[ 3 ] the difference

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[ word count: 764 ]

[ word count: 764 ]

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

"so you here to see me or my brother?" one of the twins asked. well i'm here. standing on the tokito family's porch outside there house. even though we just met a few days ago..

muichiro and i needed to rehearse for the auditions. however, whoever answered the door when i knocked decided to give me a hard time, and see if i could spot the difference between the two twins.

i looked closely into the boy's eyes, trying to figure out if yuichiro or muichiro answered the door.

this boy's eyes are confident.. muichiro's eyes aren't as competitive as these eyes from what i remember..

i took a deep breath before answering. "hi yuichiro..i'm here to rehearse lines with your brother.."

the boy in the doorway who i assumed was yuichiro took a moment to think before giving out a little hum.

"you're a keeper," he said before stepping aside to let me in. i smiled at him as he guided me through the halls of their house.
so i was right..

yuichiro's pov

well it sure has been a while ever since someone was able to tel us apart..how interesting..this girl is different..

i opened the door to muichiro's room to see him folding more paper airplanes and flying around the room. there were pieces of paper all over the place, and his room was a mess.

"what is this?! cleaning up your room once in a while would be nice!" i shouted at my brother. uh oh i hope y/n doesn't think badly of us..

"oh hey! this is a nice mode you got! i think it's best to try using thicker origami paper next time, this paper you're using is too thin!" y/n rushed over next to where muichiro was sitting. she's not mad..?

muichiro's eyes sparkled. i haven't seen him light up like that in a while..it was kind of nice, but it also mad me kind of..on edge for some reason..

"that makes sense..." muichiro spoke as he examined the failed paper airplanes around his room. y/n smiled before continuing.

"can i try flying it?" she asked.

y/n's pov

"mhm," muichiro hummed as he passed the plane over to me. i raised my elbow up and attempted to glide it across the room, but it didn't really work since it flopped onto the floor a second after i threw it.

i heard muichiro giggle a little. he stood up and walked over to pick up the plane before putting it back into my hand.

he used one hand to angle my elbow while keeping the other hand on mine. his hand is..nice..and..warm..

"it's better to throw it like this." muichiro used his hands to guide mine into a perfect position to throw the plane. the paper plane released from my hand and danced through the air. it soar upwards to the ceiling and flew across the room before taking a gentle landing.

"that makes sense! thanks for the help!" i exclaimed. he let go of my hands. why do i feel so disappointed about him letting go..

"wel we should practice some lines..apparently this year's play is snow white!" i told muichiro as i took out my script from my bag. i looked over at the doorway. yuichiro came in the room with a tray of snacks. "well, uh..you guys enjoy," he said with a small smirk.

"thank you," i tried thanking him, but he exited the room before i could say anything.

"okay, mr. uzui highlighted the parts we're supposed to go over-"

"y/n." muichiro grabbed my hands again and looked me in the eyes. i hummed in response, unable to contain the excitement in my chest.

"how could you tell the difference between my brother and i?" he continued.

"i-uh..well..it's your..eyes.." i answered him.

his eyes widened in surprise before leaning in to look at my eyes. "you have nice eyes," he said. wow that was sudden..

"w-well you too! you have nice eyes too, muichiro." his hands held onto mine while we sat im comfortable silence.

"well..we should practice now. auditions are next week, and if we want that grade boost we should focus," i broke the silence.

he nodded before letting go of my hands to grab his script. though, the whole time that we were practicing, his eyes stayed locked in mine, as if none of us wanted to look away. we were lost in each other.

A/N - yea i usually update on a different day but today i had the motivation so woohoo lol enjoy! and ty for reading <3

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A/N - yea i usually update on a different day but today i had the motivation so woohoo lol enjoy! and ty for reading <3

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