Big Brother to the Rescue-3

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The class slowly trudged to the bakery after they had learned the truth of what had happened to Marinette. They didn't know her parents would send her away! They never meant for that to happen. They just wanted her to stop bullying Lila. Even after they learned the truth about Lila, it never dawned on them to check on their 'Everyday Ladybug' until Adrien told them his side of things.

Tom and Sabine smiled at them as they entered the bakery. It made what they had to tell them, that much harder.

"Is everything alright?" Sabine questioned, seeing their frowns.

"We were wrong." Alya spoke up first.

"What?" asked Tom, setting down the bread tray.

"Three weeks ago, Lila was taken into police custody." Kim stated.

"CPS took her away for truancy." Rose continued.

"Her mother was arrested since she wasn't in school." Alix relied, crossing her arms.

"Lila said she was on trips around the world." Mylene sniffled.

"Lila was a liar." Max concluded.

Tom and Sabine looked at each other, confused.

"I don't understand." Sabine said.

"Lila was the one saying that Marinette was bullying her." Nino answered, making her parent's gasp.

"Someone named Jason Todd-Wayne ended up suing Lila and I for defamation and slander. I had to take my blog down." Alya announced.

"But-" Tom gulped.

"Adrien told us Marinette left." Juleka uttered a response.

"We didn't know." Ivan frowned.

"We thought Marinette was jealous of Adrien and Lila's relationship." Nathaniel remarked.

"We didn't know that Marinette and Adrien were dating." Sabrina confessed.

"You all said that she was hurting Lila!" Sabine cried, "That she pushed that poor girl down a flight of stairs!"

"We never actually saw Marinette do that." Kim spoke hesitantly.

"Lila told us she did!" Rose exclaimed.

"She would limp and we saw bruises on her!" Mylene claimed.

Sabine felt her eyes cloud with tears.

"We believed you." Tom frowned, making the class shrink in guilt, "We don't have custody of her; we gave her up!"

The class looked at each other. It was one thing to hear it from Adrien, but another to hear that her parent's gave her up because of what they had told them.

"She was sent to the States." Sabine spoke, her voice wavering, "Can we get her back?"

"I don't know." Tom replied, "I'd have to call my mother."

The class watched as Marinette's parents began to voice their concerns about getting her back. They quickly filed out, whispering apologies.

As the class filed out, Tom dialed the number he knew to reach his mother at.

"Mom! We know that Marinette-" Tom began.

"Is the sweet little fairy she always has been?" Gina snapped back.

"Can you bring her back?" Sabine asked.

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