[ 18 ] silently loving

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[ word count: 731 ]

I sincerely apologize for the angst i am bringing in this chapter. kinda.


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many months ago - 3rd person pov

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many months ago - 3rd person pov

"oh and then she made this little face because she burned her tongue trying to eat the dessert i made..and she looked...really cute," muichiro's face flushed as he continued rambling about the recent dates he had gone on with y/n to yuichiro.

yuichiro's face smiled, attentively listening to his brother happily talk about y/n.

"you really like her, huh?" yuichiro questioned. muichiro shook his head, "no. i...i love her..like a lot," he said.

yuichiro showed a relieved expression. "good. then i can leave without worries," he mumbled the last part under his breath.

"you can what?" muichiro asked. yuichiro just shook his head. "it's nothing. how about you go call your girlfriend or something?"

muichiro grinned, his face warming up, "mhm. oh! there was this time when i called her but then but then we lost track of time and...."

present time - y/n's pov

"i'm going to england."

"HUH?!" we all gasped at yuichiro's sudden announcement. it was a regular school day, art class was in session right after our classes ended. on this particular day, however, yuichiro had stated that he had an important announcement for all of us.

"i recieved an acceptance letter for an art program there, and they said they'd like my assistance for the rest of the year," he explained, everyone still shocked from the news.

"when do you leave?" zenitsu asked. yuichiro sucked in a deep breath before exhaling and facing us. "tomorrow morning." we all turned our heads towards muichiro.

"did you know all this?"

muichiro thought for a second before responding, "i think so. maybe i just forgot."

we turned our attention back to yuichiro. "i know its sudden...but art is a passion for me, and i'd really like to make it something worth focusing on."

we all smiled at him, clapping and cheering to express our support for his decision.

who knows how long he'll be gone for. either way, he's following his dreams, and thats something to look up to him for.


"i guess this is goodbye.."

we all stood in the airport lobby. yuichiro's decision was sudden, we still had a hard time accepting it. yuichiro gestured for muichiro and i to follow him into a small corner to speak alone.

"mui, please promise me something," yuichiro had a serious look in his eyes. "please, take care of y/n," he continued. muichiro smiled at his brother before returning the serious look. "of course." yuichiro then turned his attention to me, signaling muichiro to give us some privacy.

"y/n," he spoke, a smile formed on his face, though i could sense the sadness behind it.

"thank you. thank you for giving me love. though it wasn't the kind of love to satisfy my greed, it was still the love i needed to keep myself going. so, please promise me. promise to take care of yourself. i'm trusting my brother to do for you what i can't, so please stay the lovely and beautiful person you are."

a small tear fell from his cheek, but he immediately wiped it away. it made my heart ache even more.

"til next time, y/n," he spoke before walking towards the rest of the art club. he flashed them a smile before grabbing his bags and making his way through the crowd to his gate.

muichiro stood next to me, grabbing my hand in his. he stepped in front of me, holding both of my hands in front of me.

"i may not be as romantic, smart, or talented as most people, but please, please stay with me. stay with me while we're on our journey on figuring out how to love. i promise i will take care of you, because that's what i promised my brother i'd do," his voice was gentle, yet serious in a way.

muichiro pulled me into a hug. we stayed like that for a while. resting in each other's arms, engulfed in each other's warmth.

he pulled away, his face dusted in a light blush.

we looked out the window. a large airplane lifted off into the sky. as it lifted off the ground, i heard muichiro suck in a breath.

i squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"thank you, yuichiro. i promise to take care of muichiro," i whispered under my breath.

 i promise to take care of muichiro," i whispered under my breath

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