[ 19 ] double pinky promise

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[ word count: 855 ]

[ word count: 855 ]

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3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

"I don't know...isn't this a little much?" nezuko asked, currently, everyone in the art club (excluding y/n) were setting up a scene in uzui's backyard. muichiro had asked everyone to help him set up a trail of cherry blossoms leading to a surprise picnic scene for y/n.

"love is never too much, my dear nezuko. how about I set up something like this for you, but better!" zenitsu suggested. nezuko just sighed in return.

"WHAT ARE YOU KIDS DOING IN MY YARD?! isn't it too early for this? today's graduation day you should be at the school. wait, HOW'D YOU ALL EVEN GET IN MY YARD IN THE FIRST PLACE??" uzui came out from the back door, rubbing his eyes as he woke himself up.

"im setting up a date for y/n. duh," muichiro replied blankly.

"but why must it be in my backyard?" mr. uzui complained. he was too tired to be putting up with these kids early in the morning.

"because when we graduate we won't see you as often. so we decided that you'll be the chef for the picnic and make the food for y/n and muichiro," tanjiro answered in a 'duh' tone, as if he also expected uzui to understand the situation.

uzui sighed in defeat. he decided that he'll just deal with it later. after all, his art class started their relationship in the first place, and he found it impossible to be upset at them when it'd be their last day as his students. he was proud to have watched them grow up and improve at everything. not just their art skills, but their relationship as a group.

every one of them had grown to accept each other, and muichiro and y/n were able to find love romantically thanks to uzui and the class' help. they were both pretty shy in the beginning, but after a few little pushes they really have fallen for each other, hard.

"okay! this should be good. mr. uzui, make sure to cook up a delicious meal for two for after school!" nezuko explained before she and the others excused themselves out of uzui's yard. uzui sighed but couldn't help but smile at the sight. he was a proud teacher, and an even prouder wingman.


y/n's pov

"man, this sure is a long speech. hurry it up already!" nezuko complained. i stood next to her and kanao as we listened to the class representatives give their last words to us.

once their speeches finished, we all cheered. we were glad, we did work hard over the years to graduate after all. we started packing up back in our classrooms so that we could finally leave after that long ceremony. suddenly, i felt a hand grab mine, intertwining our fingers.

"let's go," the voice said. it was muichiro. i was glad to see him. i allowed him to lead me out of the school until he came to a stop in front of a fence.

he knocked on the fence door with some kind of specific rhythm. shortly after, suma, makio and, hinatsuru came out, opening the fence door widely. "welcome!"

muichiro guided me to step in the yard beyond the fence. there was a long straight aisle path of cherry blossoms. it was absolutely beautiful. muichiro lead me through the path until we reached a blanket with plates of food on it.

"surprise!" muichiro turned to face me, smiling. i hope you like what the others helped me prepare for us!"

he sounded so happy, like he was glad to be spending time with me. i was glad, and also overjoyed by the effort he had put into this set up. i smiled back at him before he lead me to sit with him on the blanket.

he uncovered the plates. everything looked sort of familiar. the meal consisted of food from the christmas party, way back when muichiro first asked me out. everything felt so nostalgic, it was almost crazy how accurate it all was to the first time we both felt committed to each other. i looked at him. his eyes were also filled with surprise before he looked towards his side.

"surprise!" mr. uzui and the others were waving from inside the window of the house. "i guys they all pitched in," muichiro smiled lightly.

i moved to sit next to him before waving over to the others to come in and join us. their eyes filled with delight as they all came outside and we gathered together around the blanket, one last time as mr. uzui's art class.

muichiro grabbed both of my hands, leaning in to connect my lips with his in a sweet kiss.

"i promised my brother that i'd take care of you, so i double pinky promise that i'll always be by your side," he intertwined my pinkies on both hands with his, "whether you like it or not, i'm with you forever," he whispered, our foreheads touching.

and it was then that i remembered just how hard i fell in love with him.

and it was then that i remembered just how hard i fell in love with him

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