[ 2 ] simmered radish

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[word count: 719]

[word count: 719]

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

ahh. finally lunch time.. i walked out of the classroom to the cafeteria. it's about time i eat something..

i sat down at a table, about to take out my lunch before i felt a hand on my shoulder..

"HEY Y/N HOW ARE YOU WE HAVE A MEETING IN THE ART ROOM FOR THE ART CLUB SO COME ALONG NOW!" i looked behind me to see non other than mr. uzui, starting to drag me towards his classroom.

"hey! let go of me!" i shouted, trying to scramble out of his grasp. but by the time i was able to escape, we were already in the art room.

"ah yes, how flamboyant! everyone is here now! i have an announcement so settle in." mr. uzui exclaimed. why am i even here..

"hey y/n! you can eat, we usually have lunch meeting in the art room every day!" nezuko invited me to a seat next to her. i looked over to see muichiro and yuichiro playing a board game..specifically..shogi?

i sat next to the girls and took out my bento. i was about to start eating when once again, i was interrupted.

"is that simmered radish? dressed with sweet miso?" muichiro asked, looking away from his board game and directing his attention to a portion of my bento.

"uh..yea..it is..so what? you can't judge what others like to ea-"

"could i have some?" muichiro asked. oh so he wasn't judging me..

yuichiro spat out part of his onigiri that he was eating. "well maybe if you learned how to cook you could make your own lunch," yuichiro chuckled.

i felt kind of bad..poor guy can't make his own lunch-

"i mean..i guess you can have half of it.." i said as i halved some of the dish. his eyes showed a little sparkle, but it looked like he was stopping himself from looking too excited.

"yes. i knew you two would get along well" mr. uzui clapped his hands before clearing his throat to announce the situation.

"we've been asked by the drama club to help them make props and backgrounds for their play. i'll have nezuko help make the costumes while tanjiro and our landscape specialists create stage backdrops. i know yuichiro has experience with paper mache, so he'll be doing props." mr. uzui continued.

"as for you two.." he pointed to muichiro and i.
"since we've got everything covered with props, and the drama club needs more people to audition..i applied you two to try out as..PERFORMERS!" he flashed a large smile and a thumbs up.

wait, huh? performers?

muichiro's eyes widened, yuichiro continuing to laugh at his expression. "PFFT this is what happens when you fiddle around with airplanes instead of letting me teach you other art techniques muichiro," yuichiro said as he continued to contain his laughter.

i started running up to mr. uzui with an angry expression. his eyes widened after realizing what he did. "okay okay- listen, i can't cancel your auditions since they're already short on performers but- i- uh- if you pass the auditions..I'LL GIVE YOU EXTRA CREDIT IN MY CLASS! YEA! A-AUTOMATIC PASS," he exclaimed.

i do kind of want an automatic pass in his class..passing auditions should be easy anyways..

i gave in, sitting back at my seat. muichiro looked over and continued eating. it seemed he was just gonna do what i chose to do.

well..it seems i'll need to practice for auditions with simmered radish boy...

"here's the script. give it your absolute best! i'm sure you'll shine brightly on stage!" mr. uzui passed a packet to muichiro and i.

i tapped muichiro's shoulder. "hey, let's practice lines and dialogue together? if you want to." i asked him.

his teal eyes locked with mine. the sunlight from the window shimmering on his pupils. how mesmerizing, for an air-headed expressionless boy..

aoi nudged my shoulder, causing me to snap back into reality. muichiro gave me a nod before averting his eyes in embarrassment.

"well y/n, it seems you two were a little lost in each other just now~" aoi whispered in my ear. i see..yuichiro has fierce, competitive, confident eyes. muichiro has cold, ignorant eyes.

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