He has her

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~ Wanda's POV ~
I was sat in the kitchen with everyone apart from y/n and Nat, which annoyed me because y/n and Nat aren't even close anymore. So why are they training together? Nat hated her, I knew that y/n didn't hate Natasha mainly because she couldn't if she tried. If she could hate Natasha then maybe she would. I was digging into my breakfast when there was a loud bang. A gunshot. My head started to spiral and went straight to y/n and Nat.
"What was that?" Tony asked, if he knew where y/n was then he wouldn't need to ask.
My eyes darted over to Bucky he was looking at the ground but then he lifted his face to look at me, a look of panic spread.
"Y/N!" We both shouted.
We both got up from are chairs and ran out of the kitchen. The rest of the avengers specifically Tony Bruce and Steve, sat there in confusion. Then Thor Clint and Peter clicked in, they also jumped up from the chairs and chased after Bucky and I. Tony Steve and Bruce were left their confused, but they knew something had happened so they took of running as well.

We got to the training room as quickly as we could. It was empty. There was a small pool of blood on the floor. My heart started to beat the fastest it has ever beat before. She was gone. I ran into the bathrooms and Bucky ran into the changing rooms, she had to be here somewhere. We searched everywhere before meeting back up with everyone in the training room. At this point I was panicking.
"Where are they?" Clint questioned as he ran through the door my whole body started to shake. Where is she?
"They're not here". I turned around to see Steve walking out of the locker room. Everyone was panicking. Bucky tried his best not to look worried but he wasn't doing a very good job, he started to pace the room glancing over to Bruce, who was kneeling down by the puddle of red liquid, he did this every few seconds.
"Where are they, they can't just disappear" Thor's loud voice boomed. He was right, how can two women just disappear without a main trace. I copied Bucky's movements and started to pace.
"Well it looks like they di-". No way was James about to say that! My rage was burning, I knew Natasha had something to do with this, and when I find out what I'm going to kill her. The words that James had spoke really got to me.
"SHUT UP JAMES AND FIND HER!"I shouted as I turned around to look at him. I was about to throw him into a wall.
"Find who?" I whirled around to see someone stood by the door. I clenched my jaw and balled my hands into fists. Natasha Romanoff.
"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" I shouted, Natasha looked at me with a confused expression. Was she being serious? Just looking at her face made me angry. My hands started to glow red.
"Wanda calm down..." Steve said from the side of me. Calm down? No I will not calm down my girlfriend is gone. And this bitch is acting like she doesn't know what's going on.
"Tell me where she is before I kill you!" I said as I walked towards Natasha, my hands still glowing. She took a step back, a panicked look was on her face.
"I-I don't know what your talking about". She stuttered, was she being for real right now! How could she not know what was going on? Before I could get any words in Bucky spoke up, he was angry.
"Stop with the bullshit, you were in here training with y/n and now she's gone!" He also walked closed towards Natasha. Again she moved back.
"I haven't spoke to y/n all week". This would have been true is she said it yesterday, or any other day of the week. I was starting to get angry again.
Clint stepped forward "you spoke to her this morning...". He looked at her with a saddened expression. She just stared back with a confused one. Her eyes darted over to the rest of the avengers, they all nodded their heads.
"What? No I didn't, I saw her but I walked away...". Was she really still trying to defend herself, everyone was there.
Bucky had had enough, he stormed over to Natasha and put his hand around her throat. Everyone gasped and stepped back, apart from me and Steve, I was enjoying myself but Steve looked terrified.
"STOP LYING WE WERE THERE!" Bucky shouted tightening his grip on her neck. Steve ran over to the two of them and pulled Bucky of Natasha. Aw why ruin it Steve. Natasha fell to the floor gasping for air. I laughed. She looked up at me sympathetically, this only made me even more mad. I smiled at her.
"I'm about 5 seconds away from killing you". I smiled innocently.
Steve started to shout at me, so I shouted back. Then Natasha and Bucky joined in. Then the whole team did, except Thor, he looked like he was trying to figure something out, probably where y/n is, but I continued to argue.
"Where's Loki, he would have killed me by now." Nat complained. As much as I hated her she had a good point. Where is Loki? No Wanda she's just trying to throw you off her scent.
"Yeah just change the subject." She glared at me, does she know I could kill her right here right now if I wanted to? And believe me I wanted to.
"Oh no...". My attention got snapped away from Natasha and to Thor. He was sat rubbing the sides of him face with his hands. Something was wrong.
"What is it?" I questioned. I needed to know if it was about y/n. Was she alright? Does he know where she is? COME ON THOR ANSWER ME!
He looked up at me, worry covered his face. Oh no.
"I think I knew where y/n is..."

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