Maribat Halloween

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Sorry I'm a day late, but Happy Halloween! I don't have internet right now. I had to turn my phone into a mobile hotspot to post this.  I'm not entirely sure when I'll get my internet up. 

"What are you going to be for Halloween, Habibiti?" asked Damian, on October first. Surely his designer girlfriend already had her costume drawn out and ready to assemble into one of her masterpieces.

"Halloween?" Mari asked, confused. "Doesn't Paris celebrate Halloween?" he questioned. "I guess not." she answered, "What is it?"

"Well, Halloween is a holiday here in the US. Lots of people dress up in costumes and go door to door to get candy. It's suppose to be one of the spookiest times of the year."

"It sounds interesting." Marinette replies. "There's holiday movies, too." Damian stated. "Really?" Mari asked, excited, "What kind?" "Loads. There's kids movies to horror movies. I can probably try to find some." Damian answered, "We can watch one tomorrow while we video chat." "I'd love that!" she cried. "I'll start looking and you, Angel, need to start on homework." he smirked. Mari groaned in response.

As the days turned to weeks, Damian showed her movie after movie. From Monster House to Halloween. He got a scolding for showing her that one. Today he had a new mpvie he thought she would like very much.

"Habibiti, I have a new movie." he announced, as her face came onto the screen. "What kind of movie?" Marinette asked. "I already promised not to show you another scary movie! This is a kids movie and believe it or not, it's incredibly popular between Halloween and Christmas." Damian shouted. "What? That...That doesn't make sense!" Mari shouted back, causing him to smirk.

She knew that smirk all to well. That smirk was basically his way of silently telling someone 'I told you so'.

"I present...The Nightmare before Christmas."

Damian watched her expressions as she got absorbed into he movie. The music. The wonder. The moment of realization for Jack!

"That was amazing, Dami!" she cried out, as the credits rolled. "So you liked it?" he replied with a smug smile. "Yes! Sally was my favorite." Mari smiled, "Oh, poor Jack but I'm glad he was able to realize that he only needed to be himself to be happy."

"As much as I would love to continue this conversation, I have to get ready and head to some Gala with father, again." Damian groaned. Marinette giggled and asked, "I'll talk to you tomorrow?" "Yes, my Angel. Same time as always." he answered. "Good night, Dami." Mari said. "Good night, Mari." Damian stated before the screen went black.

Marinette sighed as she got her homework together, but the songs still played in her head.

'Maybe if I can find the songs, I can play them while I do my work.'

Marinette bobbed her head to the music as she finished her assignments and she couldn't bear the thought of turning off the music.

'Maybe I should design to this to!'

Page after page, her sketchbook filled up with Nightmare Before Christmas ideas, but her favorite was Sally's inspired outfit.

'Maybe I should make this costume! I can still celebrate Halloween with Damian that day!'

At lunch, she sat by the Oak tree and waited for Damian to call. No one would be bothering her. Everyone was inside listening to the Liar's tales during lunch. The cafeteria was her stage and she hated being a part of the audience.

Her phone rang and she switched it to a video call.

"Hello , Angel. How has your day been so far?" Damian asked. "So far so good." Mari answered, "I decided to make a Halloween costume so I can celebrate with you." "Really? As who?" he questioned. "Sally. I drew up a lot of sketches last night after I finished my homework." "Well, maybe you should get the full experience." Damian smirked. "What?" asked Marinette. "Would you like to come trick or treating with us?" he requested. Marinette nodded, furiously. "I would have to see if Maman and Papa are fine with it though. I should have an answer by our next call." she cried, as the school bell rang. "I'll see you later, Habibiti." he stated. "I'll see you later, Dami." she smiled as she ended the call.

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