Team Damidrien

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The Dupain-Cheng's found out very early in Marinette's life that she had a severe allergic reaction to cherries.

Her parents made sure she was properly educated about her reaction: she always carried an epi-pen with her. She even got a small purse for it, that she kept with her at all times.

One day, Marinette was told to put her purse away in primary school, but she refused. When she was asked why, she pulled out her pen and told the teacher her parents demanded she carry it with her at all times.

Chloe had laughed it off, thinking there was no way a stupid pen could save someone and swapped her muffin with her.

Her classmates quickly learned that Marinette wasn't allowed to eat a certain food or she could die. The paramedics gently inform the class that it was okay to be scared and that Marinette is a smart girl. She kept her pen with her, just in case if she ate something she wasn't suppose to.

Marinette returned to school, three days later, smiling,  as if she hadn't scared the class.

Growing up in the bakery, she found out that other people suffered the same illness as her. They weren't always allergic to cherries. In fact, the most common allergy was tree nuts or the flour they used to make their sweets. Any time an order came in, she made sure to pay special attention to the allergy section.

The class had decided it was time to throw another picnic at the park and as usual, Marinette handed out the list of what food was and was not allowed at the gathering.

"What's this?" questioned Lila.

"Well, there are several people who have allergies to food and we make sure everyone knows what food isn't allowed when we have everyone bring food." Marinette spoke.

Lila smirked, "I don't see my allergies on here." faking her concern.

"I apologize, Lila. I wasn't aware you had any allergies. I make sure to update my list straight from the nurse. Perhaps you should inform her. I can update the list once you have told her and we can make sure you don't eat anything you shouldn't when you have lunch with us at any time." Marinette countered.

Lila sneered, as everyone took a sheet and began to decide what they were planning on bringing. As she looked over the list, a plan began to form.

The class had set out a blanket, placing their food on the cloth.

"Hey, we're here!" shouted Adrien, holding boxes the Marinette's bakery, "I found Marinette on the way here trying to bring all of these here by herself."

"Thanks again, Adrien." Marinette smiled, setting her box down with Adrien following her lead.

"Where are we setting our stuff down?" Adrien asked, gently tugging on his shoulder bag.

"Over there." Nino pointed, to the small pile of bags and jackets.

"Why don't you sit here, next to me, Adrien?" Lila called out, but Adrien didn't reply as he took the seat next to Marinette.

This only further proved the classes idea of Marinette and Adrien secretly dating.

As everyone chatted, they kept glancing over at the secret pair. Adrien placing food on a plate and sharing with the petite baker's daughter.

"Yum, who made the oatmeal cookies?" Rose asked.

"Oh! I did!" Lila smiled.

"Really? I love oatmeal cookies." Marinette smiled, taking a cookie from the pile and biting into it.

Daminette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now