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"Wow, looks like Marinette can't get a date." laughed Alya, as they spot her sitting in a café all alone.

"We should sit with her." spouts Adrien, before heading inside to her table.

Unfortunately, he was quickly followed by Lila, Alya, Nino, Alix, and Kim, who had been on their 'triple date'.

"Hey, Marinette." Adrien smiled, sitting next to her.

"Oh, hello, Adrien." she looked up to see everyone there, "What brings you all here?"

"We're on a triple date." replied Lila, smugly.

"Sounds like fun." Mari smiled, returning to the design she was working on.

"What are you working on?" questioned Adrien, leaning towards her.

"A formal collection. My client asked for some designs so I'm trying to put some things together before they figure out what they want. Christmas always is big for events." Marinette answered, as she turned to look at Adrien.

"Can I see?" he asked, pointing to her book. Seeing no harm would come to it, as long as it was just Adrien, she handed it over.

Adrien turned the pages carefully and saw many gowns and dresses, but mostly tuxedos and suits.

"All of these are amazing, Mari. I think my father would let me wear any of these." Adrien replied, excitedly.

Marinette smiled and said, "I'll keep that in mind if they aren't all taken by next week."

"Sorry, for the interruption, but can your group please sit down? You are bothering the customers." claimed a waiter.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. It's all my dates fault. He saw a school friend and-" Lila began to tear up, making their excuse.

"Ma'am, I don't really care. You either just need to sit down or get out of here." he snapped. It had been a terrible, busy Friday.

Alya glared at him as he walked away. "Come on, we should leave. Who wants to eat with someone like that working here.", but found that Alix and Kim had already sat and were looking through menus.

Adrien also seemed content next to Marinette. He shouldn't have been. She had worked hard to set him up with Lila. He can't fall for Marinette now; not after she became another Chloe and was bullying Lila!

"Adrien, you're probably bothering Marinette. Why don't you sit with Lila, in the booth behind you with Kim and Alix. Nino and I can sit here with Marinette." Alya smiled.

Adrien frowned and got up to sit with Lila. He thought no one noticed, but Mari and Nino had.

"What do you want to eat, Adrien?" Lila sultrily asked, scooting closer to him, "We could always share."

"Nothing. I can't eat anything here." he grimaced.

"Then we should leave!" Alya smiled, standing up.

"Or you could let Adrien decide what he wants to do by himself. " Marinette replied, putting her sketchbook away. She knew it was about to get ugly.

"He said he couldn't eat here so we should leave." Alya glared.

"Oh, really. Adrien, why can't you eat here? I want to know you're opinion to this." Mari smiled.

"Father doesn't let me eat at restaurants unless he or Natalie choose my food. " he frowned.

Nino opened his mouth, but Marinette continued, "Does being here bother you?"

"Not really, I'm fine ordering a water and talking with all my friends." he smiled back.

Daminette One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now