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Continuation of Blind Date, Decorating & Tree

Marinette bit her lip as her and her mother prepared dinner for 'Family Night'. To say she was nervous was an understatement. Her parents had insisted that she invite Damian, just to meet him.

"Maman, how-how did you know that Papa was the right one?" Marinette asked, keeping her eyes focused on chopping the carrots.

Sabine froze for a second, before smiling. She expected this was coming.

"Why, Dear?" she asked.

"I don't know, just...I don't know. I-I like being with Damian. It's different. I feel different when I think about him compared to what I use to think when I liked Adrien. Is that good?" Mari questioned.

"Well, what feels different? I think that's the important part. Before you answer, I don't want u to compare the boys to each other, just your feelings." Sabine stated.

Mari stopped chopping and took time to think. Adrien had felt like a rush of emotions, but with Damian, she could tell exactly what she was feeling.

"Damian makes me feel safe. Not that I don't feel safe with Adrien. Just.....a different safe? I feel like I can tell him anything. He makes me laugh and isn't afraid to make me mad." Marinette spoke after a couple moments.

Sabine laughed. " Yes, poor Adrien looked like a cat who ran with his tail between his legs that one time. Poor boy. He yelled 'sorry' before dashing out the store. I think he thought we would be upset that he had gotten you mad." she smiled, remembering, "What did Damian do to earn your wrath?"

Marinette sighed before answering, "Well, he bought me a christmas tree, lights, and stuff to decorate the tree after he asked why I didn't have one. I told him my place was too small. He went and proved me wrong."

Sabine smiled.

"I don't know." Marinette continued, "I feel like if anyone of my friends had tried that, I would have refused, but I-I just allowed Damian control. I let him choose anything and allowed him to move stuff in my apartment! Does that sound crazy, Maman?"

"Taking a step back and choosing your battles is a big part of being in a serious relationship." Sabine stated.

"Seri-but...but we only started dating recently. It hasn't even been a month!" Mari shouted.

Sabine noticed her daughter's panicked look and told her to breathe in and out.

With a smile, Sabine continued, "Sometimes your heart just knows. When I first met your father, I was much like you. I was headstrong. Every guy who tried to be my friend also tried to sweep me off my feet, like I was a damsel in distress."

Mari laughed and Sabine smiled. "You know I'm not the 'damsel in distress' sort and with your father.....it took everything I had to be vulnerable. I couldn't allow myself to let him lead our relationship. I tried to pay for the dates and choose where to go. One day, he pulled me aside and asked if everything was ok, especially financially. He said he noticed me trying to spend money on every date and was wondering if I needed more money. I yelled at him and told him that I didn't need a man to pay for me. I wasn't helpless. Your father told me he never thought of me as helpless. It's why he wanted to date me. He recognized that I was a strong, independent woman. He said he understood. Most people saw him as a big strong man and were suddenly very turned off that he was 'soft' when he told them he liked baking."

"Papa is the best baker in Paris!" growled out Marinette.

"Yes, but to others, he looked like someone who would take on the world because of his large stature and being muscular. I felt bad because I had been just the same. I was treating him like all those boys had treated me. I asked if we could start over at square one and try again. Our dates were better from there on. I had tried to turn everything into a competition and I really didn't need to." Sabine smiled fondly at the memories.

" Do you-is that what I'm doing?" asked Marinette, afraid of the answer.

"Not necessarily." Sabine smiled, "That boy is smart. I don't think he would have stuck around if he didn't like who u were. Did you every try to be someone you weren't with him?"

"Well no, but-" Mari answered.

"No 'but's. He's staying for you." Sabine continued, "Perhaps you two can sit down and talk about what you feel. He might even be feeling the same as you. Your relationship is new and fragile. Spending time with each other and communicating will strengthen it."

Mari smiled before asking, "Are you sure you want to meet him already?"

" Yes. Besides, your father was starting to get curious. Let us know if the poor boy get overwhelmed and I'll reel your father back in." Sabine said, before patting her daughter on her head, "He should be here soon. Tell your father it's fine to close up."

Marinette put the knife down and rushed down the stairs.

Tom appeared upstairs as his daughter took a phone call.

"So, did she say anything about this boy?" he asked.

"He's the one she brought by for hot chocolate. The accidental blind date." Sabine spoke as she put the tofu into the wok.

"Ah. Anything else?" Tom questioned.

"He'll be staying around." Sabine answered.

"How do you know?" He asked. He wanted to make sure his daughter was in safe hands.

"She has the same feelings I had with you." Sabine smirked.

"Hmmm." He wasn't convinced.

"Oh, he's not afraid of making her mad." she smirked.

Tom laughed.

"Yep. He's a keeper." he smiled as the bell above the bakery door rang throughout the house.

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