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~ your POV ~
Today was going to be a nightmare. It already was. Wanda and Bucky tried to talk to me but I never answered them.
"I should probably go before Stark finds me here" Bucky said as he turned towards my door. I didn't answer him.
"See you later y/n" he dully said. Again, I didn't answer him. I was lay facing the ceiling when Wanda finally spoke to me.
"You should get ready" she softly said. I didn't want to but I knew she was right. I sighed and rolled out of bed, I made my way over to my dresser and picked out a simple but comfy outfit. I completely forgot Wanda was still there, I lifted my shirt over my head.
"Ermmm y/n" she said. I quickly turned around to face her.
"Oh god sorry!" I said with widened eyes trying to cover myself. How could I forget she was there? I quickly ran into my bathroom embarrassed.
"It's ok" she paused "it was a nice while it lasted" I was so happy she couldn't see me anymore because I was smiling like an idiot. After a few minutes I came out of the bathroom fully clothed, Wanda was still in her cloths from last night.
"Maybe you should go get ready as well" I said gesturing to her cloths.
"What you don't like this?" She said pulling a sad face at me.
"Woah I never said that!" I winked at her and she looked away. Did I just make Wanda Maximoff blush?
"I suppose your right" she said as she got out of my bed. She walked over to my door and bumped into someone.
"Oh sorry" the other voice said. It was Tony, probably coming to check Bucky wasn't in my room. I looked over to the door, Wanda gave me a small wave before walking out. I dropped myself down onto my bed as Tony walked in. I didn't want to see him. Not after he told Bucky to stay away from me.
"Hey kid, how you feeling?" He said. How am I feeling? Really dad. I have the worst hangover EVER and my best friend just told me he's not allowed near me. I'm great.
"Hi" I didn't even look at him, it would make me even more angry.
"That's it?"he questioned, did he really expect more from me? He's lucky I said anything at all. What did he want me to say?
"What do you want me to say dad? I have nothing to say." I complained. He walked over to me and sat at the end of my bed.
"Talk to me y/n, please" did he really just say that? I don't want to talk to him, why would I? There were only two people I wanted to talk to.
"I wanna talk to Bucky and Wanda" I said demandingly. They were the only people I could talk to. I needed to talk to them.
"Wanda yes, Bucky no" WHAT DID HE JUST SAY!? WAS HE BEING SERIOUS?! All of this because of a stupid game of truth or dare. We were all drunk, why can't he see that.
"WHY?!" I shouted as I sat up to look at him for the first time. He had a neutral expression, did he even care? Of course he didn't.
"Becau-" I cut him off, I didn't want to hear his reasons. My rage bubbled inside of me.
"BECAUSE OF WHAT NAT SAID? GOD DAD HER JOB IS TO LIE!" I shot up from the bed and stared him down. I knew what was coming and I didn't regret it.
"DONT TALK TO ME LIKE THAT YO-" wow he was really gonna go there. I couldn't deal with this anymore. I couldn't look at him.
"GET OUT!" I shouted pointing towards the door. He didn't move. People must have heard are shouting because Wanda came running into my room.
"Tony, please leave before it gets any worse" Wanda said while looking at him. I needed her and I think she knew this. She walked over to me as tears started to form in my eyes, she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a comforting hug. I buried my face into her neck as I sobbed. Tony was watching us and he must have realised how much of a mess I was.
"Fine" he said before turning on his heals and storming out, Slamming the door behind him.

After he left I stayed in Wanda's embrace. I was still crying, I guess it's a good thing I hadn't done my markup yet. She slowly pulled away, no don't go I thought.
"I'm not going anywhere" she whispered, I looked at her with glassy eyes and a confused expression. How did she-? Before I could finish the thought she pulled me over to the bed and sat me down. She took the space next me. I lowered my head and buried it in my hands, thinking.
"Are you ok?" She finally asked. Am I ok? No I'm not ok. I lifted my head to look at her, tears stained my cheeks.
"Sorry, stupid question" she said before looking down at her hands. Well now I feel bad. I lowered my head once again. I needed to ask her a question and I wanted her to give me an honest answer. So I raised my head to meet her level.
"Why do I always mess things up, what's wrong with me?" She turned to look at me with surprise. I could tell she was confused and annoyed by the question.
"There's nothing wrong with you, I think your perfect". My heart skipped a beat when I heard her words. She thinks I'm perfect? I quickly wiped my tears away and looked into her eyes.
"You do?" I wanted to believe her but I needed reassurance just to make sure.
"I do". And there it was, the reassurance I desperately needed. I smiled at her. Without realising it I was leaning closer. She started to gravitate towards me and before I knew it her lips where pressed against mine in a heated kiss. She slide onto my lap and continued to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her as close to my body as possible, her hands fell to the back of my neck. She pulled away. I looked up at her out of breath. She was scanning my face with her eyes until they fell to my lips. I couldn't wait any longer so I joined are lips together again. Her kisses were electric.

