D30-Rivals AU

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Marinette smiled as Alfred crossed the line right above her head.

"Have I gwone?" asked Marinette.

"Yes, you have Miss. A whole inch." Alfred smiled at the kindergartener.

"My turn!" shouted Damian, stomping his foot.

"Very well, Master Damian." he said, as the young Wayne stood against the door frame.

As soon as the pencil had crossed over his head he pulled away. There in plain sight was proof that Marinette was half an inch taller then him.

"You have also grown, Master Damian." Alfred spoke, but Damian had already ran off. He wasn't going to let a girl be better then him. No way. 

Thus, their rivalry was born.

Damian watched as Marinette twirled in a new red dress that was gaining everyone's attention on his birthday. He couldn't allow that.

"We should open the presents." suggested Bruce.

"Yes, and then the cake." spoke Tom.

As everyone went into the parlor, Damian hung back.

"Happy Birthday, Damian!" the first grader smiled.

"Why are you wearing red?" he asked, "It's a boy color. Stick to pink." as he walked past her.

Marinette looked down at her dress that she had been so happy to show off. She wouldn't let him get her down. It wasn't til later that she realized she had taken his word. Soon her room was filled with pink. When she realized it, she growled. There was no way she was going to let Damian Wayne get to her. She'd show him! So what if red was a 'boy color'? Pink could be just as powerful!

Marinette smiled up at Bruce as he patted her head on a job well done on her 2nd grade science fair project. She proudly wore the blue ribbon on her pink shirt. She saw Damian glaring at her out of the corner of his eye and stuck her tongue out at him.

'This is war!' he mouthed, heading up to his room.

"Damian!" called Bruce, "I'm sorry, Marinette. Did you want to head up to his room?"

"No. I should get home to Maman, Papa, and the bakery." she smiled.

'Point 1 for me.' she thought as Bruce called for Alfred to give her a ride.

"Maman! Papa! I'm home!" called Marinette, walking through the door. No answer.

Curiously, she headed upstairs to their apartment. There she found Damian licking powder off his fingers.

"Welcome home, Marinette." spoke her mother, "I know you were saving that powdered doughnut, but Damian was hungry. Poor thing. His stomach was growling. I hope that's okay."

"Of course, Maman." Marinette smiled.

Damian jumped off the barstool.

"Thank you for the treat Mrs. Cheng." Damian spoke, "I should get home and start working on my homework."

"Bye, Damian. Be careful on your way home." said Sabine, as she fixed Marinette a sandwich.

"Bye, Marinette." he chimed, before whispering, "Point 1 for me."

She whipped around fast and glared.

"It's on!" she mouthed, before closing the door in his face.

Daminette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now