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~your POV ~
The night was still young but I was already drunk, I swear you can't trust me with any type of alcoholic substances. I went from completely sober one minute to dancing with Nat and Clint to now showing off my moves on top of a table. I may regret this in the morning but for the time being I was having fun. I started to get tired, but that's when my favourite song started playing. I began dancing like a lunatic. I looked out over the crowd and saw my two new favourite people cheering me on.
"Woooo that's my girl!" Natasha shouted up to me. Yes, yes it is your girl. Nat was drunk but no where near as drunk as I was, we're gonna need to change that.
"Go y/nnnn" a tipsy Clint roared while throwing his hands and body around the dance floor. Hearing there words I began to dance even harder than before. I'm gonna pass out.

~Bucky's POV ~
I was stood off to one side of the dance floor, party's really aren't my thing since I can't get drunk. Usually my job is to take care of y/n because she drinks like there is no tomorrow. But I'm guessing my services won't be needed tonight since she hasn't spoke to me since earlier, I'm still going to be ready though just in case. I watched her dancing around on a table, she's gonna fall, I want her to get down so that she doesn't hurt herself. Nat and Clint weren't helping the situation as they were cheering her on, I knew this would just encourage y/n to keep going. I began smiling as her favourite song blasted through the speakers, her face lit up with pure pep and she started dancing with even more enthusiasm. I chuckled lowly, and that's when I felt a figure come up behind me.
"How embarrassing" Steve said while looking up at the drunk y/n. I rolled my eyes and took a large swig of my drink.
"Don't get jealous" I laughed. Steve tensed his body and pushed his shoulders back. I really can't be dealing with this right now.
"Why would you care I thought you fell out" he questioned not taking his eyes off y/n. We didn't fall out, we just had a slight disagreement, I know I'm right and y/n does to, but she's stubborn so she won't admit it.
"Maybe but she's still my bestfriend" I shrugged. Nothing will ever change that, as annoying as she can be I'm not letting her go anywhere, especially without me.
"Pathetic" Steve mumbled lifting his drink to his mouth. Hearing his say this made me snap. Y/n and I aren't pathetic!
"NO THE ONLY PATHETIC THING HERE IS YOU!" I shouted as I threw my glass down on the floor making it smash. 

~your POV ~
I was still dancing and having the time of my life when my song went off. I abruptly stopped dancing and turned towards the DJ.
"Heyyyy wha-" I began complaining but I quickly stopped when I saw James and Steve in a shouting match. I love a good bit of drama but seriously, while my song is playing.
"This will be fun" I said as I jumped down off the table, I stumbled and fell over. I quickly got back up and pushed Clint away, he had helped me up, thanks Clint but I've got thing to do and places to be. I wobbled in my heals as I made my way closer towards the arguing super soldiers.
"Heyyy boys calmmmm downnn" I slurred my words and fell into James spilling my drink everywhere, well that's not awkward at all. He helped me back up. 
"Shut up y/n this has nothing to do with you!" Steve yelled jabbing a finger at me. Bucky walked and stood in front of me, I can stand up for myself you know.
"Well it kinda does" Bucky shrugged. I didn't know what they were arguing about but James said it had something to do with me so now this is also my argument. I moved buck out of my way so I was standing in front of a much larger guy who was towering over me. He looked down at me with a smug look, oh don't get cocky yet. I smirked up at him.
"Sorry Steve" his face fell into a confused state, I swung my arm back a hit him square in his jaw, he got sent flying across the room, wow ok that's new I didn't think I was that strong. Bucky began laughing behind me.
"Good punch" he said proudly, I turned to him with a wide smile, he is the one who taught me how to throw a good hit so this was a very proud moment for him.
"Thanks" I remarked. People all around were whispering about what they had just seen before them. Before either of us could say anything the rest of the avengers pushed there way through the crowd. Wanda arrived first, she looked at the proud faces of Bucky and I and the broken body of Steve.
"Y/n what the hell!" She howled as she made her way over to Rogers. I rolled my eyes and saw Nat stalking towards me.
"Impressive" she whispered seductively running her hand up my arm and across my chest, I began to lean in, but that's when my vision went blurry and my head began to spin. I stumbled forward into her falling to the ground. She positioned me up against a near by wall, a blue stream ran through my eyes before my vision fully went blue.
"Oh no..." Thor said with a tint of worry in his voice. Great the big god man said oh no this can't be good. He was glued to the spot staring me straight in the eyes.
"What is it?!" Tony frantically asked as he ran to the side of me cupping my hand in his. After a few seconds of silence Thor's voice boomed.
"It's Loki" he spoke. Loki again seriously I thought Thor killed that guy who I used to call one of my best friends. Peter shot up from his seat with a panicked look.
"I thought you killed Loki!" Peter said desperately pacing back and forth, running his hands through his messy hair.
"Well apparently not" a familiar sinister voice spoke up. Everyone turned to come face to face with the god of mischief. Loki. A large smirk was fitted perfectly on his smug face.

