[ 16 ] picture deez

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[ word count: 908 ]

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"oh mr

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"oh mr. sugar daddy~ please buy me some cotton candy~ and some funnel cake~ and some french fries~ and some jui-"

"yuichiro this isn't very flamboyant of you! now let's go on the ferris wheel and see what happens!" mr. uzui dragged yuichiro along with aoi and nezuko to the long line leading to the ferris wheel.

the art club members had decided to go to an amusement park for our last day of vacation, and so here we were.

"oh look, kanao! theres some cool games over there! let's leave y/n and muichiro alone and have our own fun!" tanjiro hastily took kanao's hand and guided her to a bunch of game stalls, winking at muichiro and i before disappearing into the crowd.

i looked at my side to see what muichiro was looking at. it was a large plane shaped ride that went in circles over and over again.

"let's go there," he said excitedly before grabbing my hand and running towards the plane ride.

"make sure to fasten the seatbelts!" the ride worker reminded us before starting up the plane. we rose high in the air before dropping down in a circular motion.

each time the plane headed downwards, muichiro and i would laugh at the tingly feeling while gripping each others hands.

suddenly, muichiro took his phone out of his pocket midway through the ride. he opened up the camera app before holding it in front of us, making sure we were both in frame.

"muichiro you're gonna drop your-"

"say cheese."

as he snapped the picture, the plane shifted causing him to snap a blurry picture of us. he laughed a little at his failed attempt at taking a selfie with me, "cute."

once the ride stopped, muichiro grabbed my hand and pulled me towards more rides.

"i wanna take more pictures of you," he said as we made our way to a big swing ride.

he helped me fasten the belt as he sat next to me before our swing rose up high in the air. we could see the whole amusement park from how high we were. muichiro's feet dangled. he shifted his ankle to hug around mine. "now we're holding feet." we laughed before the swings started to move, tilting to the side and spinning around and around.

muichiro's hair flew in his face. i looked at him and laughed as he tried to stop the wind.

he frowned before taking his phone out and pointing the camera towards me. click!

he smiled softly at the picture he took. "hey! that's not fair i wasn't ready!" i argued, trying to take his phone to see the picture, causing my body to lean against his as the swing rocked at our movements.

i felt my body loose balance and almost begin to hang out the swing, my eyes widened in fear.

muichiro swiftly hugged my body close to his. he began to laugh again. "are you crazy?" he asked, trying to hold in his chuckles. "and i thought i was dumber than you."

i opened my mouth to argue, "hey it wasn't my faul-"

he pulled his body away from mine, lifting my face to press a kiss to my lips as the swings slowly slowed down and made their way to the ground again, the ride coming to an end.

as he lead us to another ride, he showed me the picture he took. "you look so happy in this picture. i have to keep it, okay?" he interlocked his hand with mine.

"...yea, okay," i said, my hand squeezing his.


"you two must've had a lot of fun~" nezuko commented as we all grouped back together after separating and spending time together in different groups at the amusement park. muichiro brought out his phone, opening his camera roll.

he showed his pictures to everyone, smiling at me when he explained why he ended up taking pictures of me on every ride we went on.

"now, i wanna take a picture of all of us," muichiro requested softly.

"picture? how about you picture deez nu- hey!"

"oh, dear yuichiro! it seems i accidentally tugged on your hair! forgive me," mr. uzui interrupted yuichiro's comment.

"i think a group picture is a wonderful idea, muichiro. how about we take it in that photo booth over there?" tanjiro pointed out a small photo booth where we could take a group photo.

"ah, yes, let's all take a lovely photo, right yuichiro?" mr. uzui dragged yuichiro to the small booth with curtains, practically throwing him in there as we all followed behind and set up the machine.

"first picture in 3..2..1" the machine announced.

the first picture showcased all of us making funny faces, mr. uzui pinching yuichiro's cheeks, nezuko and aoi crossing their eyes, kanao and tanjiro with their tongues out, and muichiro and i using his hair as mustaches.

the second picture was just a normal smiling picture. we all had smiles on our faces, genuine, happy smiles.

"last picture in 3..2..1"

we all did our own free style poses. before the machine could snap the photo, muichiro gently placed his hand on my face, pressing his lips against my cheek. heat rushed to my face as the machine snapped the picture right at that moment.

the machine printed our pictures out, showcasing our silly faces, smiling faces, and best of all, muichiro's affection.

the machine printed our pictures out, showcasing our silly faces, smiling faces, and best of all, muichiro's affection

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