D18-Hot Chocolate

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continuation of D17-BAKING

Alya sighed into her hot chocolate for the tenth time.

"Alright!" shouted Nino, "What? What is it?"

"I just don't understand what she sees in this guy." she complained.

"Alya, just drop it." her boyfriend whined.

"But-" Alya attempted to begin her rant.

"Alya! I get that you're upset, but this isn't your decision; it' Mari's!" Nino said, setting his stuff down.

"You don't understand! Adrien finally agreed to go out with her, but now she's dating some other guy. It's been two weeks, Nino! " Alya pouted.

"I take it, this, " he said, waving his hand up and down at her, "is about lunch. What happened?"

Alya glared at him, but he was slowly becoming impervious to her glare. Finally, she sighs.

"I met them at the café. Mari was actually on time; probably his doing. He pulled out a chair for her to sit. I joined them and Mari introduced me to him. His name is Damian Wayne. He's from Gotham and is the son of a businessman. He's here helping his father expand the company." she began.

"Apparently, his brother also set him up on a blind date and that's how they ended up at the same table. Neither of us had said who they were waiting for. Before they answered our texts, he had asked her if she wanted to continue the date. She actually thanked me for not telling her it was Adrien!" Alya yelled, "It took everything I had not to scream right there and then, with a smile on my face! How could she says yes if she finally knew Adrien wanted to go out w/ her?"

"Well, good for her." Nino stated.

"How can you say that?" she shrieked, "I have been on 'Team Adrienette' since we were fourteen and-"

"And fourteen is a really long time. Maybe she didn't want to wait anymore." he replied taking his girlfriend's hand.

"The only reason he cancelled was cuz someone sent him a pic of Mari with Damian at their rendezvous spot! I tried to talk with her the next day to go out with Adrien again, but they had already agreed to a second date the next day!" Alya comlained.

"Yes, so you've told me." Nino sighed, "What else happened at lunch?"

"We ordered food. I asked things were between them and Mari smiled. Smiled! She said they've been on a couple dates. Get this! He even helped decorate her place. Mari doesn't even let me do that! When I brought up about decorating for Christmas last time, she said it was 'too small'. Apparently, he's also met Tom and Sabine. They love him." she pouted, bringing her hot chocolate to her lips.

"So far, he sounds nice." Nino said.

"Nice! He's-" she began.

"What? Not Adrien?" he asked."

"Exactly!" she cried out, spilling some of her drink on the floor, "He's the complete opposite. He looks broody. He never laughed or smiled at lunch. He looked like he was constantly glaring at me. Adrien's sunshine personified and Damian is like the night."

"Well, did he give you any bad feelings?" the DJ pressed on, trying to get his girlfriend to see reason.

"No." the reporter pouted.

"Okay, you ate. What else did you talk about?" he continued.

"Damian calls Marinette his 'Angel'." Alya said, wiping up the mess.

"Cute." Nino replied.

"It's like your not even on my side!" she exclaimed.

"I'm on Mari's side." he answered. Alya scoffed as she threw herself back onto the couch cushions.

"All I want Is for my friends to be happy and Mari sounds happy." he explained, "I mean your talking about your girl who could barely stutter out sentences to my boy for years."

"Yeah, but that's the problem! It's the same girl who pictured a future with 'your boy' and their three imaginary children. They had names, Nino!" she yelled, causing him to wince, "She doesn't even stutter around this guy!"

"Als, it sounds like Mari grew up. She's not stuttering. She's not pining after someone who's never looked her way and she's not calling you every second asking what she should say." Nino spoke.

"But Adrien-" Alya tried to make him see reason.

"Lost his chance." he explained, taking her hands again.

"But-" she started.

"How long have you been trying to set them up? How long did it take for him to even say yes to this date? He could have still went to the date and just explained things, but he cancelled. The way I see it, Mari was right to move on. I get that your trying to be there for her, but I don't think she needs help with this right now. If she does, she knows to come to you, like always." Nino said, "I'm sorry, Alya, but I think you're flying solo on the Adrienette ship. Even Adrien has jumped ship."

"What do you mean?" she asked.

He sighed, but continued, "Ad-Adrien was excited for that date."

"AH-HA!" she exclaimed, jumping up.

"BUT! Nino shouted to get through to her, "But, he saw them the other day. He saw how happy Marinette looked with the guy. Even he could tell, that this guy was special to her. Adrien said part of him wished he had gone, but he also knows it took him too long to see how amazing she is."

Alya sat down.

"This-This is it isn't it? Adrienette is over." she asked, pulling her hot chocolate close to her.

"Yeah. Yeah it is." Nino replied, pulling her close. 

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