[ 8 ] crush

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[ word count: 743 ]

[ word count: 743 ]

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3rd person pov

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3rd person pov

"psst..muichiro! over here!" muichiro felt a tug on his arm before turning around to see mr. uzui next to nezuko.

"do you like y/n? like more than a friend?" nezuko asked. they were huddled in a corner, whispering to each other.

muichiro hummed, his hand on his chin while he thought about it. nezuko stared at him blankly.

"um..okay lets try this..do you like spending time with y/n? do you like having her around?" nezuko asked. muichiro nodded in response.

"yes. i do like having her around."

"then would you say you have a crush on her??.." mr. uzui popped out the question with a face of anticipation. "ah. my brother explained to me what a crush is. i don't quite get it though.." muichiro replied, tilting his head.

"well does your stomach get all turny and twisted around her? does your heart go boom boom?!"

muichiro thought about the questions nezuko asked again. "oh, maybe thats the reason i feel like passing out around her. its a crush? as in crushing my ability to focus?" muichiro thought out loud.

"so you do have a crush on y/n! that means you're in love~" mr. uzui silently jumped around in excitement.

muichiro thought about the play, and how snow white and the prince expressed love. "yea i guess that's what it is? i think i do love y/n," muichiro spoke with a small tint of blush on his cheeks as he tried to hide his smile.



"psst..y/n...Y/N!" tanjiro whispered and called y/n into a huddle with him and aoi. "do you have a crush on muichiro?" aoi asked bluntly. y/n looked away, causing aoi and tanjiro to gasp.

"so you do!" they whispered in unison. aoi turned y/n's face to look at them, "you should ask him out!"

"yes! you won't have the time to do it in tue future if you don't pay attention to your feelings right away!" tanjiro added. y/n thought about it. it was something clearly impossible to her. she was about to speak before feeling a light tap on her shoulder.

it was muichiro.

"y/n. i've got a crush on you apparently," he spoke calm and bluntly, unaware of how embarrassing the situation was. y/n's eyes widened in shock as mr. uzui and the rest watched in anticipation.

"oh..well..i like you too, muichiro.." y/n spoke softly, but loud enough for muichiro to hear. everyone behind them continued to squeal out of excitement.

"so..do you wanna go eat some dessert?" they both asked in unison, earning a few gasps from their classmates.

"that's it? no 'i love you' or a little kiss on the cheek or something?" they all asked.

"well, we don't really know how this couple stuff works..so we'll need to figure it out," y/n explained, her cheeks as red as muichiros.

"well you can't just act all normal! you gotta act like a couple, ya know? like all lovey dovey and stuff!" mr. uzui threw his hands in frustration.

"gosh, i went through all that trouble to get you two to realize your feelings, and you still don't know how to act? so not flamboyant!" their teacher continued.

"tch. you kids are weird," a voice said from the window. it was....mr. shinazugawa?

their eyes shot to the table, where mr. shinazugawa and inosuke were chomping down on their desserts. "nice job trying your best, tengen," he continued with food stuffed in his mouth.

mr. uzui shot a glare at the two thieves who crashed their art club christmas party just to steal their food. "that's alright! i won't give up! these two will express their love properly! you'll see! i'll even get my apprentice mitsuri on the case with me! you watch, i'll get these two airheads into shape!" mr. uzui exclaimed.

his fist was raised in the air as he pointed to muichiro and y/n who were also enjoying the desserts at the table.

little did they know, mr. uzui was far from giving up on witnessing a love story put together by his help.

a/ni apologize for the late chapter! i've been studying for finals and haven't had any time

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i apologize for the late chapter! i've been studying for finals and haven't had any time. i'll try my best to get the chapters out on time!

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