After a few minutes I pulled away, as amazing as all of this is I knew I needed to talk to my dad.
"Please can you get my dad I need to talk to him" I said as Wanda was climbing off my lap. "Of course" she said as she made her way to my door. I was in a much better mood than what I was earlier.
I sat in suspense for a few minutes waiting for my dad to come in. And that's when he finally did.
"Hey dad.." I said quietly not knowing if he was still angry at me.
"Look kid I'm sorry" he said as he made his way to sit on the bed next to me. Phew he wasn't mad, I don't think I could deal with him if he was. That's moms job.
"Me too" I said while looking at the floor. I didn't really know what to say. He put his hand on my shoulder, "come here" he placed his arms around me and I did the same in return. His hugs were the best.
"You ready to come and see everyone now?" He asked me. Oh god I completely forgot that I had to see everyone else. After the events of last night what would they think of me now. I knew that I needed to apologise to Steve and Nat, so maybe I could start there.
"I think so" I said as I stood up from the bed. I was dreading seeing everyone, but I knew I couldn't hide in my room forever even if I wanted to.

I realised that I hadn't had anything to eat yet today so I was going to go to the kitchen. I needed to find a cure for my huge hangover. It had calmed down a bit over the course of this morning but not by much. I guess this is one of my punishments for last night.

I made my way to the kitchen trying to avoid everyone that I could, luckily I only saw a few people wandering the corridors. I was now at the kitchen door, I took a deep breath before pushing the door open. As I walked in the first person I saw was Loki, wow he looked like a mess. But still not as bad as me. He looked up from his toast to see me entering the room.
"FINALLY your up, I was so bored without you, these people bore me!" I let a small laugh escape from my lips. He could always make me laugh no matter how much of a mess I was.
"Wow Loki thanks". I turned on the spot to see Steve sat at the table. I didn't notice him when I walked in, luckily he was the only other person in the room. I knew that I needed to apologise to him, but I'm stubborn so he can make the first move.
"Hey y/n" he said as he ate his cereal. Ok he's made the first move now I can talk to him.
"Hey Steve, can I erm can I talk to you?" I knew that I needed to say sorry even if I had nothing to be sorry for. I still don't think I did anything wrong.
"Yeah sure follow me". He finished the last spoon of his cereal and walked out of the kitchen into the main room. I followed shortly after, he was a lot taller than me so it was hard for me to keep up. He walked over to the very corner of the room and stopped.
I turned to face him, he was waiting for me to say something, I hated this, I never say sorry because a lot of the time I don't actually mean it, and this was one of those times.
"Right I'm just gonna say it, I'm..sorry". There I did it. I did the thing I hate doing. If Bucky were here he would be so proud. Steve looked at me for a few seconds before I looked up at him. I looked at him expectingly waiting for him to answer me.
"There's no need to apologise, you were hurt and very drunk, and that's not a good combination". No need to apologise? I just said sorry for nothing? I mean at least he's just mad at me, I don't think the same can be said for Natasha, then again I haven't seen her yet. I lightly laughed at what Steve had said. It was very true. With out warning her pulled me into a hug. Ok so this is happening. Why is he hugging me? I know we just made up but we're not that close. I hesitantly put my arms around him.  He finally pulled away, thank god I hope he never does that again. As we pulled away from each other Natasha entered the room and looked at us both. Her facial expression was neutral, so I had idea what she was feeling.
"Oh god" I mumbled under my breath so that Steve couldn't hear me. She looked at me for a good few seconds before turning around and walking off into the kitchen. Great, so I'm guessing she's still mad at me. My thoughts were running around trying to figure out what I should say to her, until Steve spoke.
"You should talk to her" he said. I know I should, but what would I say? She won't listen to me. I know she won't because she is Natasha Romanoff, and she has no reason to. I took a deep breath before turning around to face Steve with a dreary expression.

"I know, but I don't know where to start..."

Sorry this was posted a bit later than when I unusually post :)

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