I rested my head in my hands letting a small giggle escape my lips. He's such a bad liar.
"You sure?" I raised an eyebrow at him causing his shoulders to slump slightly. Natasha was trying so hard not to burst out laughing, seeing her try not to laugh made me want to laugh, but I held it in.
"No" Thor finally said swallowing the large lump in his throat. I couldn't hold it in anymore I bust out laughing, Natasha's infectious laugh soon followed filling up my ears. In are haze of giggles Bucky had entered the room. He took one glance at what was happening and knew we did something. His eyes darted between the uncomfortable god of thunder and Natasha and I who were in hysterics.
"What did you do to him?" He asked as a knowing smile grew. He sat down across from Thor after making himself a hot coffee.
"We didn't do anything" Natasha replied as are laughter died down.
"Yeah he should have knocked" I said, Bucky let out a heartily chuckle as Thor shook his head and put it in his hands. We all started to laugh, and that's when my dad entered the room, he had a bounce in his step, oh god what is he about to say.
"Where having a partyyyyy!" He said pumping his fists into the air like a child. Could have guessed. He danced over to the four of us sat at the table. His smile flattered slightly when he looked at Thor's defeated face. With a confused expression he looked at me Nat and Bucky, we all shrugged are shoulders pretending like we didn't know what was wrong with him.
"What's wrong with him?" He suspiciously asked. Thor shot up from the table before stomping out as quickly as he could.
"NOTHING!" His loud voice boomed as he ran off towards his room. Bucky began to smirk, Natasha and I were dying of laughter. Tony sceptically looked between us all, the confusion in his face sawing.
"I'm not even going to ask" he said as he walked over to the coffee machine waving his hand. I tried to stop laughing so that I could respond but Natasha got there before me.
"Good idea" she chuckled.

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