[ 6 ] in the spotlight

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[ word count: 772 ]

[ word count: 772 ]

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✍︎︎ note: i shortened the play since i'm going off of memory and i don't remember every little detail on snow white - so i'll just be describing the important parts of the play

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✍︎︎ note: i shortened the play since i'm going off of memory and i don't remember every little detail on snow white - so i'll just be describing the important parts of the play.

y/n's pov

"alright everyone! it's show time today! now we have some assistants from the art club here to help backstage, so ask for hep from them. okay, let's all get dressed and ready before the sun goes down!" ms. kanroji spoke.

today was our show day, and we had to get ready before 7pm when the doors would open for the audience. "is this comfortable y/n?" nezuko asked as she helped me with my costume. i gave her a nod before walking into the room that aoi was in to help with hair and makeup.

"ah yes hello y/n, good luck on your show," aoi stepped up to me and started with my makeup while kanao worked on my hair.

it's almost time. i hadn't seen muichiro yet, so i hope he's doing okay.


the bright lights shined on me while the lights outside the stage dimmed. i sang with the birds with a smile, hoping that my act was enough to impress the audience. "ah hello there snow white. care for an apple?"

muichiro's pov

"okay muichiro, when you go on for the kiss scene make sure to act like a real prince!" nezuko spoke as she and aoi touched up my costume and makeup. what did she mean by 'act like a prince' ?

what's something prince like?

"kiss her on the lips this time!" ms. kanroji interrupted my train of thought. kiss her on the lips? i've never tried that. what's the difference?

i stepped on stage, running towards y/n laying down in an open casket. on the lips, huh?

"my dear snow white, you poor thing. "i must awaken her with my love, through a kiss."

i leaned in, looking up behind the casket to see ms. kanroji backstage. she pointed to her lips before making a heart shape with her hands.

it shouldn't be that bad right? it's just like any other kiss.

i placed my lips on hers, earning a few gasps from the audience. that was actually...not that bad.

y/n opened her eyes, her sight fixated on my lips. a few seconds later she finally snapped out of it. "i-my prince..thank you for rescuing me.."

☁︎︎after the play☁︎︎

y/n's pov

what was that? well we never really practiced kissing on the lips..maybe it was a request from ms. kanroji?

"y/n, great job today," muichiro came up to me while i wiped the makeup off of my face."oh yes you too muichiro," i replied.

"can i give you something?" he asked. so does he not think that kiss was awkward? wait..did he even know what he was doing?

i gave him a nod before he took my wrist and guided me outside the building next to a nearby cherry blossom tree.

he pulled out a small jar from his bag. it was filled with..paper hearts?

(its like those tiny puffy stars but instead heart shaped)

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(its like those tiny puffy stars but instead heart shaped)

"i heard that a jar full of puffy stars was good luck..but i only knew how to make puffy hearts, so call them lucky hearts," he continued.

i took the jar, examining the small colorful hearts inside it. "wow, this is amazing! i really love it. did you make this all yourself? how long did it take you?" i asked.

"well it did take a long time to make all of it, but if it makes you happy i'll make you lucky hearts for the rest of my life," he mumbled the last part, but i could still hear him.

"well..thank you. i'll be sure to use it as a lucky charm. but, you really didn't need to spend so much time to make something for me," i stated. i really did love what he made. my stomach felt all turny and twisty and my heart was pounding. i felt so flattered.

"i hope my gift made you smile. i didn't know what else to get you, and you were working so hard for this play so i felt that you deserved a heartfelt gift. i'm sorry if it makes you feel guilty, but i promise i was okay with spending that much time on a gift for you," he spoke as if he really wanted me to know that he acknowledges my efforts.

"well, i'll make sure to give you something lucky in return, muichiro. and thank you again, for everything ."


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