⚠️kiss me⚠️

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~your POV ~
The avengers and I continued to dissemble and destroy every robot in sight, we would destroy 100 and 100 more would show up, everyone began to get frustrated but not me, I was enjoying myself. I don't know why I found this so hard at the beginning, this is one of the easiest things I have ever done, clearly I was the only one who thought this. Wanda and Steve had stoped keeping a close eye on me, Nat however hadn't, she was still trying to watch my every move while fighting off robots. God she gonna get herself killed.
"EVERYONE OK?" Steve shouted out over the roaring sound of metal bouncing off the floor and people fists. No one answered him, I'm taking that as a no then. Was i seriously the only one who found this easy.
"MORE THAN OK!" I loudly shouted back. I dashed forward taking out the two robots that were stood before me. I ran around throwing my fists at everything that moved, sorry robots. I continued to demolish every metal man in sight, the avengers were all now looking in my direction, they were all in disbelief.
"How is she?" Thor questioned, even he was struggling a little, he didn't want to show it as that would bruise his ego and his thoughts of himself being the strongest avenger, well clearly I'm giving him a run for his money.
"I didn't know she could fight like that" Clint said, he was purely astonished but slightly proud. Same here Robin Hood, I've never felt more powerful.
"Neither did I..." Bucky's deep voice rang out as he hit a fellow metal man in the head. If anyone was going to know how good of a fighter I was it would be Bucky, we always train together and I'm never this good. There were only a few of them left, my time to shine. I started sprinting, I felt like I was floating, Ive never ran this fast before, I pulled Bucky's gun from out of his grasp and started to fire, when the bullets ran out I began hitting the robots over the head with it. The avengers all stopped what they were doing and began watching me. That's right give me all the attention. One left. I made my way over to the final figure and swung bucks gun around my head before driving it through it's metallic heart. If it even has one of those. I stepped back to admire my work, good job y/n. I placed my hands on my hips, smiling to myself.
"Well that was easy." I dusted off my hands and rotated my body to face the team. They were all looking at me with astonished expression glued to their faces. What are they all looking at?
"What do I have something on my face?" I said as I wiped my face, the amazement on their faces grew, nope, nothing there. I looked back up at them. Bucky's mouth fell open, gross.
"Are you ok?" He asked me. Of course! Why wouldn't I be ok? I feel great actually, I feel like I can do anything! I was a bit confused by his question though, do I seem off?
"Yeah why?" I asked him. He didn't answer me, he just studied my face very closely, he only does this when he's worried, what's he worried about? My eyes darted to each individual avenger they all had the same looks on their faces. Ok this is starting to feel strange.
"Ok this is getting wired, I'm going home" I suspiciously said, I strutted back to the jet and took my seat in the far back corner away from everyone. Finally the rest of the avengers climbed in, each one looking at me as they did so. I rolled my eyes. Nat came over and took the seat next to me. She looked at me with a worried face. Why is everyone looking at me like that?!

After a few hours we had arrived back at the compound, I was the final person off the jet, when I got off everyone had already separated ways to do there own thing, guess I should do the same. I made my way to my room, I didn't feel like socialising with anyone for the time being, they were all acting weird around me, the flight home was way more awkward than the one there. When I got to my room I pushed open the door and dived straight into bed, that's it missions done, I'm off for a nap. I was soundly sleeping when I was woken up by a knock at my door, terrible timing.
"Come in" I groaned. There is nothing that will get me out of this bed I'm way to tired, well there may be one thing. I watched as the door slowly opened and Natasha poked her head around it, her fiery red hair was dripping wet, wow that's hot. I felt myself getting nervous, come on y/n get it together.
"Hey" she calmly said. She seemed a lot less tense now, probably because she knows I can't get killed by robots when I'm in bed. I really wanted to see her as I just had a dream about her, great dream but she kinda woke up up from it so I'm not to happy about that.
"Hey Tasha I was just about to come and find you". By that I meant I was going to text her and tell her to come here, because like I said I'm not getting up. The calm and comforting look on her face quickly disappeared it was replaced by suspicion and worry. Did I say something wrong?
"Why is everything alright?" She quickly asked as she slumped down next to me. These people are really starting to annoy me, there all acting like something really bad has happened to me, but nothing has, we went in a mission and that was it, nobody died, so what's there problem?
"Yes, why do people keep asking that?" I sceptically asked her, she looked down at me in disbelief as I was still in bed. She suddenly went stiff, her expression changing. Oh god what did I do?
"Because of what happened with the bullets!" she splurged out with a sense of urgency in her voice. I looked up at her, my face scrunched in confusion. What is she talking about?
"What happened with the bullets?" I hesitantly asked. Her face fell, ok so something bad has clearly happened but what, nobody died did they?

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