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After Marinette's overwhelming domination on the UMS3, they had decided it was time to make cookies.

"Do you know how to bake?" she asked.

"I can make a sandwich. Does that count?" he asked.

Judging by her face, no. No it didn't.

Damian sighed before explaining a bit about his past, "I was never allowed in the kitchen. My mother thought it was beneath me and my father doesn't know how to cook either. We have Alfred, but he keeps us out of there, too."

"Well, how about I get started on the dough and you can order what ever takeout you want for us. We can eat while the cookies are in the oven and then we can decorate together." Marinette smiled.

"But, I just told you that I don't know anything about the kitchen." Damian exclaimed.

"Decorating doesn't have to do anything with cooking." she giggled, "I'll get everything out and once your done, you can sit there while I bake. This time."

'Th-This time? Does that me she wants me to come back another time?' he wondered, as he called the Chinese food place a couple streets down.

"I'm going to order Chinese. Is there anything you prefer?" Damian asked, looking over the menu.

"Ooh, Kung Pao chicken and chow mein, please." Mari stated, pouring the flour into the bowl.

Damian ordered their food and then sat at the stool across the counter from her.

"Okay, so baking and cooking are basically science." Marinette explained, "We have our recipe and we follow it. Doesn't sound so hard right?"

Damian shook his head.

"Maman and Papa taught me one thing about cooking and baking in general that I will never forget, to put my feelings into my food." Marinette said as she dusted flour onto the counter to work the dough. She could tell he was confused.

"It's okay. I didn't get it either, at first. When you cook or bake, you think of who the food is for and your feelings for that person is transferred into the food."

"So if you are cooking for someone you dislike...." he began.

"Chances are that the food will turn out bad. You're probably rushing just to get the person out of there. You forget an ingredient or don't cook it properly. Things go wrong. But....if you think of the people you care about....food can change you."

"Change me?" he asked, as the door bell rang.

Damian took the bags and generously tipped the man, making the man's day and Marinette smile.

"Tell me, how did food taste when you were little. Was it memorable?" she asked, rolling out the dough.

"Food was food." he shrugged.

"What about when Alfred makes food?" Marinette questioned.

Damian thought about it and realized there was a difference. Even in the way his tea tasted. Before, food was a sustenance to keep him alive in his grandfather's compound. Now, he sat with everyone at the table and there was flavor to it.

Marinette smiled as she saw the realization cross his face.

She had lined the cookie sheet with stars and put them in the oven.

"Let's sit down and eat." breaking his concentration.

Damian spread out the food and surprised her with crab rangoon and vegetable spring rolls.

"What did you get?" she asked opening her box.

"Oh, I got brown rice and Eggplant Tofu. I'm vegetarian." he quickly explained.

"Does it bother you when other people eat meat?" she asked, quickly shutting her box.

Damian found a smile forming on his face. No one had ever asked him that. She was very considerate of other's feelings.

"It doesn't bother me and I'm sorta use to it. I wasn't always a vegetarian." he explained.

"What made you change you're mind, if you don't mind me asking?" Marinette asked, opening her container.

"Probably after I got Batcow." he stated.

"Wait what? You have a cow as a pet?" she questioned.

He nodded, "I saved it and it had a bat looking spot on it's face. Since I'm from Gotham and we have our hero, Batman, so-"

"Batcow." Mari giggled.

"Yep." he said.

"Do you have a farm?" she asked.

"My family is pretty well off, so Batcow lives on property." Damian answered.

"Aww." Marinette fawned.

"What about you? I can see you don't have any pets, but have you ever wanted any?" he asked.

Marinette nodded. "I wanted a hamster when I was younger, but between school and my side job, I don't think I'd have time to care for a pet."

As they ate and talked more about themselves, Damian found himself relaxing more and wondering if he was suppose to feel this way.

As her phone beep, she stood up to quickly take the cookies out and place them on the rack to cool.

"Once they have cooled off, we can decorate." Marinette said, before taking a quick bite of her chow mien.

"I'm not sure I'm cut out for decorating cookies. It's more of an art skill the closest thing I have under my belt is martial artist." he stated, earning him a giggle.

"Cookie decorating doesn't have to be perfect. It's fun and it's fun to do with friends and family." Marinette answered, mixing the sugar icing.

As they decorated the cookies, it was evident that decorating was something that Marinette was use to and he was not.

Once all the cookies were completed, Marinette reached out and grabbed one of his and ate it. She could tell he tried to follow her design and worked hard on them. The frown on his face was evident what he thought of them.

Damian took one of hers as they made their way back to her couch. He bit into one of her cookies and found the taste was better then anything Alfred could have whipped up. Damian turned to her to find her smiling back at him.

"I had fun today." Mari smiled.

"Me too, Angel." he replied, as a blush crossed her face.

Damian stared at the bitten cookie in his hand and wondered how it tasted better then home. He quickly took a peek at his Angel as she set up UMS3 again.

Maybe....she's my new home.

"Angel, would you be opposed to a third date?" he questioned.

"Not at all." she smiled, as the game came to life.

Daminette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now