[ 11 ] kidnapped & shipped

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[ word count: 798 ]

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the day of the trip (day before new years eve)y/n's pov

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the day of the trip (day before new years eve)
y/n's pov


"shh! zenitsu you're being too loud! you realize it's late at night and people are trying to sleep, right?" tanjiro whispered. we were currently sitting in mr. uzui's van, picking everyone up to go to the airport.

tanjiro and nezuko tossed their bags in the trunk as they entered the van with us.

"yes come on in children i have lots of treats for you all," mr. uzui stated in excitement as he drove his way to the airport.

"you sound like you're kidnapping us," yuichiro interrupted, making zenitsu panic.


nezuko chopped zenitsu's head, quieting him. muichiro looked at me before asking me a question while i yawned, "are you tired?"

i nodded my head. it was a long day, but mr. uzui insisted on booking a flight late at night so that the airport wouldn't be busy and we'd arrive around lunchtime when the sun was fully out.

"LOOK WE'RE HERE!" mr. uzui shouted as we arrived at the airport. we saw a plane in the sky soaring over the stars.

muichiro's eyes lit up with mine. it was a real plane. we would get to fly in the air in a real plane. nezuko chuckled at our excitement, "you two look excited now. c'mon lets go so we don't miss our flight."

we all got out of the car and took out luggages from the trunk. muichiro took my luggage from me. i gave him a questioning look before looking at what he was holding. he only had a backpack and no luggage.

"aoi advised that since i dont have a luggage it would help you if i carried yours," he explained with a bit of red on his face. i looked over to aoi who had a smirk on her face.

"muichiro i can carry it mysel-"

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LETS GET GOING! follow me to obtain our flamboyant tickets for flight."

☁︎︎[timeskip to when they're on the plane]☁︎︎

"we're boarding a plane now," muichiro said in a slightly excited voice. this would be the first time he'd be riding a plane.

we took a glance at our tickets, finding what seats we were on. muichiro's face dropped when he noticed we weren't sitting next to each other.

"aw..it's okay it won't be too lon-"

"here y/n you can switch seats with me. you wanna sit next to muichiro, right?"

yuichiro's voice interrupted me as he pushed me towards the empty seat next to muichiro. muichiro and i gave him a thankful smile before he went and sat where i was supposed to sit next to zenitsu.

"HEY NO FAIR HOW ABOUT YOU AND NEZUKO SWITCH SPOTS TOO," zenitsu complained while pushing yuichiro off the seat. yuichiro sighed before taking a seat next to tanjiro, switching with nezuko.

once we were all settled mr. uzui reminded us to buckle up and adjust the seats.

i felt muichiro's hand brush over mine before he gently grabbed it as the plane started to move. i gripped his hand, resting my head on his shoulder to calm him down a little.

"oh no zenitsu its time for us to be shipped out! how dare you let this uzui guy get away with kidnapping your precious nezuko," yuichiro turned around to talk to zenitsu in a mocking tone.

zenitsu let out a scream before nezuko put her hand over his mouth to muffle his voice. "he's not kidnapping us, and we're not being shipped against our will! be quiet, will you?" nezuko scolded him.

the plane lifted off and i saw a smile make its way to muichiro's face. i let out a small laugh before pointing to the window.

"remember to look out here, it looks beautiful when the plane is in the air." his eyes darted to the window as we rose above the clouds in the dark night sky.

"the stars look so nice," muichiro paused his comment to look me in the eyes.

"your eyes are like the stars..very bright.." he continued before placing my head back on his shoulder and tightening his grip on my hand.

my face went a little red at his comment. "i am very happy to be staring at the stars with you, y/n," he whispered before resting his head on mine. we sat in comfortable silence as the plane continued its journey.

a/ni'm truly sorry for the late update and i promise i will try to be more active! anyways i thought it'd be funny to make a kidnapper joke about uzui because of that one chapter heheh

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i'm truly sorry for the late update and i promise i will try to be more active! anyways i thought it'd be funny to make a kidnapper joke about uzui because of that one chapter heheh.. :)

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