Big Brother to the Rescue-2

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Marinette watched as Paris disappeared from her view.

'This is real. They really sent me away. Lila won; she took my friends and family away. It doesn't matter that she was outted in the end. They believed her. I'm glad Nona didn't believe them. Jay-Jay said he'd take care of me. I hope he does.'

She felt her tears glide down her cheeks.

'Hopefully, this time, it'll be different.'

As they landed, Jason informed her that they had a ride home. He grabbed her suitcases and walked her to a car with an elderly gentleman waiting for them.

"Hello, Miss Dupain-Cheng, I'm Alfred Pennyworth." he introduced himself.

"Alfred, here, is like our grandfather. Okay; Pixie?" Jason spoke.

"Hello, Mr. Pennyworth. You can call me Marinette. Um... I go by Vitale now; Marinette Vitale. My Nona gave me her maiden name when she took custody of me." she answered back, as Jason put her things in the trunk.

Alfred merely nodded, sensing this was not something she wanted to talk about.

The Waynes stood by the front door awaiting their new housemate. Jason only ever told them stories about 'Pixie Pop' after spending time with Gina. The only thing he had asked Alfred to put in her room was a sewing machine.

"I don't see why some civilian has to stay with us, Father." Damian commented, "She'll ruin everything."

"Damian, this is something Jason wanted to do. He views this girl as a little sister. Remember, be courteous. Don't hang off the chandeliers and no weapons in front of her." Bruce quickly reminded them, as Alfred opened the door.

Marinette was not what they had imagined. They had imagined a girl much like Jason: Leather jacket, dressed in black, tattoos, and a less then ideal look on the world. Here was this small, shy girl with floral summer dress and ballet flats, with ribbons in her hair.

"Master Bruce, Master Dick, Master Tim, and Master Damian, this is Marinette Vitale. She will be staying with us for quite sometime so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior." Alfred announced.

"I'll take her to her room, Alfred. It's been a long week for her. We can have her introduce herself tomorrow, when she's ready." Jason offered, "Come on, Pixie."

Marinette stuck to his side and quickly followed, making sure not to fall behind.

Damian's first impression of her was that of an animal off the street: she was cautious, silent, she stuck close to Jason's side. She obviously didn't care who they were and wouldn't look around the manor. She was of no threat.

Over the weekend, Dick and Tim would try to coax her out of her shell and get to know her, usually with Jason nearby. She quickly realized who Damian was and made sure to avoid him and his green eyes, at all costs.

"Demon Spawn, I need a favor." Jason announced, long after Marinette had gone to sleep.

"What?" he quipped back.

"Help Marinette at school." the elder brother replied.

"Why?" Damian questioned.

"I doubt the first thing she wants to do right now is make friends." Jason sighed, "She's a shell of who she use to be. She's more like you right now then anything."

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