D31-New Years Eve

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Miss Bustier's old class had stayed in touch after College. Only a few of them never returned calls or text messages.

Group Chat:

QueenLila-I just had an amazing idea!

WifiZone-What is it?

Rosey-Tell us!

BunnyFoo-What's up?

QueenLila-I was thinking we could have a reunion on NY's day and celebrate together!

DJ-Sounds great!

MonkeyFish-Mind if I invite Odine? We had plans.

QueenLila-No problem.

GamerKnight-Is everyone going?

QueenLila-I'd like to avoid inviting Marinette. I don't know if she still hates me. Chloe too.

PurpleRaven-I can go if Luka goes.

Sabby-I haven't spoken to Chloe in 3 yrs so I wouldn't know how she is.

RockNRolla-sounds good. Mylene is with me.

ARTicFox-I can go

QueenLila- Sure @PurpleRaven. Has anyone asked Adrien? DJ?

DJ-He's not in Paris. He won't be back til the new yr

Lila glared at Nino's response. There went her whole plan to kiss him and share it on social media, claiming him as her own. Now, she was stuck with the loser brigade.

QueenLila-Too bad. Are we missing anyone else?

WifiZone-Nope. No bullies and Adrien's out of town. Whole class.

QueenLila-Great! How about we meet up at 11AM under the Eiffel Tower?

WifiZone- ok










After they gathered, the group realized they hadn't planned out where to go and ended up at a small café, with outdoor seating. They took up three tables on the patio:

Table 1: Alya, Lila, Sabrina, Ivan, Mylene

Table 2: Nino, Juleka, Luka, Rose, Nath

Table 3: Alix, Kim, Odine, Max

"So, how is everyone?" questioned Lila with a fake smile.

"Oh, I sent out those applications like you told me too." announced Alya, "Hopefully I'll hear back from one if them soon."

"What about you, Nino?" Lila asked. She knew things were rocky between the two, ever since he broke up with her 'bff'.

"Hmm?" he asked before swallowing the burger bite in his mouth, "What did you say?"

Lila smiled and hid her disgust. "I asked how things were going for you."

"Oh. Good. I have a gig coming up in 3 months. I've been preparing for it." he spoke, before eating some fries.

"That sounds great." she lied, "Where is it so we can all go."

"Ireland." the DJ spoke.

"Ir-Ireland!" shouted Alya, "How did you-"

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