Im not going

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~Tony's POV ~
The happy looks on there faces quickly drained. This is not going to be good. They both looked at each other with an angry expression. Wanda shook her head and started to walk around. Everyone else was sat awkwardly waiting for someone to say something.
"WHAT!?" Steve yelled. Well he isn't happy is he. Carful ice pop if you get to hot headed your going to melt. Wanda ran her hands through her hair and rested them on the back of her neck, rubbing it to calm herself.
"I'm not going!" She whined. I rolled my eyes. She has to go and she knows she does. I know she hates y/n and Nat right now but this is a mission, so they have to put their differences aside, just for a few hours.
"You don't have a choice!" I harshly said as I stood up from my chair. I walked over to the kitchen, I didn't want to have this conversation with her right now, Wanda followed me. Great. She was going to try and argue with me but I'm not letting her out of this.
"Someone else can take my spot" she whined leaning over the counter. Wanda just stop your going on this mission no matter what, they need you for this.
"It doesn't work like that you know it doesn't" I said with my back towards her, I was making myself a bourbon because when y/n finds out about this it's going to be world war 3.
"Fine whatever!" She shouted. She turned around and stormed out of the room. Thank god she's gone, don't get me wrong I do like Wanda but I don't particularly like having conversations with her. I walked back into the main room and saw that Wanda and Steve weren't there. I stood by the door everyone was looking at me.
"Soooo" Peter said. I knew exactly what he was thinking and it wasn't going to be good. Bucky sat up on his chair, he knew what Peter was referring to. He clapped his hands together.
"So who's going to tell y/n and Nat?" He said. There is no way in hell I'm going to tell them! I made a run for the door.
"NOT ME!" I shouted over my shoulder running away.

~your POV ~
I was lay on my bed, curled up in a ball. No one had come to see me, I was glad because I really wasn't in the mood to see anyone. I was deep in thought thinking about what had happened earlier in the day. There was a knock on my door. I rolled my eyes and buried my face in my pillow. Just go away. Im not getting up.
"Go away" I weakly said my voice was still broken from all the crying I had been doing. The door rattled again. Who ever it is clearly doesn't know how to listen so it was either Buck Nat or Tony. I didn't want to see any of them. I lifted my head.
"I SAID GO AWAY!" I say loudly this time. There was no noice. I lowered my head back down and rolled over thinking whoever it was had gone. There was a loud pounding on the door. For fuck sake. Piss off. I rolled of the bed and dragged myself to the door. I flung it open ready to shout at whoever it was.
"I SAID- oh it's you" I quickly stopped shouting when I realised who it was, stood in front of me was Natasha Romanoff. She didn't look her usual smug self. Something was wrong. She swayed side to side, she wanted to say something but wasn't sure how to start. I let my body relax and she did the same.
"Can I talk to you?" She asked fiddling with her fingers. I really wanted to be left alone but there was something about her that made me unable to tell her no. I guess there's only one thing I can say.
"It's not like I can say no" she looks up at me and smiles, she wasn't expecting me to say that, I gave her a small smile and moved out of the way allowing her into my bedroom. She awkwardly walked in, I shut the door behind her before jumping onto my bed. She lightly laughed and sat down at the end of it. I was lay on my back staring up at the ceiling. What am I supposed to say? Nat had been watching me since she came in, her gaze made me feel vulnerable, I loved it.
"Look y/n I'm so sorry". She finally says. She was sorry? Why was she sorry? If anyone should be sorry it should be me. I sat up and stared at her. She really did look sorry. This made me feel bad, she probably feels so guilty for what happened between Wanda and I.
"Don't be, it's my fault" I gloomily said, I dragged my hands down my face and buried my face in them. I felt the bed shift in front of me. Then I felt a comforting hand rest on my shoulder. I slowly lifted my head up, the hand that was on my shoulder drifted to cup my face.
"Y/n..." Nat said in a low voice, are faces started to get pulled together, we were about to kiss when there was another knock at my door. Nat's hand quickly fell, she looked embarrassed, I smirked at her.
"Who is it?" I called out. Please don't be someone I hate, which is just about everyone right now. I don't really care who it is I don't want to see anyone, and whoever it was has really shitty timing.
"It's me" the voice said. It was Bucky. It could be worse but I still don't feel like talking to him. So he can go away.
"Get lost" I shouted back. Natasha laughed next to me, I covered her mouth with my hand muffling her laugh, if buck knew she was in here god knows what he would think.
"Rude cow". He said. Excuse me! I started to smile and removed my hand from Nat's mouth she was also smiling. Before I could say anything the door swung open, shit I forgot to lock it after Nat came in. Bucky walked in without a care in the world. What if I was getting changed? His eyes danced over and landed on Nat, a small smiled tugged at the corner of his mouth as he looked back at me. He was one of are number one shippers. I put on an annoyed face and crossed my arms. He interrupted something very important. His face dropped as he took in my expression. Nat did the same.
"Don't be angry with me.." he started. Great way to start the conversation buck, I'm definitely not going to be angry now.
"I'm already angry" this was true. I felt so many different emotions right now and anger was definitely one of them. He gulped and looked down for a few seconds before looking back up. Whatever he was about to say he clearly didn't want to say. This is going to be bad.
"You might be a little more angry in a sec..". Why? What else has happened that's going to make me angry? Natasha and I looked at each other confused. Nat was the first one to speak.
"What do you mean?" She asked him. He started to look uncomfortable and began to fiddle with his fingers. He didn't answer her. Go on the Bucky answer her question. He was still stood there, silent. That's it.
"Are you going to answer her orrr" I said. It was pretty clear I was annoyed at him. He looked back up at the sound of my voice, he shook all his nerve away and began to speak.
"You two have a mission". That's it? We have a mission. That's not new we have missions all the time. Why did it take him so long to say that? It wasn't exactly hard.
"Ok?" Nat says. She was just as confused as I was, we always go on missions together, we used to pretend that we hated it, but I never did and don't think she did either. Bucky looked at me, oh no he wasn't done. From the side of me Nat squeezed my hand, I looked at her and gave her a smile, which she returned. Bucky cleared his throat to get are attention.
"With your two favourite people...".

