extra (70k reads <3)

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hello lovely readers!~ thank you so so much for the love and support on this book, i love you all!! i recently started a new muichiro book and there's currently a few chapters out (i usually try to update every week), so you should totally check it out! anyways, in honor of 70k reads, here's an extra chapter. again, thank you so much for the support!

 again, thank you so much for the support!

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"i think we're interrupting something..." tanjiro stated as he and the rest of the art club stood above the two teens who were currently holding each other as they slept on the couch.

at the noise of intruders in his house, muichiro's eyes peaked open, y/n still asleep in his arms. "hey, this scene is incredibly cringey.." muichiro looked to the direction where the familiar voice came from. "yuichiro? when did you get back?" muichiro now stood up abruptly to greet his brother, y/n quietly groaning and waking up from the sudden movement.

"hey, i'm back for spring break," yuichiro slightly chuckled at his brother's surprised expression.
y/n's eyes widened after hearing her old friend's voice, "yuichiro!" she got up and gave him a hug. yuichiro hugged back, a soft smile on his face before he turned to also embrace his brother.

the rest of the art club stood there, holding a big card painted and signed by everyone. it had been an entire school year since yuichiro left, meaning that you all just completed your first year in high school.

(i can't believe i'm older than muichiro 😔)

that was also mr. uzui's last year teaching. you all still kept in touch with him, and he had told you all that he had decided to retire like the old man he is.

upon hearing the news, you all decided to make a gift for him on behalf of his very first art club students. you all painted a portrait of him om a card along with a few side doodles and small messages signed by everyone.

and of course, the rest of the club decided to secretly fly yuichiro down to help them deliver the card. mr. uzui would want to see all of his art students, after all.

"so are we all ready to go? nezuko beamed. you all smiled, making your way to mr. uzui's house.

"now what are all you kids doing here!?" you were all greeted by a slightly tired and angry uzui. "congrats on retiring!" you all cheered. mr. uzui examined the card that you all held up. it read 'heres to becoming a senior citizen' with a painting of what was *supposedly* uzui with a grey beard and wrinkles.

"well, i guess this is a half-flamboyant painting. i must say, the detail is immaculate. the accuracy needs some work, shall i teach you all again how to copy reference pictures?"

you all laughed at his suggestion. still, you were all happy that you got to reunite again as an art club. muichiro grabbed your hand, leaning his head against yours.

"i see the lovebirds are still going strong."

"how cringey.."

"how adorable!"

you all laughed again, enjoying each other's company and talking for a little while about how the past school year went; what classes each of you were taking, new people you all got to meet, new hobbies you all were interested in, and also how no other art teacher can compare to the flamboyant mr. uzui and his flamboyant art skills.

you were all happy that you got to share more moments like this even after leaving the art club, and you all planned to continue meeting and catching up together in the future.

"thank you, mr. uzui, for bringing us all together. you truly brought great flamboyance in out lives!"


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