The blue rays in my eyes had vanished, I felt nothing but anger toward the man stood before me. He shouldn't even be here. His eyes bounced of everyone of my friends before resting on me. I clenched my jaw.
"Thought you were dead" I sarcastically spoke to the god. He chuckled deeply.
"Thought you were" he quickly responded. My stomach dropped, no no no why would you say that, Tony and Nat gave me a scared and questioning look, this is going to end well.
"What do you mean?" Tony quickly asked as he stood up straight letting go of my hand. From across the room Loki smirked at me knowing that I hadn't told anyone.
"Y/n hasn't told you?" He said with surprise in his voice, he knew I hadn't told anyone but I'm guessing he's about to tell everyone.
"Loki don't" I harshly spat balling my hands into fists making my knuckles go white. From the side of me I could see Nat giving me a calculating look.
"Told us what?" She said, she had also let go of my hand and stood up next to Tony. She's going to kill me if Loki doesn't. They stood waiting for an answer but all they got was the sound of Loki's evil cackles. I saw Wanda walk over to the rest of us. Oh god what now.
"Told us what Loki?" She questioned, she didn't stand with the others, I mean why would she none of them are a huge fan of her right now. Instead she looked directly at me.
"When I activated y/ns powers, I also activated a war" Loki shrugged, still smirking. There it was, a secret I was trying to hide, now out into the world for everyone to know about. The whole team turned to face me, all of there expressions were different I couldn't put together a conclusion on how everyone was feeling. Nobody knew what to say, I looked down at the ground feeling as though I should have told somebody.
"And you didn't tell us this because!?" Bucky frustratedly asked me. Ok calm down there bud it's not that big a deal.
"Because I didn't believe him..." I mumbled, ok maybe I messed up, but there's no way I'm going to admit to that.
"SO?!" Bucky shouted, oi don't shout at me because i will shout back, normally, but not right now because my head is still spinning and my eyes are burning.
"You told me not to believe anything he says!" I quickly snapped back, as my words left my mouth i heard collective sighs rise from the crowd, Loki was stood laughing at us all.
"You still could have said something!" James huffed. Murmurs erupted all around us, well clearly people agree with him more than me.
"Well I didn't so it doesn't matter now!" I barked back getting to me feet, as I did so the building shook with a loud grumble. We all struggled to keep are feet firmly on the ground as the tower swayed like a tree in the wind. Loki wasn't fazed at all by the movements, he began prowling towards one of the 10ft windows and looked up to the sky. The tower went dark as a blanked of black covered us. The sky began to swirl and move.
"Just on time" the god snickered.

Natasha and a few others stumbled there way over to the window to see what Loki was referring to, when we reached there what we saw was mind blowing, a portal had torn itself open right in the middle of the sky.
"What the hell is that!" Nat blurted out, her eyes were fixed on the dark portal above us.
"My army" Loki cackled "now would be a good time for you all to say your goodbyes". We're all going to die. How can we defend a whole city from aliens? I abruptly turned to face Natasha she was already gazing at me with panic and confusion. I'm not ready to say goodbye, I just got her and I'm not letting anyone take that from me.
"I don't think so, suit up and fight!" My dad roared over all the background sound. My face lit up, with my new powers this shouldn't be to hard. Loki's face twisted with rage.
"Not today stark" he spat. He picked up my dad with one hand and threw his across the room. His body flopped onto the hard cold floor with smack. The god picked him up by his throat and threw him through the window, I broke from my position and ran towards the broken glass.
"DAD!" I screamed as I saw his body plummeting down towards the concrete.
"Sorry about that" Loki snarled. He grabbed me and threw me away from the window towards the rest of my friends.
"NO!" I cried as a tears began to flow freely down my pale face. My body couldn't comprehend the amount of emotions I was currently feeling, I'm going to kill him.
"Now where were we" he continued as though nothing had happened, my hands balled into fists, sparks danced around them bouncing of the cold skin of my hands. I stepped forward towards the god but Natasha stopped me. Why is she stopping me? I have to kill him. He just killed my farther. She held me back, restraining me and trying to keep me away from the menacing man before me. Before I could object iron man flew up to the window.
"Hi" he sarcastically remarked. At the sound of his voice Loki spun around only to be blasted half way across the room, my face lit up with pure joy, Loki just got blasted and Tony's still alive.

Time to work for a living

One chapter left!

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