[ 17 ] v day

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[ word count: 841 ]

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"c'mon, let's look at more pictures that i took with THE precious nezuko, shall we?"

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"c'mon, let's look at more pictures that i took with THE precious nezuko, shall we?"

"UNTIE ME! I SWEAR I DID NOTHING! IT WAS CRUEL OF YOU TO PUNISH ME THIS WAY!" zenitsu yelled, sitting in a chair all tied up while we all stood around watching as yuichiro tortured him more.

zenitsu stood against the wall, waiting for his friends to exit the store they all decided to look in. suddenly, a magazine dropped on his head. without thinking, he picked it off his head and proceeded to read through it without realizing its contents.

"gasp. didn't know you were into such filthy magazines. mr. sugar daddy come look at what zenitsu's reading!" yuichiro called out, exiting the store.

"what is it now, kid? i just scored us some amusement park tickets for tomorr-"

mr. uzui stopped himself as he examined what zenitsu was holding in his hand, the said boy still unaware of the cover of the magazine.


"how about we just go to the amusement park without him? it'll be enough punishment if he knew he were to be missing a chance of fun with nezuko."

present time
"I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF MAGAZINE IT WAS! IT JUST FELL FROM THE SKY! PLEASE LET ME GO!" zenitsu pleaded. our flight back home was in two hours, and yuichiro chooses to spend his last few hours on vacation by teasing zenitsu.

muichiro grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the room before engulfing you in a tight hug. "i..had fun with you. thank you, y/n." he mumbled, loud enough for only you to hear.

"aw, young love! how adorable! don't get too cuddly, remember we still need to pack and jump on the plane! then you two will be free to have your own private time without us around!" tanjiro clapped his hands together, excusing himself to his room to pack for the trip back home.

several weeks later

"happy valentines day, y/n," muichiro spoke, holding out a (favorite color) gift bag in his hand. i smiled, taking the bag before bringing out the gift box i had wrapped for his valentines day gift.

he opened it excitedly, staring at the contents inside before pulling me into a tight hug. he stayed like that for a few seconds. "simmered radish. thank you."

"CUT!" a voice shouted, interrupting our moment.

yuichiro came out from behind the tree we were standing under, inosuke following him while stuffing his face with chocolates. "you guys are totally doing it wrong," he stated, gathering our attention.

"mui, you're supposed to be all manly and be like 'my darling sugar plum princess y/n, please accept this gift, for my undying love for you can not be shattered in any way,' and y/n you're supposed to be all cheery and flustered like 'oh my! my dear love muichiro! i am in love with you! i know how much you love simmered radish so please accep-'"

"no way dude that's too cheesy," inosuke interrupted yuichiro's explanation, still stuffing his mouth full of chocolate.

"oh don't be silly, they're just too shy to do anything like that. i mean look at them, muichiro keeps fidgeting with his hair strands and y/n looks like a tomato. they can barely handle a hug," tanjiro showed up out of no where. gosh, are they spying on us?

they all nodded in agreement. "good point tanjiro. well, best we get going and let these two hopeless lovebirds continue whatever they were gonna do. i mean, valentine's day is called v day for a reason, right?" yuichiro smirked as the three of them walked back into the school building.

muichiro looked up from his hands, meeting my gaze. "please..open the bag once i leave the area...it's far too embarrassing.." muichiro whispered, loud enough for me to hear, before running back into the school building with the others.

i sat down by the bench under the tree, slowly opening the gift bag. in it was a single rose, along with a small paper airplane and..

a disposable camera?

i took the airplane out first. the words "open me" were written on one of the wings. i unfolded the plane, reading the letter written inside.

dear y/n,
i decided to get you a camera. i found out that taking pictures is quite enjoyable. i hope to use that camera during our special moments to capture those times that make both of us happy. thank you for loving me, y/n. and if it's not too much to ask, please continue to love me for as long as you can.

with love,

i smiled reading the letter, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. i was happy knowing that i make him happy, and i'm sure he feels that way too.

 i was happy knowing that i make him happy, and i'm sure he feels that way too

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- a single rose means "love at first sight."
anyways happy new year everyone!

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