Pissed Off

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Marinette couldn't understand what the problem was. Was the universe that against her? Was this just suppose to be her life after weilding a miraculous and becoming the guardian; that nothing in her life would ever be normal?

Marinette glared at the window as yet another bird boy of Gotham came to her boyfriend's window. They had already told two of them to leave. It was date night and she felt like it was coming to an end before it had even begun. She was at her wit's end when Damian suggested they move to the bedroom, instead.

Marinette groaned as someone began to pound on the door to the apartment and ring the bell.

"Seriously?" Damian shouted.

Marinette flashed him one of her sunshine smiles, "Let me handle this, won't you?"

Damian sighed and nodded. Marinette picked a robe and closed the door.

"Tikki; Lucky Charm." she growled out, making her way to the door.

She felt the power of creation in the palm of her hand and grasped it. In her hand appeared a red bat with black dots. She tightened her grip and threw open the door. Red Hood threw himself back, not expecting the tiny woman. Before he could say why he was there, Marinette griped the bat and slammed it across his helmet. Red Hood fell to the ground. He looked up to see the woman glaring at him worse then Bruce ever had.

"Leave and don't come back." She hissed, "Any of you." slamming the door shut.

Damian and Marinette groaned as knocking persisted from the window. Damian threw the curtain back to see Batman.

'Son of a Bitch! Enough is enough!'

Marinette stood up in her lingerie and stalked over to the window, before throwing it open.

"What the fuck could be so fucking important to interrupt us while we're having date night and trying to have sex?" she shouted.

Neither Damian nor Batman expected that kind of response. Marinette glared at him when he failed to answer. Even the boys in the cave flinched under her glare.

"Tikki, Spots On!" Marinette shouted, enveloping herself in a bright pink light.

Ladybug stalked towards Batman in anger, pulling her yo-yo off her hip.

"I finally meet a nice guy, who likes me for me, instead of this stupid costume, and for some reason your stupid pigeons keep interrupting us!" she cried out in frustration, "I don't need some furry interrupting us, too!"

Ladybug threw her yo-yo at him and enveloped him in her line. Try as he might, Batman couldn't escape her grasp. He tried his batarangs, but they couldn't cut the thin wire. She lifted the Dark Knight over her shoulder and threw him. Damian watched in shock as his father was launched across town. Ladybug turned her gaze onto Damian. He kept his eyes on her and gulped. Marinette was powerful. She was magical and that was without the suit. She tossed his father out the window like nothing. He found a new woman to fear and it made him excited. With a sigh, Marinette de-transformed and began to pick up her clothes off the floor.

"Guardian?" Tikki called out.

"Let's go, Tikki." she spoke, sadly.

"Why?" Damian questioned, breaking out of his shocked state, "Where-Where are you going?"

Marinette blushed, turning back to him. Damian felt he was knocked senseless when her emotions altered quickly from anger to sadness and back to the soft angel he knows.

"I figured you would want me to leave." Marinette mumbled, "I don't know what they want, but I don't think it's me. At least, not until I revealed myself. You can deal with whatever you need to." as she turned to leave the room.

Daminette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now