"WHAT?!" Natasha and I shouted simultaneously. Nu uh there's no way In hell I'm going on this mission. Being alone with just Wanda Nat and Steve, that's just a bomb waiting to explode.
"I know I-" no no no. I'm not listening to any excuses. I'm not going end of discussion. I cut him off before he could finish.
"IM NOT GOING!" I yelled. Usually I love going on missions especially ones with Nat but there is no way you are getting me on the quinjet.
"You have too" Bucky says. I don't have to do anything, especially go on this mission. I shot up from my bed and stomped over to my door, brushing past Bucky on the way out.
"I DONT THINK SO. DADDDDDD?!" I stormed out and huffed all the way to the main room where I found my dad, along with the rest of the avengers except for Wanda, thank god, he chocked on his drink when he saw me coming.
"Oh shit, heyyy sweetheart what the matter?" He said with a shaky voice as he lowered his alcoholic beverage onto the table. He knew exactly what was wrong with me!
"THE MATTER IS I HAVE TO GO ON A MISSION THAT I DONT WANT TO GO ON!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I knew Steve was in the room and I knew this would annoy him. I found it funny annoying Rogers because he makes this stupid face, I think me and my dad are the only ones who have noticed. I didn't take my eyes of Tony but I saw Steve sit up in his chair from the corner of my eye. If he says anything I swear down.
"Well I don't want to go either" great he said something, my anger flew to new heights, just the sound of his voice annoyed me let alone looking at him. I was ready to explode and that what I'm about to do. I spun around to face him, when he looked at my expression his face fell.
Was he going to say anything?
"Rude". He muttered under his breath, I don't think he wanted me to hear that. Wait how did I hear that? I normally can't hear him when he mutters but this time I could hear him loud and clear. Eh nothing to worry about.
"Oh I'm just getting started." I said with a smirk on my face. He looked up with a surprised expression but then he quickly hid it when Wanda and Nat come into the room. I continued to smirk not breaking eye contact. I could see Wanda stood behind Steve and I could feel Natasha's presence behind me.
"What's going on" Wanda says her voice was full of confusion. I slightly tilted my head to the side my smirk had gone it was replaced with an innocent smile. I'm not talking so I'm just going to wait and see what Steve says.
"Y/n is being pathetic". He said. Oooo Steve wrong thing to say buddy. I love a good argument, mainly because I win most of them and this one is going to be no different.
"Don't hate on me bitch stay in your place" I insultingly said. Steve stood up from his seat and stood next to Wanda. Wow like she's going to do anything she loves me, she can never hurt me. Nat come up from behind me and rubbed my shoulders. This woman is amazing.
"You tell em y/n" she says while kissing the side of my neck. I rolled my head back and gave her a kiss, that is the best motivation ever, I can't let her down now can I? I turned my head to face Steve and Wanda, Steve looked angry and Wanda looked sad and she looked down as are eyes met. I felt kind of bad for her, but Steve on the other hand, I don't care about him at all. Nat moved away and I stepped forward. Get ready.
"You talk about my attitude much". I said sarcastically. Steve had always said I have an attitude, I dont know what he's talking about. I don't have an attitude.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Wanda shouted. Her eyes drifted back up to mine. I guess she wasn't sad anymore she seems pissed I always did like it when she got angry. I smirked.
"Because my Audi payed off bitch hush". I put my finger to my mouth signalling for them both to shut up. Wanda slouched down but clearly Steve didn't get the memo.
"NO ONE CARES!" He shouted. Well that's not true is it Rogers.
"Why you yelling so much?" I put my fingered in my ears. "If I see you in the streets bitch your ass is done" I say while laughing at him. He looked taken a back. Wasn't expecting me to say anything? He didn't know what to say so he said the one thing he could think of.
"I don't like you" he says sternly. Wanda's eyes go wide, she knew I was probably about to do something I'm going to regret. I looked at her and she shook her head. I never listen but because Ive already hurt her today it's only fair. I held back what I was going to say and said something else.
"I don't need your opinion" I said while folding my arms up. Wanda breathed a sight of relief. From besides me Bucky sat up in his chair. My hype man.
"She don't need it!" He bellowed. I turned to face him with a smirk. Nat also hadn't stopped smiling this whole time, clearly she was enjoying this a lot more than Steve and Wanda. I also noticed my dad giving me a few looks, but they weren't bad looks, he looked proud. If mom were here then she would probably go insane at me, but I don't think dad really cared. I felt so confident right now. I put my hands on my hips and glared at Steve.
"Do what I fucking want!" Steve didn't say anything. I win. That was easier than I thought it would be. I smirked at his defeated face. Maybe he had a point about my attitude. I tuned around and walked off.

As I was waking away a put up my middle finger.

"Fuck you all"

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