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Marinette yawned as she slid into her seat next to Damian. She was still adjusting to the time difference and working on Jagged's commissions weren't as helpful as she thought.

The teacher sighed as he noticed the newest transfer start to drift off again. It was getting ridiculous. He had thought she would have adjusted to the time already.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," he called out, "what do bees make?"

Marinette's head wobbled as she tried to comprehend what was being asked. It was too early or was it too late to try and figure out the English language.

Damian sighed. He knew she had been working in her new place, but he thought she was at least getting some sleep. She looked more like Tim right now, after three night of no sleep. He was gonna have to check in on her during patrols and make her go to bed, if this continued.

"Honey." the Wayne heir whispered.

Marinette turned her head to Damian, "Yes, Love?"

The Wayne heir prided himself on his perfect appearance. He made sure to play the dutiful role for his father and he was trained by his mother to never let his emotions show and yet, that perfect wall crumbled every time Marinette opened her mouth. He could feel his cheeks flush. A quick glance around the room told him everyone could see the color on his cheeks as well. Damian quickly focused his attention on his girlfriend.

"How many hours did you sleep?" he questioned.

"I didn't." Mari yawned, "I had to work. I have commissions to finish."

Damian yanked off his hoodie and slammed it on her desk, in front of her.

"Sleep!" he demanded, pointing at his hoodie.

"School." the transfer student whined.

"You are not paying attention." he growled out.

"Oh." she whispered.

Damian sighed, "I shall pass you the notes."

Marinette laid her head down and rapidly fell asleep. Damian turned his attention to the rest of the class and glared, making them turn away. He then turned his gaze onto the teacher.

"Can we continue the lecture now?" he asked.

"Ye-Yes." the teacher stammered.

It wasn't until lunch that Marinette had gained some of her awareness back. She realized Damian was holding her hand in public, after they had decided to keep their relationship a secret. Mari attempted to pull her hand out of his grasp, but he only tightened his grip.

"Damian." Marinette whispered, looking around.

"You already outted us." he spoke, calmly.

"I did?" she questioned.

"Yes." he answered.

"When?" Mari continued to pry.

"In class." the Wayne heir answered, "The teacher could tell you were not paying attention and you couldn't even answer a basic question. I attempted to help you. You called me 'Love' in class."

Marinette could feel her cheeks warm and looked down at her feet as Damian led them to their seats.

"Sorry." Mari mumbled, as they sat down.

"If you don't sleep tonight, I'm telling Jagged to not commission you until summer, when I can keep a better eye on you." Damian declared.

Marinette groaned and rested her head on the table.

"Eat." he spoke, pushing her lunch at her.

Mari blushed and looked away, whispering, "Yes, Love."

The Wayne heir said nothing as he ate his meal. If anyone noticed the tips of his ears red, they never mentioned it.

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