D16-Hogwarts AU

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Damian sighed. He knew his third year at Hogwarts was going to annoy him as he saw a girl in a pink cheongsam walking back and forth in front of his car. He couldn't take it anymore. He stood up, swung the door opened and shouted, "What are you doing? Go to your car!"

"What?" she asked in French.

"What are you doing?" he asked, switching to French.

"Oh, you speak French! I'm Marinette. I transferred to Hogwarts, but I'm not sure where to sit on the train."

With a sigh, he moved to the side and allowed her into his car.

"Are-Are you sure?" she questioned, taking a step back.

"I'm sure, Miss....?" Damian responded.

"Oh, I'm Marinette. Marinette Dupain-Cheng." she smiled.

"Damian Wayne." he replied, closing the door behind her.

"Is it really that shocking?" Marinette asked.

"You wear pink." Damian answered.

"So! It's my favorite color!" she exclaimed.

"No one thinks of Slytherin and thinks pink." Damian stated, causing her to roll her eyes.

"So what? You expect me to be evil?" she asked.

"That's a stereotype from Voldemort's time." he spoke.

"Exactly! If you wanted someone evil then maybe Li- maybe she should be here instead of me." she finished softly.

Damian stared at her as she kept her eyes in her lap. She shut herself out. He recognized the signs. Something happened to her and he bet it had to do with her transfer.

As they sat in the Great Hall, he could feel all eyes on him. Specifically, the young happy witch next to him in green robes.

"Where were you from before?" he asked.

"Beauxbatons." she smiled.

'That explains it.' he thought, eyeing the room, 'Every guy seems to have become instantly infatuated with her. I should keep her close.'

Everyone in Hogwarts' quickly learned, to talk with the Beauxbaton's Princess, you need to get passed the Hogwarts' Dragon. Wherever Marinette went, Damian followed. The only other person allowed who was able to get close to them was a Gryffindor named Jon Kent. If she came up to you, you were safe, but if you tried to approach her, watch out!

"Damian, do you think people hate me?" she asked one night, as they were studying in his room.

"Who said that? You tell me now and I'll-" Damian began, as he jumped off his bed.

"No! No one has said anything, but that's sorta the point. No one really talks to me. Do-Am-Did I do something to make people hate me?" she questioned with tears in her eyes.

Damian pulled her to his chest and crushed her in a hug.

"No one could ever hate you." he whispered in her ears, "I'm sorry. If anything, they are wary of me. I'm known for keeping to myself. I'll make sure to distance myself from now on."

"No!" she shouted, looking up at him, "That'd be worse! I- I don't want to be alone. You're the best thing that's happened to me since I got here. Please don't leave me, too."

"Never." he whispered.

Her eyes called to his, a silent plea.

Before he could stop himself, he leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips.

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