[ 12 ] sugar daddy

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

"alright! the place we're staying at still needs to be cleaned, so how about we go shopping in the meantime?" mr. uzui announced as we stood outside the airport with our bags.

zenitsu looked around on the streets. "um, did you grab a cab? or did we rent a car? i dont think nezuko should be on vacation without land transportation-"

zenitsu's questions were cut off when mr. uzui pulled all of us to the parking lot, where a limousine was parked.

"i used to come here with my wives a lot, so i went ahead and bought us a flamboyant limo! plus our beach house thats being cleaned right now too."

all of us gasped in shock. this guy has a vacation home AND a limo in okinawa?

"..what are you, our sugar daddy or something?" yuichiro spoke up before opening the door to the limo before continuing,"dont care though. thanks for the hospitality, mr. sugar daddy."

zenitsu's eyes sparkled before pulling nezuko to sit next to him in the limo, following after yuichiro. the rest of us followed in, grabbing snacks from the mini fridge to our enjoyment.


"uh..what is this place?" we all looked up to mr. uzui for an answer.

"well you see, this store has a bunch of super flamboyant gadgets. and so, since i'm so nice, i'm letting you all pick one thing from this store and i'll buy it for y-"

"okay mr. sugar daddy. c'mon everyone lets make his pockets hurt," yuichiro interrupted mr. uzui's explanation, walking into the store and observing all the gadgets.

muichiro grabbed my hand in excitement, spotting something he was interested in.

his eyes lit up as he looked at the box.

it was a pair of night vision goggles, something muichiro had told me about when he said he wanted to be able to see in the dark. he took the box and walked towards mr. uzui.

mr. uzui nodded in excitement. "YEAH NICE CHOICE MUICHIRO," he shouted.

i looked around the store before spotting something that i thought muichiro and i would like. it was an led light (almost like a mini disco ball) that projected stars.

"NICE CHOICE Y/N NOW LETS GET OUTTA HERE AND PAY BEFORE YUICHIRO PICKS SOMETHING EXPENSIVE," mr. uzui cane up and grabbed the box i was staring at, leading us all to the register to pay.


"oh look everyone we've arrived at the sex hotel-"


we all got out of the car and followed as mr. uzui unlocked the door. it was a pretty big beach house, built on a small hill above shore. "oh wow nezuko, it looks like theres only four bedrooms. i guess you and me will have to share a roo-"

"don't be silly, zenitsu. me, you, and yuichiro will share a room, nezuko, aoi, and kanao will share another room. then we'll give a bedroom to y/n and muichiro so they could have their..couple time, and mr. uzui will get his own room," tanjiro explained. what exactly does he mean by 'couple time'..?

mr. uzui clapped his hands, "FLAMBOYANT IDEA TANJIRO!! after all, these kids do need their couple time."

muichiro and i got pushed into one room before we could object, and mr. uzui told us to get comfortable and get ready for bed. tomorrow was new years eve, so we would have to rest up.

i decided to take a bath first then change into some pajamas while muichiro unpacked his bags a little bit.


"uh..muichiro..i have a small problem.." i called out for him behind the bathroom door, a towel wrapped around my body as i searched through my luggage. i couldn't find any comfortable clothes for sleeping. theres no way i forgot to pack pajamas, right?

he hummed from behind the door, "what is it y/n? are you okay?"

my face heated up before i went on to answer his question. "um..well..the thing is, i kinda..forgot my pajamas. and i was hoping you could ask one of the girls if they-"

"no need. i have extra. you can wear one of my shirts and some bottoms i brought. is it okay if you open the door so i can drop them in?"

i stayed quiet. he was offering his clothes?

i quietly opened the door a little, hiding behind it so he couldnt see me. he placed a pair of folded clothes on the floor before letting me know i could shut the door.

well, at least his clothes are kinda cute, the shirt had a cute cloud pattern on the left chest pocket. i guess no one would be able to tell that its his clothes since i like clouds too, right?

 i guess no one would be able to tell that its his clothes since i like clouds too, right?

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