Umbrella Scene

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Adrien let out a sigh as the rain began to pour harder. He had brought a jacket for the cold and it was too late to turn back home. He'd be late to class if he did. As he opened the car door, he waited for the onslaught of rain to pelt him, but it never came. Adrien looked up to see Marinette standing over him, with an umbrella over his head.

"Hey." Marinette spoke.

"Hey, Mari." Adrien replied.

Marinette held out the umbrella for him to grab.

"No! I couldn't!" Adrien refused, seeing her get soaked.

"It's okay." Marinette smiled, "It's about time I returned it, anyways."

Adrien took the umbrella, confused, only for it to close down around him.

'My...umbrella! She....She kept it after all this time!'

Adrien peered out from under it and saw Marinette giggling. He felt the heat on his cheeks begin to rise.

"You okay?" she questioned.

"Ye-Yeah." he answered, "Oh, um, Mari-"

"Angel!" a voice shouted.

Marinette quickly turned away from him. Adrien followed her gaze to a guy their age, dressed in a suit. Before he could say a word, Marinette ran over to the mysterious guy and got under his umbrella.

'Who the hell is that?'

Adrien took a step forward to question how he knew one of his best friends, but that changed when Marinette grab the guy's hand.


The young Agreste had no idea why it suddenly hurt to swallow as he watched Marinette walk away.

Adrien trailed slowly behind them towards the school. He couldn't keep his eyes of their locked hands. As they reached the school, the pair stopped and Adrien noticed the umbrella lower. He had no reason to stay behind them so he quickly moved ahead of them. Adrien decided to look behind to see what had caused them to stop. He wasn't expecting to see Marinette kissing the unknown guy.

As the bell rang, Adrien felt his feet give way.

'What happened?'

"Adrien, are you okay?" Marinette called.

"Ye-Yeah!" the model replied, picking himself up, "I'm okay."

"I'll see you after school?" Adrien heard Marinette question.

Adrien turned to see her kiss the guy on the cheek. Wordlessly, he held out his umbrella to her.

"No. I'll be fine. Besides, you'll be here when I get out." Mari smiled.

Adrien finally got a good look at the guy. He was taller then Marinette. He had tan complexion, jet black hair and green eyes. As Marinette pulled her hoodie over her hair, Adrien turned away, and began to walk into the school.

"You okay?" Marinette asked, catching up to him, "You fell earlier."

Adrien merely nodded, turning away.

"I'll cover for you." She smiled, "Why don't you go wash up and fix yourself?"

He quickly hurried away.

'What was that? My shoelaces are tied so they couldn't have made me trip.'

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