Shout Out BONUS (song fic)

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NOTE: Lots of people have asked me for a bonus/ sequel to SHOUT OUT TO MY EX. I'm sorry for the long delay. My laptop broke before quarantine. We tried to order one, but they didn't want to deliver since quarantine was new. It took awhile but I finally have a new laptop. I have been making notes on my phone, but I do have more fics coming soon! I hope you enjoy!


Nino sighed as he flipped through the channels on his TV in his apartment.

'Why is there never anything good on when I take breaks?' he questioned.

"I have called this press conference today to establish something before rumors are spread. Yesterday, my son, Adrien Agreste, called an end to his long-term relationship with Lila Rossi." spoke Gabriel.


"At dinner, she claimed to personally know 'NETI' and that they were extremely close." he continued.

"My son then called Miss Rossi out on her claims since it is no secret that Marinette Wayne and Lila Rossi have never seen eye to eye." Gabriel concluded, "Yesterday's dinner was suppose to be eventful. My son had planned to propose. Instead, he is now questioning their relationship and wondering what else she claimed was the truth, only for it to be a fabrication."

Nino turned off his TV, grabbed his jacket and hurried to Adrien's apartment.

Nino took out his spare key, opened the door, and made his way to the bedroom.

There lay Adrien, in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, as if it held all the answers.

"Dude?" Nino called out.

"Why was I such an idiot?" Adrien sobbed out, "I was about to propose to Lila and then I saw Mari on the news. Hearing that hurt so much....I-"

"You okay?" Nino asked, walking towards the bed.

Adrien shook his head, before asking, "Did you see it?"

The DJ only nodded as he reached the bed.

"Why did it hurt so much? Seeing her kiss that guy-her husband? She's married, Nino!" the young Agreste shouted, "I wanted to go into the TV and punch that guy for touching her. She looked so pretty. She-"

"Bro?" asked Nino, concerned.

"I had it all prepared! Dinner with my father. I was going to propose to Lila and she's sitting there, lying about knowing 'NETI'! Father was the one to bring up that I was her ex. She looked so confused 'til I said 'NETI' was really Mari. How could she sit there and lie to me? I couldn't do it! I mean, what else did she lie to me about? I panicked. Mari would never lie to me, but Lila....I....I should have known better. I-I shouldn't have left Mari." he continued, before breaking into sobs.

"Your dad announced your break up in a press conference today. He also called Lila out for her lies. I think it's his way of finally having your back." Nino shrugged, "He basically warned everyone that Lila claims to know rich people, without knowing anything."

Adrien chuckled, through the sobs.

"That's good, I guess. Lila always did like the spotlight. I don't think she'll be out of it for a good long while with that kind of announcement." Adrien sighed.

"How are you feeling?" Nino asked, patting his friend's back.

Adrien sat up and hugged his best friend, tightly, breaking down once more.

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