[ 7 ] mr. uzui's christmas plan

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3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

"so, you all see it, don't you," mr. uzui whisperd in his huddle with a few of his students. specifically everyone except muichiro and y/n, who were off to help clean up after the play.

"i totally do! y/n and muichiro are so cute together!" nezuko exclaimed in a whisper-yell town. "yes..they really fit together, don't they," kanao added in agreement. they all glanced over at y/n and muichiro who were talking together while sweeping the stage.

"well they look absolutely flamboyant together! we must do something to give them a push! look at how cute that is!" mr. uzui whispered as he bent down a little to hide his voice from y/n and muichiro.

"well, christmas is soon, so why don't we have a little party? y'know, for the art club," aoi suggested, joining in on their plans to push y/n and muichiro together. mr. uzui's eyes lit up as he thought about the idea more. "right! let's have a christmas party everyone!"


y/n's pov

"oh hey muichiro, are you here for the christmas party?" muichiro and i were standing outside the school, walking in to see the art room decorated with christmas decorations.

"yea, merry christmas y/n," he replied. i held the box in my hand that was wrapped like a present. mr. uzui had made us draw names for a secret santa, and i had to get a gift for muichiro.

"oh hey y/n- oh i see you're with muichiro~" nezuko chimed in. she was wearing a matching sweater with tanjiro who sat beside her.

"DID YOU ALL FORGET TO INVITE ME? I WANNA HANG OUT WITH NEZUKO TOOO!" zenitsu barged in from the window, crawling in., an unfamiliar boy following behind him and also entering from the window.

"oh geez, what are you doing here you pig," i heard yuichiro speak from behind us.

mr. shinazugawa entered the doorway, the room filling with shouts and noise. i felt muichiro's hands over my ears. "it's getting loud. i hope this helps muffle the noise," he whispered. i looked up at him, "oh, thanks. but i'm okay!" i gave him a smile of reassurance.

"INOSUKE GET BACK HERE WE STILL DIDNT FINISH OUR MATH LECTURE," our teacher yelled at the unfamiliar boy. so his name is inosuke?

"I'LL BE BACK FOR THE FOOD," inosuke shouted before running out the window again, avoiding our math teacher.

"HO HO HO! HAVE A FLASHY CHRISTMAS EVE EVERYONE!" mr. uzui barged in in a santa costume. he brought in three women holding stashes of food. "these are my wives. they helped out on making the food so enjoy!" he gestured to the three women placing the food on the table.

3rd person pov

"psssst..over here you guys!" mr. uzui whispered to his students, separating from muichiro and y/n who were distracted by the food. "okay, i made it so they were each other's secret santa, and they seem to be enjoying the party, so our plans are going perfectly! operation muichiro x y/n is a go!" he cheered quietly.

"okay, did everyone place the gifts they brought on the table? everyone go look for the present with your name, and we'll guess who your secret santa was!" the art teacher announced as he revealed the table with presents on it.

muichiro opened his gift. it revealed a few packs of origami paper, as well as an instruction book on some of the best paper airplanes that he could make. his face lit up with joy as he thought of all the cool origami models he could create.

as for y/n, her present had a small box containing a key chain that had a cloud shaped charm as well as a mini airplane charm hanging with it. her present also contained an envelope, which revealed a cute origami pop up card.

"OKAY EVERYONE GOT THEIR GUESSES? LETS REVEAL EVERYONE'S SECRET SANTA SHALL WE?" despite mr. uzui knowing that this wasn't how the game traditionally went, his plan was to get muichiro and y/n to realize how perfect they were together.

"so muichiro was y/n's secret santa...and what's this? y/n was muichiro's secret santa too! how perfect!" he announced. muichiro and y/n looked at each other, their eyes sparkling at the sight of their gifts.

"wow, muichiro..this is perfect.." y/n smiled at muichiro.

"WOW YOU TWO WERE MEANT TO BE! NOW GET MARRIED AND DO SO WITH FLAIR!" mr. uzui whisper yelled in muichiro's ear. though, muichiro didn't really understand the concept of marriage, so he replied by tilting his head.

"they still don't get it, do they...it's alright, i'll find a way to help these two realize the importance of young love even if it takes me all year!" mr. uzui spoke to himself.

 uzui spoke to himself

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