Robin Hoodie

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Marinette hugged her hoodie closer as she walked out of school. She had been so busy the past three weeks and Damian wasn't fairing any better. All they had time for was a quick 'Good morning' or 'Sweet dreams' these days. She couldn't blame him being so far away from her. Their schedules were always so small, but she missed him; the eight hour difference was taking it's toll. It's why she had dressed up that day. She had made an oversized black hoodie with the Robin logo on it. It was the best thing she could think of to comfort her. The only thing better would be-

"Habibiti." a voice called.

Marinette froze.

'I'm hearing things. Right?'

Marinette looked up and saw her boyfriend at the bottom of the steps.


Marinette rushed over, as fast as she could, and hugged him.

'It's him! I'm not dreaming! It's Damian; my Damian! This is his cologne and shampoo. It really is him.'

"What-What are you doing here?" Marinette asked.

Damian opened his mouth but pulled back, taking in what his tiny girlfriend was wearing.

'She's wearing my colors; my logo! The hoodie appears to my size. Is this the reason those morons parade their girlfriends around in their jackets?'

The hoodie sagged a bit around her waist and a bit over her back shorts. She was wearing black knee high socks and dark green boots with bright red laces. He was quick to realize, he wouldn't mind if he brought Marinette to his school dressed like this, showing off she was his and his alone.

'Angel, are you trying to kill me?'

"Someone on your mind?" Damian questioned, pulling her back into his arms.

Mari simply blushed.

Suddenly, Marinette was yanked out of her boyfriend's arms. She was surprised to see Alya, Adrien, and Nino standing between them.

"Hey!" Nino shouted, "Who do you think you are?"

"Back off ya creep!" Alya sneered.

"Guys!" Marinette squeaked, pushing through them and back into Damian's arms, "This is my boyfriend!"

The trio was silent.

"He's from Gotham, hence the outfit." Mari continued to explain, "We've both been busy. We haven't had time to video call. It's been nothing but quick texts for about two weeks. I wore it because I was starting to feel lonely and I missed him."

Damian kissed the top of Marinette's head, "I missed you, too. How about we take a walk? Maybe we can find this Andre you keep telling me about and we can talk about dinner, tomorrow?"

"I'd like that." Marinette smiled, as they began to walk away from the school.

"Did you know?" they shouted at each other.

"No!" they all answered.

They turned and looked in the direction that Marinette left. She was smiling and obviously very happy with her surprise visitor.

Alya sighed, "We can questioned her tomorrow."

"You mean you'll question her tomorrow." Nino replied.

"Exactly." she smiled.

"Do we have to?" Adrien asked, "She looks really happy."

They looked again to see her brightly smiling at the guy. He looked at her like she was the only thing worth paying attention to.

"Maybe, only a little bit." Alya answered, "We at least need to know some basic stuff about him. Like, maybe how long have they been dating or I don't know, his name!"

The boys looked at each other in shock. The realization sunk in that they never asked for his name. They had no clue Marinette had left with.

"Oh, my God!" Nino cried.

"Yeah." Alya sighed, as the boys continued to panic, "That's what I thought."

"Did you see which way they went?" Adrien shouted, "Do you think we can catch them with my driver?"

"Marinette is gonna get kidnapped and we can't even defend ourselves!" Nino whined.

Adrien shook Nino, "Why did you let me, let her leave?"

Alya pulled out her phone and texted Marinette.

A:Boys are idiots. Give me something to keep the pair of idiots from panicking.

M:Panicking about what?

A:Realized they don't know who you left with and can't see you. Thinking you'll be kidnapped and shit.

M:I'm with my bf. I already called my parents and told them where we were going. I'm assuming I'll be interrogated tomorrow.

A: Yep. Before it was just me but I think the boys just got on board.

M: Damn

"You guys!" Alya shouted.

"What?" Adrien asked, "We are forming a plan and-"

Alya waved her phone at them.

"I texted her and she told her parents where they were going." she smiled, "She said she'll see us tomorrow."

Adrien and Nino relaxed.

"Oh." they mumbled.

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