3 Steps Back (meme)

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Marinette stood awkwardly as she was confessed to, yet again. Before she could say anything, she saw someone rushing towards them in the distance.

"Um, can you take three giant steps backwards?" Marinette asked.

Confused, the person stepped back. In the blink of an eye, they found a dagger tip at their throat.

'What the fuck?'

They looked up to see Marinette with her arms around some guy's waist.

"Who is this guy?" he questioned, out loud.

"This is my very overprotective boyfriend." Marinette smiled.

The guy paled and took another step backwards.

"Got it." he announced and rushed away.

Marinette sighed as she let go of Damian.

"Habibiti, I could have handled him." he declared.

Marinette leaned up and kissed him.

"I don't want to call your dad and tell him your in jail for maiming." she replied.

Damian rolled his eyes, putting the blade away, "He can afford to bail me out."

"Like all the other times?" she questioned with a smile, "You're cute when you're jealous."

"People should stop asking you out." Damian huffed.

"I have an idea." Marinette announced, "You have to wait until tomorrow. I don't think you have anything to worry about after that."

Marinette walked into school with a shirt that read: Property of Damian Wayne. Damian blushed at the familiar writing style. He had seen it on cheerleaders at forced functions. She had chosen a dark blue shirt and yellow colors. It was reminiscent of when he went to Gotham Academy.

"Is this helpful, Dami?" Marinette asked.

The people around them stopped what they were doing to stare at the pair. Damian said nothing, but grabbed her hand and pulled her further into the school. Marinette smiled at his approval. Damian tried not to flush red at the warning sign on his girlfriend. It was a giant keep away sign.

'Why hadn't I thought about this sooner?'

Lila couldn't believe what she was seeing. Marinette was wearing a shirt that flaunted Damian Wayne as hers. There was no way that was going to happen; not while she was around.

"Damian, " Lila voiced in fake concern, "did you lose a bet?"

Damian merely glared at her. Marinette smiled from her place on his arm.

"It's okay, Habibi." Mari spoke, "It must be strange for her to see people like this; so happy."

Damian smirked and looked down at her. Lila couldn't believe that not only had Marinette talked back to her, but Damian Wayne had smiled at the goody-goody's snarky comment.

"You're one to talk." Lila lashed out, "Everyone hates you! Who wouldn't hate a bully?"

"You mean the pathetic rumors you spread around?" Marinette asked, "Only that one class believes you. The rest of the school laughs when your back is turned."

Lila heard people giggle behind them. It wasn't just one person, either. It was multiple people.

"Marinette is my property." Damian declared, "The shirt doesn't lie. She's my girlfriend and has been for two years."

Marinette smiled, "Damian got a little possessive when someone tried to ask me out again, yesterday."

"That is twenty people, who have asked you out in the past five months." Damian hissed.

"People?" Lila questioned.

Marinette blushed, "I've had girls confess to me, too. I don't mind wearing the shirt. Hopefully, after today, I won't have to stop Damian from attempting murder."

Damian and Marinette walked passed Lila. Lila moved to the sidelines as other people started to speak up.

"Damn, Damian made sure to scoop up the 'Queen of the School'."

"The Queen?"

"Do you expect anything else from a Wayne?"

Lila walked to class in silence. As she got closer, she could hear new whispers.

"Did you see Marinette?"

"Yeah, she was all over the Wayne kid!"

"I heard they're dating!"

"No they're not!"

"Everyone is talking about it! They have been toegther for two years!"

"Damian was the one to announce it."

"I never knew that Marinette was so popular."

"I feel bad for all those people she turned down, but she was already taken."

"What about her bullying Lila? I thought we all agreed it was because she was jealous of Lila getting close to Adrien."

"I don't think that's the case and it sounds like it hasn't been for awhile."

Lila decided to wait until after the bell to walk into class. From her spot, she noticed Damian walk Marinette to class.

"I will see you at lunch." Damian spoke.

She hated seeing Marinette smile.

"Habibiti, I must ask you one question." he spoke.

"What is it?" she asked.

"What am I to do if your shirt fails and people still try to claim what is mine?" he questioned.

Marinette stayed silent for a moment.

"I can wear this at least every two weeks, but I'm sure everyone will know by the end of the day." she began.

"And if they persist?" he growled.

"I'm sure they'll learn how possessive you are over the coming days." Marinette declared, "I think Bruce will be even more surprised he's not bailing you out of jail and paying for hospital fees."

"Father can afford it." Damian sighed.

Damian leaned down and kissed her.

"My statement stands; I will see you at lunch." he announced, before leaving.

Lila stayed flushed against the lockers, as Damian walked passed her. She sighed and sank to the floor.

'Jail? He hurt people for her? His father just bailed him out?'

She suddenly spotted a pair of shoes by her own feet. Lila quickly looked up and saw Damian Wayne glaring at her.

"I suggest you leave Marinette alone from now on." Damian declared, "My mother taught me that woman are manipulative. She taught me how to fight. I don't care if you are a girl; if you continue to spread rumors and I find out you started it, you will be injured beyond repair."

"You would be expelled." Lila spoke, softly, "You can't let Marinette manipulate you like this."

Damian quickly punched the locker next to her head. Lila slowly looked at his hand and saw the locker had been dented around his hand. He slowly pulled away, revealing the imprint of his hand.

He leaned in close and whispered, "Now imagine that being your jaw. You would never speak again. No more lies. I didn't move to Paris to be with Marinette; Father sent me because I was too violent away from her. It wouldn't be my first or last time breaking bones."

Damian turned and walked away. Lila snapped her eyes away from the locker as the bell rang. She quickly ran to class. As she sat down, she decided she was never going to ever say Marinette's name again.

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