[ 13 ] nicki mijaj

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hey besties i finally updated >>

[ word count: 821 ]

[ word count: 821 ]

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

i climbed into bed. it was a really long day, and i was getting tired. muichiro climbed in next to me, getting comfortable on his side of the bed.
the room was silent for a moment.

"hey muichir-"

i was cut off by the sound of his soft snores. i laughed a little before turning to pull the blanket on him.

before drifting off to sleep, i decided to get a drink of water. i made my way to the kitchen, careful not to wake anyone up. it was dark, and i didn't turn the light on.

i made my way back to the room quickly, feeling a little afraid of the pitch black halls. as i entered the room i saw..a pair of..green eyes? i jumped a little before stumbling out of the room and into the kitchen again, only for the eyes to follow me through the halls.

i gasped a little as we reached the kitchen, the moonlight lit up the room, revealing the eyes once we both were under the light.

the creature had...long black hair?

"begone! for i am the great night seeker of the dark!" muichiro's voice cane out as a whisper shout as he stepped closer to me, wearing his night vision goggles.

he took them off after getting a few inches away from my face. "did i scare you? was i a good monster?"

i laughed as i grabbed his arm to pull him back in bed. "yes, you did. now let's go to sleep."

i pretended to close my eyes while we lied in bed, catching him staring at my 'sleeping' form before he too closed his eyes and relaxed beside me.

not the night i had planned, but he was kinda cute.


"WAKE UP KIDS," i heard a loud banging of pots as yuichiro's voice filled the halls. i turned in my bed only to realize that i was alone. where was muichiro?

i ran out the room, searching for him as i ignored yuichiro's loud bangs.

i made my way outside, spotting him laying in the grass looking up at the clouds.

he looked at me before pulling me to lie beside him. "that ones pretty. i think im gonna name it y/n," he said, pointing to a cloud that was kinda shaped like a heart.

"HEY LOVEBIRDS GET IN HERE WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH SO GET READY," yuichiro shouted from the doorway.

i pulled muichiro up before we both went im the house to get ready.

it was gonna be a long day..


nezuko nudged me as we sat in the limo once again, on our way to the beach.

"sooo, excited to see your boyfriend shirtless? im sure he's excited to see you in a bathing suit," nezuko whispered in my ear.

what did she mean by 'excited'?

"well i'm excited to go to the beach! it'll be fun with muichiro.." i felt a bit of heat across my cheeks.

she giggled a little before looking out the window. "psst..mr. sugar daddy can i play some music?" yuichiro asked. mr. uzui growled a little before handing yuichiro the ox cord.

"i'm not your sugar daddy, but i'm all for music!"

yuichiro cleared his throat before putting on a song.

starships - by nicki minaj

"let's go to the bEach bEach," our eyes widened as yuichiro sang in an annoyingly high and whiny voice.

he went along singing before aoi took his phone to turn off the music. "you sound like a dying rat and its disgusting," she stated.

"pfft. rude," he scoffed before mr. uzui let out a gasp. "LOOK EVERYONE WE'RE HERE!!" he said as the car came to a halt and we stepped outside to be greeted by soft sand and the clear ocean.

muichiro took my hand before pulling off his shirt. woah..

i removed the clothes i was wearing over my bathing suit and he immediately pulled me into the water.

"look at how clear the water is!" he exclaimed with a smile on his face. he took both of my hands, dancing with me as we splashed around in the water. i heard a click of a camera and looked over to see mr. uzui with a smile. "you guys are so cute!"

i paused a little, putting a hand over my cheeks.

muichiro pulled the hand off of my cheek and grasped it with his own. he looked up at me with a smile, "wanna play mermaids?"

i laughed at his question before calling the others in to play with us.

"i'll only play if i get to be sebastian from the little mermaid," yuichiro stated as he came into the water with us.

"fine then. y/n, will you be the ariel to my..uh.. what's the prince's name again?"

guys im so sunburnt its not even funny

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guys im so sunburnt its not even funny

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