[ 10 ] aoi's guidance

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[word count: 754]

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y/n's pov

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y/n's pov

"EVERYONE I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT TO MAKE!" mr uzui shouted at us as we entered the art room after class.

we all sat down, excited to hear the news. i say down next to nezuko, but she moved in front of me and pulled muichiro to sit by me instead.


"OKAY I'LL TELL YOU.. I WAS FLAMBOYANT ENOUGH TO FUND US A NEW YEARS TRIP TO OKINAWA WOOO!!" mr. uzui screamed with his hands in the air.

a new years trip, huh? he must've gotten the money from the drama club, since we helped them out with their play. we all cheered in excitement before mr. iguro came in through the door and tossed some keys to mr. uzui.

"i'm only letting you borrow my car because mitsuri asked. dont you dare make a mess, brats," he said before leaving through the door.

"oh yes, i had asked to use mr. iguro's car for us to go shopping for travel equipment, since his car was nice and big, flashy enough for all of us!" mr. uzui twirled the keys around his hands.

"now now, let's go on a little field trip and shop for new matching travel cases! we'll look SOO stylish at the airport if we're all matching as an art club!"


"OOH OOH! LETS GO INTO THIS STORE, NEZUKO!" zenitsu tried pulling nezuko into a store full of dresses for girls. we all ended up going in, since none of us trusted zenit alone with nezuko in a women's clothing store.

"AH THIS IS BORING MORITSU," inosuke shouted. why was he even here? he wasn't apart of the art class..maybe he just wanted to get away from our math teacher? who knows.

muichiro and i looked around, but i couldn't find anything that caught my eye in this store. i was about to walk up to kanao and ask for what she'd be buying before i felt a tap on my shoulder.

"there. they're selling simmered radish dressed with sweet miso," muichiro pointed out the window to a poster of a simmered radish meal.

"lets go."

muichiro and i silently slipped past the group and snuck out of the store door towards the poster. we walked into the restaurant that held the poster, making our way to the cashier.

muichiro checked his wallet in his bag. "looks like i only have enough for one serving. i forgot to bring extra money," he frowned before continuing, "it's alright, we can share a serving."

once we ordered the simmered radish, we sat down at a table.

"snuck out on a date i see."

muichiro and i jumped from the sudden voice under the table. it was aoi.

"you two are cute. this is gold for mr. uzui," she said before snapping a pic of us sitting together sharing our meal.

"i don't understand. what's so special about sharing a meal?" muichiro asked. aoi shook her head, "you two are dating! this is finally something that a couple would do! are you two that dense?"

so we're finally acting like a couple, huh?

i took two straws from the straw holder on the table and stuck them in our drink cup. aoi gasped before taking one straw out of the cup.

"NO! you two can share ONE straw~" she cooed. hmm, well it would mean using less plastic, so i guess it's okay.

i took a sip from the drink before giving it to muichiro, signaling that i was okay with sharing one straw.

instead, muichiro opened the cup and drank straight from the cup instead of from the straw.


"oh, i wanted some of the ice cubes.." muichiro replied. aoi sighed again, "ah..you two are impossible to deal with.."

muichiro and i shared a questioning look before going back to eating. aoi's eyes widened as she got another idea.

"oh hey can i see that-" aoi took the utensils from my hand.

"let's see here- oops-" she continued before dropping them down on the floor. "looks like you two will need to share..muichiro can feed you, right y/n~"

muichiro's face turned a little red. it must be the lack of air conditioning, righ?

he nodded before moving closer to me and placing the food in my mouth with his chopsticks. aoi snapped another picture.

"wow, i can't wait to go on this new year's trip!" she squealed.

"wow, i can't wait to go on this new year's trip!" she squealed

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